
AdeCP: Andre de Coppet Papers: Manuscripts Division, Princeton University Library, Andre de Coppet Collection, C0063.

ARVB: Annual Report of the Director, United States Veterans Bureau.

BDG: Boston Daily Globe.

BWRI: Bureau of War Risk Insurance.

CDT: Chicago Daily Tribune.

CES: Charles E. Sawyer.

Consultants on Hospitalization: NARA-CP, RG 121, Records of the Public Buildings Service, Records of Collaborating Boards and Committees, Board of Consultants on Hospitalization. General Correspondence and related records, 1921–1923, Entry 164.

CPR: Civilian Personnel Records, NARA, National Personnel Records Center, St. Louis, MO. (Personnel files for federal civilian employees, some richer than others.) CPR-CRF refers to Forbes’s file, CPR-MWW to the file of Mabel Walker Willebrandt, and so on.

CRF: Charles R. Forbes.

Dawes Papers: Charles G. Dawes Papers, Charles Dearing McCormick Library of Special Collections, Northwestern University Library.

Digest of Testimony: NARA-CP, RG 60, US Department of Justice, DOJ Central Files, Straight Numerical Files Enclosures, 225367–225387, Box 1199: Digest of Official Testimony, April 23, 1925, 225387, Typescript, 191 pages.

DOJ Central Files: NARA-CP, RG 60, US Department of Justice, Central Files for 225387.

DOJ Director File: US Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, FOIPA No. 109495-000 (under the Freedom of Information Act), Subject: Charles R. Forbes, FBI Headquarters File 62-3552.

EHM: Elias H. Mortimer.

EKT: Edward Kilbourne Tullidge.

FBH: Federal Board of Hospitalization, NARA, RG 51, BB series 21.5, Records of the Federal Board of Hospitalization.

FBI: The bureau was called the Bureau of Investigation (without “Federal” at the beginning) in the 1920s. For the sake of clarity, instead of “BOI,” I also employ the familiar, if anachronistic, “FBI,” which has been used since 1935.

HP: Harding Papers, Warren G. Harding Papers, Ohio Historical Society (microfilm edition). The papers of Charles E. Sawyer form a separate part of this collection.

JWHC: John W. H. Crim.

KMF: Kate Marcia Forbes.

LAT: Los Angeles Times.

LF: Leavenworth File: NARA, RG 129, Records of the Bureau of Prisons, Kansas City, 1895–1931, Inmate Case Files. Here for Forbes (CRF) and Edward Tullidge (EKT).

LOC: Library of Congress: Papers for Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., and Joel T. Boone.

MWW: Mabel Walker Willebrandt.

NARA: National Archives and Records Administration. NARA-CP means NARA collections at College Park, MD.

NYT: New York Times.

NYW: New York World.

SH: Senate Hearings, US Senate, Committee on Investigation of the Veterans Bureau, 67th Cong., 4th Session, pursuant to S. Res. 466. Hearings, October 22 to November 7, 1923. Printed in two volumes, Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

Sullivan Papers: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, California. Mark Sullivan Papers, 1883–1952.

Trialdoc: United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, October Term AD 1924, No. 3615, Charles R. Forbes v. United States of America, Transcript of Record, and No. 3616, John W. Thompson v. United States of America, Transcript of Record Vols. 1 and 2. Filed July 3, 1925.

USVB Director’s Files: NARA DC, RG 15, Records of the Veterans Administration, NM 60/2A. Director’s Files, 1927–ca. 1935.

WGH: Warren G. Harding.

WP: Washington Post.