NOTE: Page numbers in italics indicate recipes.
Advanced Glycogen End Products (AGEs), 66, 67
Aioli, 254
Akkermansia muciniphila, 17
Almonds. See Nuts
Alzheimer’s disease, 3, 28, 38, 54, 70
Anchovy Dressing, 135
Appetite and hunger, normalizing/reducing, 6, 11
Apple Cider Vinegar Water, 198
Green Juice with Oil, 205
Artichokes, in Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Trout and Herbs, 113. See also Jerusalem artichokes
Artificial sweeteners, diet soda and, 29–31, 35
Asian Dressing, 220
Asian Slaw, 220
about: as low-net-carb veggie, 41; skewers with, 254
Shaved Asparagus Salad with Green Goddess Dressing, 242–243
Astaxanthin supplements, 60–61
about: healthy saturated fat in, 40–41, 48; as low-net-carb veggies, 41
Avocado Chocolate Truffles, 253
Avocado Salad, 191
Broccomole, 228
Cauliflower and Bacon Toast with Avocado and Fried Egg, 154–155
Chocolate Fat Bomb, 258
Creamy Chicken and Cabbage Salad, 131
Green Goddess Dressing, 243
Green Smoothie, 206
Keto Salad, 265
Poached Eggs with Bacon, Avocado, and Chard, 109
Bacon. See Pork
Beans and legumes, avoiding, 37–38
about: conventionally raised, avoiding, 40; grass-fed, benefits to embrace, 45–46; protein intake and, 47–48
Beef Bone Broth, 77
Beef Broth with Turmeric, Coconut Cream, and Ginger, 78
Grass-Fed Beef Carpaccio with Celeriac Rémoulade, 166
Grass-Fed Steak with Chimichurri and Bone Marrow, 164–165
Mouthwatering Meatloaf, 174–175
Nomato Spaghetti Bolognese, 176
Roast Beef and Gravy, 182–183
Scrambled Eggs with Roasted Bone Marrow, 110
Slow-Roasted Spiced Brisket, 189
Spiced Beef Liver with Avocado Salad, 190–191
Beet Kraut, 118–119
Beet Kvass, 201
Beginner’s Kraut, 120–121
Ham, Egg, and Mayo Lettuce Wraps, 170
Nomato Sauce, 239
Raw Beet Salad, 147
Beginner’s Kraut, 120–121
Berries. See also Juniper berries
about: cranberries in juice, 53
Chocolate Fat Bomb, 258
Coconut Yogurt Pots with Fresh Berries, 98–99
Raw Beet Salad (with goji berries), 147
Beverages. See Drinks
Blood sugar
addressing diet for, 24
controlling naturally, 24–25
diabetes and, 21–25
fasting benefits, 10
monitoring levels, 23–24
Bone broth. See Broths and soups
Brain function, fasting benefitting, 11
Braised Ginger Chicken, 150
Braised Lamb with Jerusalem
Artichokes, 153
Breakfast, 97–115
Coconut Yogurt Pots with Fresh Berries, 98–99
Frittata with Loads of Veggies, 101
Green Eggs and Ham, 102
Kale and Pumpkin Tortilla, 105
Manu’s Baby Leeks with Soft Boiled Egg, Truffled Bacon, and Sherry Vinaigrette, 106–107
Poached Eggs with Bacon, Avocado, and Chard, 109
Scrambled Eggs with Roasted Bone Marrow, 110
Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Trout and Herbs, 113–115
Brisket, slow-roasted spiced, 189
Broccoli Mash, 223
Broccoli “Rice,” 224
Broccoli Skewers, 254
Broccoli Soup with Wild Hot Smoked Trout and Rosemary, 81
Broccoli Tabbouleh, 227
Broccomole, 228
Sauteed Broccoli with Spicy Mayonnaise, 240–241
Pad See Ew, 179
Raw Beet Salad, 147
Broccomole, 228
Broths and soups, 75–95
about: bone broth nutritional benefits, 46
Beef Bone Broth, 77
Beef Broth with Turmeric, Coconut Cream, and Ginger, 78
Broccoli Soup with Wild Hot Smoked Trout and Rosemary, 81
Broth with Greens and Bone Marrow, 82
Chicken and Vegetable Comfort Soup, 85
Chicken Bone Broth, 87
Chicken Soup with Aromatic Spices, 88–89
Fish Bone Broth, 91
French Onion Soup, 92
Healing Ham Hock Soup, 95
Spice Mix for, 89
Asian Slaw, 220
Beet Kraut, 118–119
Beginner’s Kraut, 120–121
Creamy Chicken and Cabbage Salad, 131
Kimchi, 124–125
Sauerkraut, 126–127
Sichuan Chicken Salad with Egg “Noodles,” 186–187
Simple Braised Vegetables, 244
Whole Roasted Cabbage with Bacon and Onion Broth, 248
Caesar salad, kale, 144
common underlying cause of, 3
fasting benefits, 11
fasting precaution, 12
foods increasing risk of, 35, 37
foods reducing risk of, 44, 45, 54
healthy fat for, 41
iodine reducing risk of, 60
low-carb, high-fat diet for, 7
plastics BPA/BPS and, 52
pre-diabetes increasing risk of, 21
protein intake, excessive mTOR and, 7, 47
reducing risk of, 5, 11, 58–59. See also foods reducing risk of
selenium reducing risk of, 58–59, 60
yeast overgrowth and, 15
low-carb, high-fat diet and, 7–9
Beginner’s Kraut, 120–121
broths with. See Broths and soups
Cultured Carrots, 122–123
Frittata with Loads of Veggies, 101
Nomato Sauce, 239
Pad See Ew, 179
Simple Braised Vegetables, 244
about: as low-net-carb veggie, 42; skewers with, 254
Cauliflower and Bacon Toast with Avocado and Fried Egg, 154–155
Coconut Cauliflower Rice, 231
Steamed Cauliflower Puree, 247
Celeriac Rémoulade, 166
Celery boats, chicken salad, 257
Celery, broths with. See Broths and soups
Chard. See Swiss chard
Cheese, macadamia, 243
Chicken. See Poultry
Chili Oil, 231
Chimichurri, 165
Avocado Chocolate Truffles, 253
Chocolate Fat Bomb, 258
Keto Chocolate and Coconut Bites, 262
Beef Broth with Turmeric, Coconut Cream, and Ginger, 78
Coconut and Turmeric Kefir with Ginger and Cayenne, 202
Coconut Cauliflower Rice, 231
Coconut Dressing, 139
Coconut Yogurt Pots with Fresh Berries, 98–99
Keto Chocolate and Coconut Bites, 262
Coffee, drinking, 53–54
Condiments. See Sauces and dressings; Sides and dips
Confit, garlic, 254
Cooking methods
about: overview and chemistry of, 65
grilling guidelines and precautions, 65–67
knife selection, 71
not microwaving food, 68–69
pots and pans to use, 69–70
Coriander Sauce, 181
Crackling Chicken, 160
Cravings for junk food, taming, 6
Creamy Chicken and Cabbage Salad, 131
Crispy Duck Confit, 163
about: as low-net-carb veggie, 42
Green Juice with Oil, 205
Ham, Egg, and Mayo Lettuce Wraps, 170
salads with, 139, 170, 242–243
Culturing veggies. See Fermented foods
Curly Endive and Walnut Salad, 132–133
Dashi, in Japanese Spinach Salad (Ohitashi), 143
Desserts. See Treats
Detoxification, fasting and, 11
Detoxification, minerals for, 56–60
Diabetes, 21–25. See also Insulin; Insulin resistance
AGEs and, 66
artificial sweeteners, diet soda and, 29–30, 35
causes of, 21–22
common underlying cause of, 3
controlling blood sugar naturally, 24–25
diet solutions, 24
fasting precaution, 12
microbe warding off, 17
monitoring blood sugar levels and, 23–24
multivitamins reducing risk of, 64
other solutions, 24–25
preventability of, 21
refined vegetable oil and, 35
traditional treatments for, 21
trans fats increasing risk of, 28
Digestion, 13–20. See also Microbiome
balancing helpful/harmful microbes and, 15
defined, 13
eating slowly, chewing food and, 13
food selection and, 12–13
GERD and, 14
gut flora, gut health and, 16–17
imbalances, symptoms, 15
key to good health and, 15
leaky gut syndrome and, 15–16
probiotics for. See Probiotics
yeast overgrowth effects, 14–15
common underlying cause of, 3
insulin/leptin resistance and, 3
metabolism and, 7–8
reversing insulin/leptin resistance and, 4–6
Dressing. See Sauces and dressings
Drinks, 197–217
about: coffee, 53–54; juicing and other healthy beverages, 53–54; knowing you’re drinking enough, 52; overview of what to drink, 51; water types to avoid, 51–52
Almond Milk, 213
Apple Cider Vinegar Water, 198
Beet Kvass, 201
Coconut and Turmeric Kefir with Ginger and Cayenne, 202
Green Juice with Oil, 205
Green Smoothie, 206
Macadamia Milk, 210–211
MCT Oil, 209
Sunshine Milk, 210–211
Turmeric Latte, 213
Turmeric, Lemon, and Ginger Juice with Oil, 214
Water with Lemon and Salt, 217
Dry rubs. See Marinades and rubs
Duck confit, crispy, 163
Dukkah, 232
about: conventionally raised, avoiding, 40; to eat (organic, pastured), 44–45; protein intake and, 48
Cauliflower and Bacon Toast with Avocado and Fried Egg, 154–155
Chicken Soup with Aromatic Spices, 88–89
Frittata with Loads of Veggies, 101
Green Eggs and Ham, 102
Green Smoothie, 206
Ham, Egg, and Mayo Lettuce Wraps, 170
Hard-Boiled Eggs, 261
Iceberg Wedge Salad with Bacon and Egg, 140
Kale and Pumpkin Tortilla, 105
Kale Caesar Salad, 144
Manu’s Baby Leeks with Soft Boiled Egg, Truffled Bacon, and Sherry Vinaigrette, 106–107
Poached Eggs with Bacon, Avocado, and Chard, 109
Raw Beet Salad, 147
Scrambled Eggs with Roasted Bone Marrow, 110
Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Trout and Herbs, 113–115
Sweet Potato, Egg, and Watercress Salad, 194
Curly Endive and Walnut Salad, 132–133
Endive, Parsley, and Macadamia Nut Salad with Anchovy Dressing, 135
benefits of, 10–11
contraindications for, 12
when you eat and, 9–10
Fat, body, lowering, 11. See also Weight
Fat for Fuel (Mercola), xi, 4, 15, 28, 31, 49, 54, 72
Fats, dietary
animal-based omega-3 fats to eat, 44
artificial sweeteners, diet soda and, 29–31, 35
high-quality, types/sources, 8
low-carb, high-fat diet and, 7–9
low-fat, high-carb diet consequences, 28
medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), 209
perspective getting into balance, 29
refined vegetable oil precautions, 28, 35–36, 40
saturated fat to eat, 40–41, 48
saturated fat virtues, 28–29
trans, avoiding, 38–39
truth about, 27–29
Fennel, Watercress, and Herb Salad with Shallot Dressing, 136
Fermented foods, 117–127
about: benefits of, 17, 18, 19, 42; culturing times, 121; to eat, 42; probiotics supplements instead of. See Probiotics; starting to eat, 42; vegetables, 42
Beet Kraut, 118–119
Beginner’s Kraut, 120–121
Coconut Yogurt Pots with Fresh Berries, 98–99
Cultured Carrots, 122–123
Fermented Mustard, 115
Keto Salad (with fermented vegetables), 265
Kimchi, 124–125
Sauerkraut, 126–127
Fiber, types and nutritional benefits, 41
Fish and seafood
about: krill oil supplements, 55–56; omega-3 and -6 fats from, 44
Anchovy Dressing, 135
Broccoli Soup with Wild Hot Smoked Trout and Rosemary, 81
Fish Bone Broth, 91
Grilled Sardines with Chili, Oregano, and Lemon, 169
Keto Salad, 265
Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Trout and Herbs, 113–115
Whole Roasted Salmon with Lemon and Herbs, 194
Free radicals
carbs creating, 47
fasting benefits, 10
microwaves creating, 69
refined vegetable oil and, 35
as signaling molecules, 7
skipping dinner to reduce, 10
French fries, avoiding, 39–40
French Onion Soup, 92
Frittata with Loads of Veggies, 101
Fruit, eating organic, 19. See also Apple(s); Berries
Fudge, macadamia nut, 266
Garlic Confit, 254
GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease), 14
Beef Broth with Turmeric, Coconut Cream, and Ginger, 78
Braised Ginger Chicken, 150
Coconut and Turmeric Kefir with Ginger and Cayenne, 202
Green Juice with Oil, 205
Indian Spice Dry Rub, 173
other recipes with, 85, 88–89, 124–125, 143, 159, 187, 193, 220
Turmeric, Lemon, and Ginger Juice with Oil, 214
Grains, avoiding, 38
Grass-Fed Beef Carpaccio with Celeriac Rémoulade, 166
Grass-Fed Steak with Chimichurri and Bone Marrow, 164–165
Gravy, roast beef and, 182–183
Green Juice with Oil, 205
Green Smoothie, 206
Grilled Sardines with Chili, Oregano, and Lemon, 169
Grilling guidelines and precautions, 65–67
Gypsy Salad, 139
Ham. See Pork
Hard-Boiled Eggs, 261
Herb Dressing, 242
Herb Oil, 247
Heterocyclic Amines (HCAs), 65–66, 67
Hydration. See Drinks
Iceberg Wedge Salad with Bacon and Egg, 140
Immune system, fasting benefitting, 11
Indian Spice Dry Rub, 173
Indian-Style Roast Chicken Drumsticks, 173
Inflammation, lowering, 5
fasting benefits, 10–11
fat and, 28
lowering levels of, 6
monitoring blood sugar levels and, 23–24
protein intake and, 48
what it is and what it does, 3
Insulin resistance
beans, legumes and, 37
common to diseases, 3
cyclical nutritional ketosis reversing, 4–6
diabetes and, 21–22
diet and, 24
exercise and, 25
foods causing, 16
grains and, 38
leptin resistance and, 3, 4–6. See also Leptin resistance
microbe warding off, 17
milk, yogurt and, 37
processed fructose and, 34
Iodine supplements, 59–60
Jerusalem artichokes, braised lamb with, 153
about: nutritional benefits, 45
Frittata with Loads of Veggies, 101
Green Juice with Oil, 205
Green Smoothie, 206
Kale and Pumpkin Tortilla, 105
Kale Caesar Salad, 144
Raw Beet Salad, 147
Kefir, coconut and turmeric with ginger and cayenne, 202
Keto Chocolate and Coconut Bites, 262
Keto Salad, 265
Ketogenic diet, cyclical. See also Nutrition, optimizing
benefits of, 4–6
fasting and, 10–12
low-carb, high-fat intake, 7–9
macronutrient ratios, 7–8
metabolism importance, 7–8
Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy (MMT) and, 12
recipes in this book and, 72
reversing insulin/leptin resistance, 4–6
training body to recognize whole natural foods, 15
weight loss and, 4–5
when you eat, 9–10
Kimchi, 124–125
Knives, improving nutrient content, 71
Krauts. See Fermented foods
Krill oil supplements, 55–56
about: AGEs and, 66
Braised Lamb with Jerusalem Artichokes, 153
Leaky gut syndrome, 15–16
as “antinutrients,” xii
beans, legumes and, 37–38
destroying, 70
functions and effects of, xi–xii
grains and, xi
seeds and, 43–44
broths with. See Broths and soups
Manu’s Baby Leeks with Soft Boiled Egg, Truffled Bacon, and Sherry Vinaigrette, 106–107
Lemon, drinks with. See Drinks
biggest negative impact on, 34
exercise and sensitivity to, 25
grains and, 38
processed fructose and, 34
protein intake and, 7
signaling disruption, 22
weight loss and, 22
Leptin resistance
cyclical nutritional ketosis reversing, 4–6
lectins promoting, 38
milk, yogurt and, 37
weight loss and, 4–5
Lettuce wraps, ham, egg, and mayo, 170
Logging your meals, 9, 24, 48–49, 72
Macadamia nuts. See Nuts
Magnesium supplements, 57–58
Marinades and rubs
about: cooking with, 67
Indian Spice Dry Rub, 173
Spice Rub, 189
Mayonnaise recipes, 170, 236, 240
MCT oil
Chocolate Fat Bomb with, 258
Green Juice with Oil, 205
MCT Oil recipe, 209
Turmeric, Lemon, and Ginger Juice with Oil, 214
Meals, 149–195
about: logging, importance of, 48–49; nutritional considerations. See Nutrition, optimizing; when you eat, 9–10
Braised Ginger Chicken, 150
Braised Lamb with Jerusalem Artichokes, 153
Cauliflower and Bacon Toast with Avocado and Fried Egg, 154–155
Chicken Liver Pâté, 156–157
Chicken San Choy Bau, 159
Crackling Chicken, 160
Crispy Duck Confit, 163
Grass-Fed Beef Carpaccio with Celeriac Rémoulade, 166
Grass-Fed Steak with Chimichurri and Bone Marrow, 164–165
Grilled Sardines with Chili, Oregano, and Lemon, 169
Ham, Egg, and Mayo Lettuce Wraps, 170
Indian-Style Roast Chicken Drumsticks, 173
Mouthwatering Meatloaf, 174–175
Nomato Spaghetti Bolognese, 176
Pad See Ew, 179
Peruvian Style Roast Chicken with Coriander Sauce, 180–181
Roast Beef and Gravy, 182–183
Roast Turkey with Herb Marinade, 184–185
Sichuan Chicken Salad with Egg “Noodles,” 186–187
Slow-Roasted Spiced Brisket, 189
Spiced Beef Liver with Avocado Salad, 190–191
Thai Chicken Cakes, 193
Whole Roasted Salmon with Lemon and Herbs, 194
Measurement equivalents, 268–269
Meat, conventionally raised, avoiding, 40. See also specific meats
Meatloaf, mouthwatering, 174–175
Mental clarity, improving, 6
fasting and, 11
low-carb, high-fat diet and, 7–9
Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy (MMT) and, 12
when you eat and, 9–10
for disease prevention, 18–19
gut health and, 16–17
importance of, 16
optimizing tips, 18–19
probiotics for. See Probiotics
Microwaves, not using, 68–69
Milk (dairy), avoiding, 36–37
Milks (other)
Almond Milk, 213
Macadamia Milk, 210–211
Sunshine Milk, 210–211
Turmeric Latte, 213
dysfunction of, 3
generating ATP (energy), 7
low-carb, high-fat diet for, 7
magnesium benefitting, 57
microwaves/free radicals damaging, 69
Mitochondrial Metabolic Therapy (MMT), 12
optimizing functioning of, 5, 7, 72
ubiquinol for, 63
Multivitamin supplements, 63–64
Muscle mass, increasing, 5
about: as low-net-carb veggie, 42; skewers with, 254
Chicken San Choy Bau, 159
Chicken Soup with Aromatic Spices, 88–89
Sichuan Chicken Salad with Egg “Noodles,” 186–187
Mustard, fermented, 115
Mustard Vinaigrette, 114–115, 235
Nomato Sauce, 239
Nomato Spaghetti Bolognese, 176
Nomato Spaghetti Bolognese, 176
Sichuan Chicken Salad with Egg “Noodles,” 186–187
Nutrition, optimizing, 33–49. See also Ketogenic diet, cyclical; Recipes; specific recipes
about: overview of, 33
foods to avoid, 33–40
foods to celebrate, 40–46
importance of nutritional composition, 46–69
knife selection and, 71
logging your meals and, 9, 24, 48–49, 72
protein intake and, 47–49
about: protein intake and, 48; types and nutritional benefits, 43
Almond Milk, 213
Avocado Salad, 191
Curly Endive and Walnut Salad, 132
Endive, Parsley, and Macadamia Nut Salad with Anchovy Dressing, 135
French Onion Soup, 92
Green Smoothie, 206
Kale Caesar Salad, 144
Macadamia Cheese, 243
Macadamia Milk, 210–211
Macadamia Nut Fudge, 266
Raw Beet Salad, 147
Sunshine Milk, 210–211
Turmeric Latte, 213
artificial sweeteners, diet soda and, 29–31, 35
beans, lectins/leptin resistance and, 38
causes of, 3, 16–17, 22, 27–29
diabetes/insulin resistance and, 22, 24
glucose levels and, 21
microbe warding off, 17
truth about fat and, 27–28
Ohitashi (Japanese Spinach Salad), 143
Oil, chili, 231
Oil, herb, 247
Oils, drinks with. See Drinks
Oils/fats to use, 40–41, 48, 106. See also MCT oil
Oils, refined vegetable, 28, 35–36, 40
Olive Tapenade, 232
Omega-3 fats, 8, 43, 44, 45, 49, 55–56
Omega-6 fats, 45
Omega 6:3 ratios, 35, 36, 37, 44, 56
about: adding back to diet, 42
broths with. See Broths and soups
French Onion Soup, 92
Whole Roasted Cabbage with Bacon and Onion Broth, 248
Pad See Ew, 179
Pans, choosing, 69–70
Pasta. See “Noodles”
about: adding back to diet, 42
Gypsy Salad, 139
Sriracha Chili Sauce, 241
Peruvian Style Roast Chicken with Coriander Sauce, 180–181
Poached Eggs with Bacon, Avocado, and Chard, 109
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 66, 67
Pomegranate seeds, in Raw Beet Salad, 147
about: conventionally raised, avoiding, 40; protein intake and, 47–48
Bacon and Sherry Vinaigrette, 107
Cauliflower and Bacon Toast with Avocado and Fried Egg, 154–155
Frittata with Loads of Veggies, 101
Green Eggs and Ham, 102
Ham, Egg, and Mayo Lettuce Wraps, 170
Healing Ham Hock Soup, 95
Iceberg Wedge Salad with Bacon and Egg, 140
Kale Caesar Salad, 144
Poached Eggs with Bacon, Avocado, and Chard, 109
Whole Roasted Cabbage with Bacon and Onion Broth, 248
Potato chips, avoiding, 39–40
Pots and pans, 69–70
about: conventionally raised, avoiding, 40; protein intake and, 47–48
Braised Ginger Chicken, 150
Chicken and Vegetable Comfort Soup, 85
Chicken Bone Broth, 87
Chicken Liver Pâté, 156–157
Chicken Salad Celery Boats, 257
Chicken San Choy Bau, 159
Chicken Soup with Aromatic Spices, 88–89
Crackling Chicken, 160
Creamy Chicken and Cabbage Salad, 131
Indian-Style Roast Chicken Drumsticks, 173
Pad See Ew, 179
Peruvian Style Roast Chicken with Coriander Sauce, 180–181
Roast Turkey with Herb Marinade, 184–185
Sichuan Chicken Salad with Egg “Noodles,” 186–187
Thai Chicken Cakes, 193
benefits and importance, 61, 62
benefits of, 17
commercially produced yogurt and, 18
foods to eat containing, 37, 42
junk food with, 18
role in gut health, 19–20
Protein, intake guidelines, 47–49
about: seeds, 41–42; skewers with, 254
Kale and Pumpkin Tortilla, 105
Raw Beet Salad, 147
Recipes. See also Cooking methods; specific categories of recipes; specific main ingredients
about: overview of, xii
high-quality fats/fat sources for, 8
important points to remember, 72
portion sizes, 72
training body to recognize whole natural foods and, 15
Rice, broccoli, 224
Rice, coconut cauliflower, 231
Roast Beef and Gravy, 182–183
Roast Turkey with Herb Marinade, 184–185
Rubs. See Marinades and rubs
Rutabaga, in Nomato Spaghetti Bolognese, 176
Salads, 129–147. See also Sauces and dressings
Asian Slaw, 220
Avocado Salad, 191
Broccoli Tabbouleh, 227
Chicken Salad Celery Boats, 257
Creamy Chicken and Cabbage Salad, 131
Curly Endive and Walnut Salad, 132–133
Endive, Parsley, and Macadamia Nut Salad with Anchovy Dressing, 135
Fennel, Watercress, and Herb Salad with Shallot Dressing, 136
Fresh Romaine Salad with Mustard Vinaigrette, 235
Gypsy Salad, 139
Iceberg Wedge Salad with Bacon and Egg, 140
Japanese Spinach Salad (Ohitashi), 143
Kale Caesar Salad, 144
Keto Salad, 265
Raw Beet Salad, 147
Shaved Asparagus Salad with Green Goddess Dressing, 242–243
Sichuan Chicken Salad with Egg “Noodles,” 186–187
Sweet Potato, Egg, and Watercress Salad, 194
Sardines. See Fish and seafood
Sauces and dressings. See also Marinades and rubs
about: high-quality fats/fat sources for, 8
Aioli, 254
Anchovy Dressing, 135
Asian Dressing, 220
Bacon and Sherry Vinaigrette, 107
for Broccoli Tabbouleh, 227
Caesar Dressing, 144
Celeriac Rémoulade, 166
Chili Oil, 231
Chimichurri, 165
Coconut Dressing, 139
Coriander Sauce, 181
Green Goddess Dressing, 243
Herb Dressing, 242
for Iceberg Wedge Salad with Bacon and Egg, 140
Jelly (savory), 157
Mayonnaise recipes, 170, 236, 240
Mustard Vinaigrette, 114–115, 235
Nomato Sauce, 239
Shallot Dressing, 136
for Sichuan Chicken Salad with Egg “Noodles,” 186–187
Spicy Mayonnaise, 240
Sriracha Chili Sauce, 241
Sauerkraut, 126–127
Scrambled Eggs with Roasted Bone Marrow, 110
Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Trout and Herbs, 113–115
about: nutritional benefits, 43; precautions to heed, 43–44; protein intake and, 48; types to eat, 44
Broccoli Soup with Wild Hot Smoked Trout and Rosemary, 81
Broccoli Tabbouleh, 227
Chicken Soup with Aromatic Spices, 88–89
Chocolate Fat Bomb, 258
Dukkah, 232
Kale and Pumpkin Tortilla, 105
Mustard Vinaigrette, 114–115
Selenium supplements, 58–59
Shallot Dressing, 136
Shaved Asparagus Salad with Green Goddess Dressing, 242–243
Sherry, in Bacon and Sherry Vinaigrette, 107
Sichuan Chicken Salad with Egg “Noodles,” 186–187
Sides and dips. See also Salads; Sauces and dressings
Asian Slaw, 220
Broccoli Mash, 223
Broccoli “Rice,” 224
Broccoli Tabbouleh, 227
Broccomole, 228
Chili Oil, 231
Coconut Cauliflower Rice, 231
Dukkah, 232
Olive Tapenade, 232
Sauteed Broccoli with Spicy Mayonnaise, 240–241
Simple Braised Vegetables, 244
Steamed Cauliflower Puree, 247
Whole Roasted Cabbage with Bacon and Onion Broth, 248
Skewers, broccoli, 254
Slow-Roasted Spiced Brisket, 189
Smoothie, green, 206
Snacks. See also Treats
Broccoli Skewers, 254
Chicken Salad Celery Boats, 257
Hard-Boiled Eggs, 261
Keto Salad, 265
Soups. See Broths and soups
Soy, unfermented, avoiding, 37
Spice, Indian dry rub, 173
Spice Mix, 89
Spice Rub, 189
Spiced Beef Liver with Avocado Salad, 190–191
Spicy Mayonnaise, 240
about: as low-net-carb veggie, 42
Frittata with Loads of Veggies, 101
Green Juice with Oil, 205
Green Smoothie, 206
Japanese Spinach Salad (Ohitashi), 143
Keto Salad, 265
Thai Chicken Cakes, 193
about: benefits of, 45
Asian Slaw, 220
Chicken San Choy Bau, 159
Keto Salad, 265
Sichuan Chicken Salad with Egg “Noodles,” 186–187
Squash/zucchini. See also Pumpkin
Chicken and Vegetable Comfort Soup, 85
Frittata with Loads of Veggies, 101
Nomato Spaghetti Bolognese, 176
Sriracha Chili Sauce, 241
Steamed Cauliflower Puree, 247
Stuffing, for turkey, 184–185
addictive nature of, 34
artificial sweeteners, diet soda and, 29–31, 35
benefits of eliminating, 5, 14, 33–34
consumption statistics, 34
damaging effects of fructose, 34–35
inflammation and, 5
overindulging in, effects, 28
types to eliminate from diet, 33–34
worst type of, 34–35
yeast overgrowth and, 14–15
Sunshine Milk, 210–211
Supplements, 55–64
about: perspective on, 55
astaxanthin, 60–61
detox minerals (Mg, Se, Zn, and I), 56–60
krill oil, 55–56
multivitamin, 63–64
ubiquinol, 62–63
Sweet Potato, Egg, and Watercress Salad, 194
Swiss chard
Broth with Greens and Bone Marrow, 82
Chicken and Vegetable Comfort Soup, 85
Green Juice with Oil, 205
Healing Ham Hock Soup, 95
Poached Eggs with Bacon, Avocado, and Chard, 109
Tabbouleh, broccoli, 227
Tapenade, olive, 232
Thai Chicken Cakes, 193
Toast, cauliflower and bacon, 154
about: adding back to diet, 42; beef ragu without, 176. See also Nomato Spaghetti Bolognese
Broccoli Tabbouleh, 227
salads with, 132, 139, 242–243
Tortilla, kale and pumpkin, 105
Trans fats, avoiding, 38–39
Avocado Chocolate Truffles, 253
Chocolate Fat Bomb, 258
Keto Chocolate and Coconut Bites, 262
Macadamia Nut Fudge, 266
Truffle oil, about, 106
Truffles, avocado chocolate, 253
Turkey, roasted with herb marinade, 184–185
Beef Broth with Turmeric, Coconut Cream, and Ginger, 78
Coconut and Turmeric Kefir with Ginger and Cayenne, 202
Turmeric Latte, 213
Turmeric, Lemon, and Ginger Juice with Oil, 214
Turmeric, Lemon, and Ginger Juice with Oil, 214
Ubiquinol supplements, 62–63
Vegetable oils, refined, 28, 35–36, 40
Vegetables. See also specific vegetables
about: eating organic, 19; low-net-carb to eat, 41–42; polyphenols in, 71; right knife for prepping, 71
in broths and soups. See Broths and soups
fermented. See Fermented foods
Frittata with Loads of Veggies, 101
Simple Braised Vegetables, 244
Vinaigrettes. See Sauces and dressings
Vinegar water, 198
Walnuts. See Nuts
Water. See Drinks
Water, apple cider vinegar, 198
Water with Lemon and Salt, 217
Fennel, Watercress, and Herb Salad with Shallot Dressing, 136
Sweet Potato, Egg, and Watercress Salad, 194
Website, for tracking net carbs, 9
Website, of author/this book, 3
Weight. See also Obesity
artificial sweeteners, diet soda and, 29–31
excess, causes of, 27
loss, ketosis/ketogenic diet and, 4–6
loss, path to, 31
truth about fat and, 27–29
When you eat, 9–10
Whole Roasted Salmon with Lemon and Herbs, 194
Yeast overgrowth, 14–15
about: commercially produced, precaution, 18, 37; probiotics and, 18
Coconut Dressing, 139
Coconut Yogurt Pots with Fresh Berries, 98–99
Zinc supplements, 59
Zucchini. See Squash/zucchini