Chapter 5 - Understanding the '5' In The 95-5 Code
So far, we have established the main reason why manifestation techniques do not produce results for most people. The reason is because they are focused on the wrong aspects of the process! They are channeling excessive amounts of time and energy into 5% of the process, when they should be broadening their awareness to what takes place 95% of the time. This often neglected 95% makes all of the difference . When you successfully change what goes on during 95% of your conscious waking awareness, you would have produced huge changes in your outer reality… so much so that you would be a completely different person both on the inside and outside!
In this chapter, we’ll talk about the ‘5’ in the 95-5 code. In other words, what you should be doing during the 5% (or less) of your time. This is the time in which you actively state your intentions or engage in visualization and meditation exercises. Before we go into greater detail on what to do, let us get a few common misconceptions out of the way. The first one (a biggie) is that there is no “right” way to engage in all of these manifestation techniques. As I’ve repeated numerous times across all my books, it is useful to give up the idea that there is a “right” way in which you should carry out all these techniques.
New readers often worry about whether they are doing things right, and whether they are following the steps exactly as written. I once read a wonderful book teaching spiritual manifestation exercises, and while I found the book to be absolutely superb, I saw readers commenting in the Reviews section that the author was not clear enough on whether they should be breathing this way or that way! Hence, readers were not sure whether they were doing things right! Can you identify the manifestation stuck point here that was preventing some readers from applying those techniques? That’s right, the stuck point is: “There is a right way to do these techniques, and I don’t know what it is since the author did not describe it clearly.”
Now applying what we have learnt in the previous few chapters, and since we cannot get the author to change his writing… let’s see if we can think around that stuck point and instantly produce outer results. How about: “There is no right way to do these techniques as long as I do it!” Now that sounds better and more resourceful. Or how about: “Whatever works is what works for me… These techniques are a wonderful starting point!” In fact, this is the very mindset and attitude I adopt when I learn any new manifestation techniques. I see them as a starting point to reinforce whatever I already know, and to allow greater good to come into my life. A simple shift in perception can make the difference between having no results and amazing results. So instead of getting hung up on whether you are doing things “right”, just go out there and have fun! Just do it already!
Back in my earlier days, I was always worried that these techniques would not “work” if I was distracted. For example, if I was doing them in a fairly noisy place with some noise… I would get irritated and agitated that I wasn’t in a quieter place where these techniques could work better. Can you see the manifestation stuck point here again? “These techniques can only work if I do them in an absolutely quiet place.” Which is a totally absurd stuck point… since I made that one up for myself! It caused me to feel agitated each time there was some noise as I was trying out these techniques, or each time someone interrupted me when I tried them. Can you now see how we are always imposing these ridiculous limitations on ourselves? Understanding the manifestation stuck points concept will allow you to get past all these frivolous thinking easily and effortlessly. When I thought around those stuck points, I changed it to: “These techniques work no matter where I try them, as long as I do them.” I can tell you today that all these techniques work no matter where I do them. Even if I am interrupted halfway while doing them, or if I get distracted somehow, I no longer feel agitated or irritated about it. I just smile, go back to what I was doing and simply repeat it again! A simple change in perception produces massive changes in outer results!
The second major misconception is that you “need” to do them. Here’s one of the biggest and most counter-intuitive “secrets” ever — There is no need to even engage in this 5%, if you do not want to. Therefore, the ‘5’ in the 95-5 code is completely optional and not compulsory. That’s right. Let me repeat it again: All of this work is optional and up to you. You can choose not to engage in any of it and still have all your good flowing to you, as long as you take note of the other 95%. Therefore, you can stop doing this work right now if you feel obliged or “forced” to do it. When I reached this level of understanding and realization for myself, I immediately dropped all of the forceful asking I was doing. From doing lots of it every single day and walking around like an affirmation machine (!), I dropped all of that and just allowed myself to be . I allowed myself to be the whole, complete and free being that I always was, and always have been… with absolutely no need to “ask” or engage in any outer-directed actions. Instead, I focused my energies on the ‘95’ in the 95-5 code… and all the good I desired flowed to me, and more!
Nowadays, I do very little of the ‘5’ in the 95-5 code. In fact, my actual percentage should be closer to 1 - 3% when we base it on the amount of time spent daily. But that 1% produces massive results for me… because I am now leveraging the immense power of that 1% through the remaining 99% of my day. When you put the 95-5 code into practice, amazing things start happening for you and more good than you ever imagined comes into your life. I am not saying this to make you feel good, but because I live it and know it is truly possible for every single person who is willing to spend the time to do this work. This is possibly the “easiest” work you’ll ever do in your life… and yet the results are massive! So give up the need to try any techniques or force yourself to do them if you do not feel like it. I set a target to spend some quiet time with myself 3 times a day, for 5 to 10 minutes each. But do I do it every single day? On certain days I am so caught up with things and a packed schedule that I do not have the time to do it 3 times a day. Still, the good has not stopped flowing to me because my eyes are never off that ‘95’ in the 95-5 code. When you truly understand the 95-5 code, the ‘5’ is optional.
Now that we have these two major misconceptions out of the way, let us look at the ‘5’ in the 95-5 code. As suggested, all the active techniques that you engage in should take up no more than 5% of your time. That is a good guidance and starting point to begin with. If you are spending more than 72 minutes (that’s 5%) a day engaged in active manifestation techniques… such as chanting mantras, affirmations, new-age healing techniques, energy work, spells and so on… you are likely to be counter-productive instead of productive. That’s because you are spending more than required to produce massive results in your life!
I know of readers who spend hours on end doing these techniques repeatedly. I used to be one of them too. I would walk around with a stack of self-help books and a long list of techniques to try, one after another! To be honest, it wasn’t fun for me… because I found it all to be like a chore. It was like forcing myself to go through the motions, yet I was worried that if I stopped doing any of them things wouldn’t happen for me. Can you infer the inner state of someone who acts like that? His inner state would be filled with worry and desperation! He wants what he wants so badly that he keeps doing these techniques over-and-over again, hoping for things to happen faster. And that very inner state is contrary to the one needed for your manifestations to occur in the first place. Therefore, the first step is to take a good look at the time spent practicing these active techniques. Are you spending more than one hour each day? If so, it might be a good idea to free up some of that time. (Reading time does not count, as reading is not an active manifestation technique.)
Once you have made the conscious decision to cut down on the time spent doing these active techniques, what should you do during this sacred time? What should you do during the 5% of your time? As mentioned above, once you live in a truly manifestative inner state… no outer actions are necessary. You literally are at the right place at the right time… People, events and circumstances seem to revolve and happen around you!
But I know it may not be possible to give up all of your outer-directed actions all at once. You may still choose to engage in some of them for the time being, so these following suggestions may be useful for you. For me, I still choose to engage in these spiritual exercises because they feel just so good to me! I do them not because I want to make anything happen on the outside, but because I am reconnecting with and really becoming aware of the divinity within me when I do them.
If you will adopt this mindset when practicing the ‘5’ in the 95-5 code, your manifestations will happen effortlessly because you are no longer pushing against reality with a sense of desperation and hurry. Instead, you would be allowing yourself to be carried along by the forward momentum and flow of the Universe. Relaxation and ease is really the key here. Now let’s take a look at how I do it…