Why the controversy?

Of course, proponents of GMOs claim that GM crop toxicity has never been proven. Their studies are often sponsored by the very same corporations that own the GMO patents, and are conducted during very short time periods to observe any adverse reactions in test animals. Longer studies are required to determine the true effect these bacteria and pesticides have on our body’s long term health – over the course of years or life times, or even multiple generations. Proponents also claim that no one has been able to prove a link between GM foods and assorted health issues. The reason is that there have been no controlled long-term studies to date, so we are in the dark at this time. But a study by the US Center for Disease Control shows that food-related diseases increased from 2 to 10 times from 1994 (2 years before GMOs were officially released in our food system) and 1999. Do you think there is a link? I do.

The fact is that because these large food and chemical corporations have managed to block multiple attempts to require products containing GMOs to be labeled as such in U.S. States, we are, as consumers, still in the dark. Vermont was the first state to break through and succeed... but it is being sued by Monsanto to stop this labeling effort. You should know that since GMOs have come onto the market- food allergies have risen 400%. Meanwhile, we and our children are still unknowingly consuming GMOs on a daily basis.