Crop: Tobacco

Tobacco. Even though technically tobacco is not a food product (unless you chew on it), there is a genetically modified tobacco product called Quest by Vector that was designed to produce low or no nicotine. I don’t smoke so I am not qualified to advise you. Nevertheless, I would be careful about smoking this product.

A parting note on genetically engineered ingredients

Please keep in mind that, as our friendly scientists are a creative bunch, they will come up with more and more of these nasty buggers. If you cannot find one and it’s not in this book, feel free to shoot me an email at and I will be glad to research for you. Otherwise, look for it in my next edition.

I hope I have done my bit in helping you understand what GMOs are in a not-so-boring, yet complete way. Good luck out there. May we live in interesting times... and we sure are.

A Votre Sante – To Your Health

Chef Alain Braux