Chapter 03: Timeline

Each event could have a hundred years difference or a few, it's just a timeline of the events in order.

Be warned as the following contains major spoilers.


- Sacred Knights/ People of Valhalla roamed the land below.

- Kathalestel and Millardestel discover conventional use of Remenistal (Rostical).

- Ridley and Gabriel researching in their laboratory in Silver Wind Island.

- Kath and Millard founded the warriors, everything goes well.

- Lezard falls ill, Kath gives him her Radiatons to cure the illness.

- Several years after, Ridley recognises the warrior's potential and somehow becomes a Consultant (with Kath and Millard).

- Gabriel uses an experimental glyph on an Elementalist to try and alter Elemental affinity. Failure causes the birth of the yellow-eyed disease.

- Madora and Imogen's flashback.

- Kath and Millard experimental captain corrupts Kath, giving her the yellow-eyed sickness (which allows Ridley to manipulate her thought patterns).

- Yellow-eyed disease now spreads across the lands.

- Tarlea becomes the number one captain.

- Ridley attempts to reveal Tarlea's renegade behaviour in Valhalla, resulting in the rising of Valhalla.

- Amy (PKMY) is sent to orphanage.

- The Elementalist Gabriel experimented on corrupts, the City of Elementalists.

- Sacred Knights deployed to destroy disturbances of Elementalists.

- Ridley and Gabriel take down Raphael and steal his Radiatons, effectively destroying his being.

- Gabriel's Radiatons become corrupt, resulting in him turning yellow-eyed.

- Ridley seals Gabriel to prevent further damage.

- Ridley rescues Sofia by restoring her petrified-like state.

- Tarlea become number one trainer.

- Brazza, Pickles, Vanguard, Ethan's mission.

- Brazza, Pickles, Isaac and Dakota become secret Elementalist captains.

- Terra (Teresa) participates in number one training.

- Tarlea is defeated by Ancioldrants under Ridley's command.

- Teresa activates The Grand Seal by Joy.

- PKMY joins the warrior's ranking.

- Caesar (Season) escapes with Mae, Cyril and Ivan.

- PKMY becomes Black Brigade leader.

- Ridley takes Zayden under his wing.

- Season and Teresa escape Sorrowprax.

The events above happened several hundred years ago from the events below.

- PKMY leaves The Black Brigade, but retains captain status.

- Kieran runs away from Consultant, gets attacked by Sofia.

- Lance and Ashton talk in Fast Food Enterprise's dining room.

- Rachael, Twortz, Luna wake up in the world of Rostical (2 years prior to the event above).

- PKMY leaves the warriors.

- Tyler wakes up in world of Rostical.

- Twortz versus Nancy.

- Lance and Ashton wake up in The Igloo Forest.

After this event, Rachael and Lance's tale flows simultaneously (follows the same timeline).