I will freely admit my life had spiraled out of control into the perilous abyss of food addiction and binge eating. The oppression eventually consumed my every waking moment as it slowly dominated my life, changing the very person I was until I didn’t even recognize myself anymore. By that, I mean physically, yes, but also emotionally and psychologically.
Why in the world would I divulge this dark secret? Why would I expose my intensely personal life to you, a complete stranger?
It is not my intent to share my story merely for the sake of creating another weight loss memoir that will wind up collecting dust on a shelf.
No, I have written this book because I wholeheartedly wish there had been a book such as this when I was a kid. It would have been helpful to me and to those in my circle of influence: parents, teachers, coaches, clergy, youth workers, camp counselors, physicians, friends, and my future husband. It would have been priceless information that could have possibly saved me and my then-and-future family many years of needless pain and suffering.
My husband and I were on a walk recently, and I was lamenting about the fact that when I was in my twenties there wasn’t a book that I had access to on the topic of food addiction. In the midst of my pity party, he suggested, “Maybe it is because you had to experience it yourself so that you could understand others’ pain and suffering in order to help them.” And maybe he was right.
I do understand the pain of those suffering with food addiction.
And I care.
Whoever you are, whether you are struggling to hold life together in the midst of addiction or you’re a concerned person wanting to know how to help someone you care about, my story is for you. Let me come alongside you and offer my experience, guidance, hope, and motivation.
As you read the following pages, please don’t be in a hurry. Take time to assimilate every chapter. They are simple, but powerful.
May this book bring freedom to you and those you care about and want to help.
Here’s to great health to all.
— Emily Boller