Appendix 6 Overloading the Array Index Square Brackets

You can overload the square brackets, [], for a class so that they can be used with objects of the class. If you want to use [] in an expression on the left-hand side of an assignment operator, then the operator must be defined to return a reference, which is indicated by adding & to the returned type. (This has some similarity to what we discussed for overloading the I/O operators << and >>.) When overloading [], the operator [] must be a member function; the overloaded [] cannot be a friend operator. (In this regard, [] is overloaded in a way similar to the way in which the assignment operator = is overloaded; overloading = is discussed in the section of Chapter 11 entitled “Overloading the Assignment Operator.”)

For example, the following defines a class called Pair whose objects behave like arrays of characters with the two indexes 1 and 2 (not 0 and 1):

class Pair
    Pair(char firstValue, char secondValue);
    char& operator[](int index);
    char first;
    char second;

The definition of the member function [] can be as follows:

char& Pair::operator[](int index)
    if (index == 1)
        return first;
    else if (index == 2)
        return second;
        cout << "Illegal index value.\n";

Objects are declared and used as follows:

Pair a;
a[1] = 'A';
a[2] = 'B';
cout << a[1] << a[2] << endl;

Note that in a[1], a is the calling object and 1 is the argument to the member function [].