Mrs. Diane Lewis
Jeanne Lee Moultrie
Stanley Rice AKA Stan Strong
Gloria Jean Harrison
YouTube/FreeToddWilliams Campaign
Write to: The free Todd Williams Campaign
P.O. Box 690066 Bronx, New York 10469
I would like to thank Gerard Emptage AKA Shakim, and Angelo Barretto.
To all the readers, thank you for supporting, and keep on reading. Special thanks to Augustus Manuscript Team, Shannon Holmes, Jason Claiborne, Jasmine Clemente, Tamiko Maldonado, Juliet White, and Anthony Whyte.
Shannon Holmes wishes to thank the Cast & Crew of Hard White for all your help in making my dream come true.
Roberta James
Freida Hickson
Richard Samalot/ RTS Films
Filmmaking Shaun
Luwana Arthur
Brandon Munroe
Keenan Perkins
Damion Omar Lee
Charles Murray
Craig Jihad Scott
Ian J. Findlay
Shana A. Solomon
Miriam Morales
Edgar Ribon
Kim Knotts
Torre’ Reigns
Carlos Hendricks
Nikko Nin
Nickalette Nin
Rich Rivera Julie
Nelson Nin
Floyd Cromwell