In the book The Merlin Factor, Charles E. Smith warned that one of the greatest obstacles to performance breakthroughs in organizations was peoples’ beliefs. These beliefs are “logical” (to them) and self-limiting about what’s possible for them to achieve – and they’re purely based on the past.
Basing today’s actions on past experiences seems to make sense; after all, your decisions in the past enabled you to succeed this far. However, using your past as a point of reference binds you to only those possibilities that lie inside the boundaries of that which you know. We refer to this as the gravity of history.
“Using your past as a point of reference binds you to only those possibilities that lie inside the boundaries of that which you know.”
There is an alternative. Instead of leading from the past, you can lead from the future. In order to lead from the future, you need to define a future achievement that would normally be considered impossible at the time of commitment given the existing ways of working, historical performance and current evidence – and then you make an absolute commitment to it. If you look at all the major innovations and breakthroughs in the world, the common element is that they did not seem possible at the time they were conceived. For example, when Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook he thought 1 million users or being a $1billion market capitalized company would be cool. This goal was definitely not possible in most people’s reality or Mark’s at that time. Now they have just reached 1 billion users!
“While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially, I consider it an impossibility.”
Lee de Forest (inventor of vacuum tube/electronic valve), 1926.
These and similar breakthroughs required a commitment to a seemingly distant possibility.
An organization that becomes committed to an “impossible” future achievement will produce extraordinary results in the present. This concept is at the heart of delivering something extraordinary in your organization.
In organizations where people typically hold on to the past, leaders face the challenge of normalizing. Human beings crave certainty and so we seek to keep the status quo. We try to ensure that uncertainty is kept at bay through our organizational habits and behaviours. This often shows up when people are:
An everyday example of normalizing: consider a typical case of someone making a New Year’s resolution to get fit. In January they push themselves to visit the gym at least three times a week, yet by the end of March they are struggling to work out once a week, and the new gym kit has been relegated to the bottom drawer!
The situation has “normalized”, i.e. this person has reverted to their old ways.
Normalization occurs when poor situations are allowed to exist, poor service becomes “the norm” and the way things are done becomes accepted. If this is the starting point in an organization, it can present a huge challenge to any change programme.
Recognizing and understanding the normalization paradigm within an organization will help you to generate a new context for change and successfully make any necessary transitions to a new state. Failure to do so can often result in failure to implement change.
To enable this shift to occur, it’s necessary to adopt new ways of thinking and acting – ones that will enable your people and your organization to pass through the transition. At every stage there is a possible conventional way to react, but we have offered some suggestions for ways to respond as a transformational leader.
Traditional Leaders: | Transformational Leaders: |
How can challenges like these be overcome quickly?
“Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours.”
Richard Bach