Well... this is a tough one to prove mainly because it is unethical to test potentially dangerous foods on human beings. Never mind that multiple unproven drugs are tested on humans daily in this country and even after been approved by the FDA, have proven to be toxic and dangerous to people. Why is it that what is good enough for pharmaceutical companies is not required of chemical companies developing seeds with medical claims?
Secondly, anyone that wants to test the GM seeds has to obtain the same exact types that are sold by commercial seed companies and used daily by farmers all over the country. GM seed companies make that impossible by banning anyone from selling or sharing their seeds for research purposes. If they are found to do so despite strict confidentiality agreements, they are sued by these same corporations. So, the few labs that managed to test these seeds had to be sneaky about it and get them in the middle of the night from shady and mysterious characters. All of that without approval from these friendly seed companies that care so much about our health.
But we can use tests done of animals to extrapolate what it could do to humans. Feeding studies on laboratory animals and farm livestock have found that some GM crops, including those already commercialized, have toxic or allergenic effects.
Some of the health consequences on these test animals’ health, which could come from the GM feed itself or from pesticides residues (glyphosate) used on them, include:
Digestive system
- Altered gut bacteria
- Disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system
- Excessive growth in the lining of the gut, similar to a pre-cancerous condition
- Intestinal abnormalities and inflammation
- Less efficient feed utilization and digestive disturbance
- Severe stomach inflammation and heavier uterus
- Stomach lesions and unexplained animal deaths
- Accelerated liver ageing
- Cellular changes in liver and pancreas
- Disturbed liver, pancreas and testes function
- Enlarged liver
- Liver and kidney toxicity
Organ damages
- Altered blood biochemistry, multiple organ damage, and potential effects on male fertility
- Cellular changes in liver and pancreas
- Differences in organ weights, which can be a sign of toxicity or disease
- Enzyme function disturbances in kidney and heart
- Higher density of uterine lining
- Immune disturbances, immune responses, and allergic reactions