Appendix 7 The this Pointer

When defining member functions for a class, you sometimes want to refer to the calling object. The this pointer is a predefined pointer that points to the calling object. For example, consider a class like the following:

class Sample
    void showStuff();
    int stuff;

The following two ways of defining the member function show_stuff are equivalent:

void Sample::showStuff()
    cout << stuff;
//Not good style, but this illustrates the this pointer:
void Sample::showStuff()
    cout << (this->stuff);

Notice that this is not the name of the calling object, but is the name of a pointer that points to the calling object. The this pointer cannot have its value changed; it always points to the calling object.

As the comment before the previous sample use of this indicates, you normally have no need for the pointer this. However, in a few situations it is handy.

One place where the this pointer is commonly used is in overloading the assignment operator =. For example, consider the following class:

class StringClass
    StringClass& operator =(const StringClass& right_side);
    char *a;//Dynamic array for a string value ended with '\0.'

The following definition of the overloaded assignment operator can be used in chains of assignments like

s1 = s2 = s3;

This chain of assignments means

s1 = (s2 = s3);

The definition of the overloaded assignment operator uses the this pointer to return the object on the left side of the = sign (which is the calling object):

//This version does not work in all cases. Also see the next version.
StringClass& StringClass::operator =(const StringClass& right_side)
    delete [] a;
    a = new char[strlen(right_side.a) + 1];
    strcpy(a, right_side.a);
    return *this;

The definition above does have a problem in one case: If the same object occurs on both sides of the assignment operator (like s=s;), then the array member will be deleted. To avoid this problem, you can use the this pointer to test this special case as follows:

//Final version with bug fixed:
StringClass& StringClass::operator =(
const StringClass& right_side)
    if (this == &right_side)
        return *this;
        delete [] a;
        a = new char [strlen(right_side.a) + 1];
        strcpy(a, right_side.a);
        return *this;

In the section of Chapter 11 entitled “Overloading the Assignment Operator,” we overloaded the assignment operator for a string class called StringVar. In that section, we did not need the this pointer because we had a member variable called max_length that we could use to test whether or not the same object was used on both sides of the assignment operator =. With the class StringClass discussed above, we have no such alternative because there is only one member variable. In this case, we have essentially no alternative but to use the this pointer.