Appendix 3: Airman Knowledge Test Report
Immediately upon completion of the knowledge test, the applicant receives a printed Airman Knowledge Test Report (AKTR) documenting the score with the testing center’s raised, embossed seal. The applicant must retain the original AKTR. The instructor must provide instruction in each area of deficiency and provide a logbook endorsement certifying that the applicant has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge in each area. When taking the practical test, the applicant must present the original AKTR to the evaluator, who is required to assess the noted areas of deficiency during the ground portion of the practical test.
An AKTR expires 24 calendar months after the month the applicant completes the knowledge test. If the AKTR expires before completion of the practical test, the applicant must retake the knowledge test.
To obtain a duplicate AKTR due to loss or destruction of the original, the applicant can send a signed request accompanied by a check or money order for $12.00 (U.S. funds), payable to the FAA to the following address:
Federal Aviation Administration
Airmen Certification Branch
P.O. Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
To obtain a copy of the application form or a list of the information required, please see the Airmen Certification Branch webpage (
FAA Knowledge Test Question Coding
Each Task in the ACS includes an ACS code. This ACS code will ultimately be displayed on the AKTR to indicate what Task element was proven deficient on the knowledge test. Instructors can then provide remedial training in the deficient areas, and evaluators can re-test this element during the practical test.
The ACS coding consists of four elements. For example, this code is interpreted as follows:
PA = Applicable ACS (Private Pilot ‒ Airplane)
XI = Area of Operation (Night Operations)
A = Task (Night Preparation)
K1 = Task element Knowledge 1 (Physiological aspects of vision related to night flying.)
Knowledge test questions are linked to the ACS codes, which will soon replace the system of Learning Statement Codes (LSC). After this transition occurs, the Airman Knowledge Test Report (AKTR) will list an ACS code that correlates to a specific Task element for a given Area of Operation and Task. Remedial instruction and re-testing will be specific, targeted, and based on specified learning criteria. Similarly, a Notice of Disapproval for the practical test will use the ACS codes to identify the deficient Task elements.
The current knowledge test management system does not have the capability to print ACS codes. Until a new test management system is in place, the LSC (e.g., “PLT058”) code will continue to be displayed on the AKTR. The LSC codes are linked to references leading to broad subject areas. By contrast, each ACS code is tied to a unique Task element in the ACS itself. Because of this fundamental difference, there is no one-to-one correlation between LSC codes and ACS codes.
Because all active knowledge test questions for the Private Pilot Airplane Knowledge Test (PAR) have been aligned with the corresponding ACS, evaluators can continue to use LSC codes in conjunction with the ACS for the time being. The evaluator should look up the LSC code(s) on the applicant’s AKTR in the Learning Statement Reference Guide. After noting the subject area(s), the evaluator can use the corresponding Area(s) of Operation/Task(s) in the ACS to narrow the scope of material for retesting, and to evaluate the applicant’s understanding of that material in the context of the appropriate ACS Area(s) of Operation and Task(s).
The Applicant Name Considerations for the Airman Knowledge Test Report (AKTR) and the Practical Test Application Form
The applicant uses his or her full legal name on the Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application, FAA Form 8710-1, using up to 50 characters (including spaces). The applicant may exclude some middle names as necessary to meet the 50-character limit. The AKTR may not reflect the applicant’s full legal name and may differ slightly from the name presented for the practical test.
If the 8710-1 shows a middle name, the AKTR may show that middle name, the correct middle initial, or no entry. The application will process correctly using the Integrated Airman Certificate and Rating Application (IACRA) system, and the Airmen Certification Branch will accept it. If an incorrect middle initial, spelling variant or different middle name is on the AKTR, or if the AKTR has a first name variation of any kind, the evaluator must attach an explanation and a scan or copy of the applicant’s photo identification and attach it to the IACRA or paper application. If the last name on the AKTR has a different spelling or suffix, an IACRA application is not possible. The applicant must use a paper application, and the evaluator must include an explanation and copy of the applicant’s photo identification to avoid a correction notice.