Note: one dunum = 1,000 sq.m.

Note: in 1948, £P1 = £UK1 = $US4.03


Section One: Official Studies


Weitz-Danin-Lifshits Committee, 1948

Scope of Abandoned Land

Type Amount (Dunums)
Orchards 92,615
Bananas 513
Irrigated land, olives, fruit, grapes 164,832
Cereal 1,645,183
Built-up area in villages 10,844
TOTAL 1,913,987
Acre 1,430
Safad 3,699
Tiberias 3,861
Jaffa 10,639
Lydda 21,570
Ramla 37,961
Jerusalem 8,698
Haifa 6,269
TOTAL 94,127
GRAND TOTAL: 2,008,114

Source: ISA (130) 2445/3, “Report on a Settlement of the Arab Refugee [Issue]” (November 25, 1948), appendix 9; CZA A246/57, “Comments on Value Assessments of Absentee Landed Property” (November 12, 1962)

Value of Abandoned Land


Source: ISA (130) 2445/3, “Report on a Settlement of the Refugee [Issue]” (November 25, 1948), appendix 9

Minister of Agriculture, 1949

Scope of Abandoned Land

Type Amount (Dunums)
1. Total
Cultivable 1,373,000
Waste and barren 2,720,000
Northern Beersheba 1,700,000
Southern Beersheba 10,800,000
TOTAL 16,593,000
(only 400,000 dunums were deemed available for leasing)

Source: Aharon Tsizling, “Ways of Settlement Development in the State of Israel,” Kama (1951), p. 111, in Granott, Agrarian Reform, p. 89; Labor Party Archives, IV-235–1, file 2251A, in Golan “The Transfer to Jewish Control,” p. 423

Custodian of Absentee Property, 1949–1954

Scope and Value of Refugee Land


Source: ISA (43) 5440/1578, “Interim Report on Real Estate Held by Custodian” (24 March 1949); ISA (43) 5440/1582, “Report of Custodian of Absentees’ Office” (31 March 1950); ISA (130) 2402/4, “State Controller Report on the Custodian of Absentees’ Property” (29 March 1951); CZA A202/97, “Custodian of Absentees’ Property Report” (22 February 1953); CZA KKL5/22273, “Report on the Land Administration System of the State” (5 September 1954)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1953

Scope of Abandoned Land

Type Amount (Dunums)
Cultivable 2,600,000
Non-cultivable 900,000
Underdeveloped urban land 100,000
GRAND TOTAL 3,600,000

Source: NARA RG 59, 884A.16/5–453, Tel Aviv to Department of State (4 May 1953)

Ministry of Justice, Land Assessment Division, 1962

Value of Abandoned Land

Over £P140,000,000



Arab Refugee Property Owners in Palestine, 1951

Value of Refugee Property

Type Value (£UK)
1. Cities (Jerusalem, Jaffa, Haifa)
Land 100–500/sq.m.
Buildings 10–25/sq.m./floor plus value of land
2. Towns
Land 3–30/sq.m.
Buildings 10–25/sq.m. plus value of land
3. Villages
Built-up land 250–500/sq.m.
Buildings 3–10/sq.m./floor plus value of land
4. Agricultural land in the plains
Fruit trees 300–500/sq.m.
Other 75–150/sq.m.
5. Agricultural land in the hills
Fruit trees 50–100/sq.m.
Other 25–50/sq.m.

Source: UNSA DAG 13–3, UNCCP. Subgroup: Reference Library. Series: United Nations/Box 10/ORG; Document: ORG/37, “Letter Addressed to the Conciliation Commission by the Committee of Arab Refugee Property Owners in Palestine” (May 7, 1951)

Arab Higher Committee, 1955

Value of Refugee Property

Type Value (P£)
Citrus 100,000
Banana 1,000,000
Orchards 275,000,000
Cultivable and Pasture Land 250,000,000
Urban and Rural Built-up 1,100,000,000
TOTAL 1,626,100,000

Source: Arab Higher Committee, “al-Laji’un al-Filastiniyyun: Dahaya al-Isti’mar wa’l-Sahyuniyya” [The Palestinian Refugees: Victims of Imperialism and Zionism] (Cairo: 1955), pp. 81–93 and Arab Higher Committee, “Statement” (Beirut: 1961), pp. 19–24, both in Yusif Sayigh, al-Iqtisad al-Isra’ili [The Israeli Economy] (Cairo: League of Arab States, Institute for Higher Arab Studies, 1966), pp. 112–113

Arab League, 1956

Value of Refugee Property

Item Value (£UK)
Citrus plantations, including buildings, machinery, etc. 100,000,000
Banana plantations 1,000,000
Olive groves, fruit plantations, other trees 275,000,000
Cereal lands, good quality 30,000,000
Cereal lands, medium quality; grazing lands 220,000,000
Urban lands, buildings; factories, machinery; livestock, 100,000,000
Movables of all types 200,000,000
Blocked securities and deposits in banks 6,000,000
Blocked insurance companies’ funds 1,000,000
TOTAL 1,933,000,000

Source: J. Khoury, Arab Property and Blocked Accounts in Occupied Palestine (Cairo: League of Arab States, General Secretary, Palestine Section), 1956), p. 20


UNRWA Sample Study, 1950

Refugee Property Losses According to Sampling of Refugees in Jordan


Source: UNSA DAG 13–3, UNCCP; Subgroup: Office of the Principal Secretary. Series: Records Relating to Compensation/Box 18/1949–51/Working Papers; Document: W/60, “Sampling Survey of Abandoned Property Claimed by Arab Refugees” (April 12, 1951)

UNCCP Global Estimate, 1951

Scope of Refugee Land


Value of Refugee Land

Type of Land Value (£P)
Rural land 69,525,144
Urban land 21,608,640
Jerusalem land 9,250,000
TOTAL 100,383,784

Source: “Valuation of Abandoned Arab Land in Israel,” p. 2. This report is found in several locations. One is UNSA DAG 13–3, UNCCP. Subgroup: Refugee Office. Series: Land Specialist/Box 35/1951/Reports: J.M. Berncastle; Document: MCP/3/51/9, “Valuation of Abandoned Arab Land in Israel” (14 August 1951). It can also be located in the Central Zionist Archives: CZA Z6/1995.

UNCCP Technical Program, 1964 [compare with amended figures below]

Scope of All Rural and Urban Arab Land in Israel


* R/P1 forms were not drawn up for an additional 1,811,000 dunums of cultivable land in the Beersheba sub-district that were assumed to be cultivated by bedouin Arabs Source: UN Document A/AC.25/W.84, “Working Paper Prepared by the Commission’s Land Expert on the Methods and Techniques of Identification and Valuation of Arab Refugee Immovable Property Holdings in Israel” (April 28, 1964)

** adding the 1,811,000 dunums of land in Beersheba assumed to be cultivated by bedouin Arabs but for which no R/P1 forms were drawn up

Estimated Scope of Land Owned by Arabs Still Living in Israel

Sub-District Amount (Dunums)
Acre 318,714
Baysan 9,390
Nazareth 190,182
Safad 30,222
Tiberias 50,323
Haifa 170,238
Janin 86,554
Nablus 0
Tulkarm 140,231
Hebron 7,649
Jerusalem 3,186
Ramallah 0
Jaffa 40
Ramla 5,320
Gaza 0
TOTAL 1,012,059

Source: UNSA DAG 13–3, UNCCP. Subgroup: Principal Secretary. Series: Records Relating to the Technical Office/Box 16/1952–57/Land Identification Project/Jarvis Report; Document: A/AC.25/W.83, “Initial Report of the Commission’s Land Expert on the Identification and Valuation of Arab Refugee Property Holdings in Israel” (15 September 1961)

Scope of Rural and Urban Refugee Land in Israel


Value of All Rural Arab Land in Israel

Sub-District Value (£P)
Acre 15,051,225
Baysan 3,464,834
Nazareth 5,595,879
Safad 7,323,092
Tiberias 3,805,192
Haifa 11,757,629
Janin 4,357,696
Nablus 540,660
Tulkarm 11,987,299
Hebron 12,443,989
Jerusalem 10,598,408
Ramallah 135,150
Jaffa 23,560,057
Ramla 22,190,429
Gaza 19,579,534
Beersheba 15,000,000
TOTAL 167,395,073

Source: UNSA DAG 13–3, UNCCP. Subgroup: Principal Secretary. Series: Records Relating to the Technical Office/Box 16/1952–57/Land Identification Project/Jarvis Report; Document: A/AC.25/W.83 ADD 1, “Initial Report of the Commission’s Land Expert on the Identification and Valuation of Arab Refugee Property Holdings in Israel” (September 10, 1962)

Value of All Urban Arab Land in Israel


Source: UNSA DAG 13–3, UNCCP. Subgroup: Principal Secretary. Series: Records Relating to the Technical Office/Box 16/1952–57/Land Identification Project/Jarvis Report; Document: A/AC.25/W.83 ADD 1, “Initial Report of the Commission’s Land Expert on the Identification and Valuation of Arab Refugee Property Holdings in Israel” (10 September 1962)

Value of Rural and Urban Refugee Land in Israel


Source: UNSA DAG 13–3, UNCCP. Subgroup: Principal Secretary. Series: Records Relating to the Technical Office/Box 16/1952–57/Land Identification Project/Jarvis Report; Document: A/AC.25/W.83 ADD 1, “Initial Report of the Commission’s Land Expert on the Identification and Valuation of Arab Refugee Property Holdings in Israel” (September 10, 1962)

UNCCP Technical Program Figures as Amended by Computerization of the Data, 2000

Scope of Land (Including Land of Palestinians Still in Israel) in Dunums

Value of Land (including Land of Palestinians Still in Israel) in £P

Section Two: Unofficial, Academic, Other Studies

Studies of Yosef Weitz, 1948 and 1950

Scope of Abandoned Land Outside the Beersheba District

Type, Location Amount (Dunums)
1. Good land
Coastal plains 959,701
Jezre’el Valley 128,714
Hula Valley 51,847
Baysan 81,274
Galilee hills 348,458
Samarian hills 82,476
Judean hills 85,910
Judean lowlands 331,890
2. Poor land 136,530
3. Matruka 751,730
4. “Government” land 486,750
5. Land held by Custodian of German Property (included because this land had Arab tenants who later became refugees) 39,320
6. Urban 100,000
TOTAL 3,584,600

* included: land lying outside Israel belonging to villages lying within Israel

* not included: Beersheba district, land in partially-abandoned villages

Value of Abandoned Land Appropriate for Settlement, Including Beersheba


Source: Yosef Weitz, “le-Hanhil Adama Hadasha” [Bequest of New Land], Molad 2, 12 (March 1949), p. 325; Weitz, The Struggle for the Land, p. 113–114

Study of Yusif Sayigh, 1966

Scope and Value of Refugee Land


Source: Yusuf ‘Abdullah Sayigh, al-Iqtisad al-Isra’ili [The Israeli Economy] (Cairo: League of Arab States, Institute for Higher Arab Studies, 1966), p. 109.

Scope and Value of Refugee Buildings


Source: Sayigh al-Iqtisad al-Isra’ili, pp. 107–108.

Value of Refugee Capital and Movable Property

Type Value (£P)
Furniture, personal goods
rural 12,500,000
urban 50,000,000
Factory equipment 15,000,000

Capital goods in offices, hotels, restaurants, coffee shops

Inventories 5,000,000
Farm animals 10,000,000
Bank accounts and insurance policies 2,000,000
Commercial vehicles 15,000,000
TOTAL 112,500,000

Source: Sayigh al-Iqtisad al-Isra’ili, pp. 108–110

Study of Sami Hadawi and Atif Kubursi, 1988

Scope of Arab Land in Israel

Type Amount (Dunums)
1. Outside Beersheba District
Urban 112,000
Citrus and banana 132,849
Village built-up 21,160
Cultivable (tax categories 5–8) 471,672
Cultivable (tax categories 9–13) 2,937,683
Cultivable (tax categories 14–15) 444,541
Uncultivable 2,377,946
Roads, etc. 83,161
TOTAL 6,581,012
2. Beersheba District 12,450,000
GRAND TOTAL 19,031,012

Source: Sami Hadawi, Palestinian Rights & Losses in 1948. A Comprehensive Study. Part V: An Economic Assessment of Total Palestinian Losses written by Dr. Atef Kubursi (London: Saqi Books, 1988) p. 113

Value of Refugee Land

Type Value (P£)
Urban land 130,300,000
Rural land 398,600,000
TOTAL 528,900,000

Source: Hadawi, Palestinian Rights & Losses in 1948, p. 187

Study of Frank Lewis, 1996

Scope of Arab-Owned Land in Israel in 1948


Source: Frank D. Lewis, “Agricultural Property and the 1948 Palestinian Refugees: Assessing the Loss.” Explorations in Economic History 33 (1996): 173

Value of Rural Abandoned Arab Property in Israel

Item Value (£P)
Land 144,500,000–180,700,000
Farm implements * 3,300,000
Livestock * 10,200,000
Buildings * 29,700,000
* Includes non-refugees