



Six months later

“Fuck, I can’t even. You’ve never looked hotter.”

I look down at my outfit and am sure that is not true. Though I’m nerdy-chic on my best day, I’ve opted for pinnacle-nerd for the show’s taping in order to play a psychological game with my opponents.

We’re in the green room awaiting the final preparation. It’s my third contest. I’m enjoying myself, and I’m glad to cross this goal off my bucket list, but I miss home. I miss my dog.

Brody and I rescued a puppy a few months ago. The three of us live together in the cabin he built. He lets me cook for him two nights a week. He cooks two nights. We go out twice (I can’t break him of Rizoli’s at least once a week.) And on Sundays, we have dinner at my dad’s.

The plan is for me to finish college and go to grad school. My dad insists on paying for it, though I’m not sure what I want to do with my degrees. I like going to school because I like learning. But I’ve found I enjoy writing and hope to make that my career someday. There are fewer people to deal with, and most of them can be contacted by email.

“Last one,” Brody says, referring to our practice questions. “Ready? Answer is: Of course, yes.”

I wrinkle my forehead in confusion. “What?”

Since the topic was U.S. Presidents, I have no idea what he’s talking about.

He opens a box, and a sparkly ring flashes at me.


“That not it. Try again.”

My heart pounds wildly. Logic and feelings war inside me. Logically, I know what this means. We’ve discussed the possibility now and then. But it was a far off future date.

My emotions start unraveling the rest. I know he loves me. I love him. I didn’t used to understand what that meant. I used to worry I was even capable of it.

I don’t worry anymore. “If the answer is ‘of course, yes’ then the question must be...will you marry me?”

Everything stops. Time. Thought. Everything. Bringing my gaze down, it lands on his hands. They are massive. They look so strong. Like he could crush things with them, but I know he uses them to create things. Beautiful things. And he uses them to make love to me every night. And he uses them to make me feel when I would rather hide from emotions and the world.

A knock on the door brings me out of my silent reverie. “Five minutes, Ms. Jennings.”

“You’re gonna take my last name.”

I swallow hard. “I haven’t said yes, yet.”

He knows I’m teasing. “You’ll say yes. You like my dick too much to say no.”

“Well, that is true. I do like your dick quite a bit.”

“Ms. Jennings?”

I have to go. Crap. “I’ll be right out!” I call.

Brody gets on his knee. “So, will you take me and my dick forever or what?”

Oh my gosh. He’s going to make me cry. I hate crying, and I have to go on TV. “Yes, yes I’ll marry you. I love you.”

He slams the ring on my finger, slaps my ass, and tells me, “Good luck. Knock ‘em dead out there.”

We kiss quickly, and I pause at the door before I go to the soundstage. “Brody?”

“Yeah, babe?”

“Do I look okay?” Which is what I asked him five minutes ago that started this whole conversation.

“Never hotter,” he repeats.


“Yeah, babe?”

“I skipped the panties.”

He taps his heart, and I know I own it.



Not quite the end...



NOT READY TO SAY GOODBYE to Brody and his sweet little nerd, Megan? Neither is Brill Harper. That’s why she wrote an epilogue just for her newsletter subscribers. If you want to read about the night Brody finally gets to put a baby in Megan’s belly, sign up for Brill’s Bites at for the exclusive epilogue.
