By the Way, What is That “Glyphosate” Mentioned Earlier?

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto Roundup and other companies’ pesticides. It is designed to kill bugs by destroying their stomach. Glyphosate is also an antibiotic that kills healthy gut bacteria which weakens our immune system; a chelator that binds important minerals and prevents their absorption into our body; and an endocrine disruptor that can lead to damaged kidneys, birth defects, miscarriage and infertility).

Despite chemical companies’ claims, glyphosate is not destroyed in cooking and stomach acids or just pass through our body in our urine. It accumulates and builds up over time. Even at very low levels, it can be harming our bodies... it has been found in Canadian mothers’ breast milk and thus passed along to their nursing babies. As such, it could negatively influence the health of that baby’s immune system and expose it to a cocktail of serious health issues early on.