2021 National Opinion Ballot

First, we’d like to ask you for some information about your participation in the Great Decisions program. If you are not currently a Great Decisions program member, please skip to the “background” section.

How long have you participated in the Great Decisions program (i.e., attended one or more discussion sessions)?

This is the first year I have participated

I participated in one previous year

I participated in more than one previous year

How did you learn about the Great Decisions Program?

Word of mouth

Local library

Foreign Policy Association website

Promotional brochure

Other organization ____________________

Where does your Great Decisions group meet?

Private home


Community center

Learning in retirement


Other ____________________

How many hours, on average, do you spend reading one Great Decisions chapter?

Less than 1 hour

1–2 hours

3–4 hours

More than 4 hours

Would you say you have or have not changed your opinion in a fairly significant way as a result of taking part in the Great Decisions program?


Have not

Background Section: Next, we’d like to ask you some information about your background.

How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Although the media often reports about national and international events and developments, this news is seldom as interesting as the things that happen directly in our own community and neighborhood.

Agree strongly

Agree somewhat

Neither agree nor disagree

Disagree somewhat

Disagree strongly

Generally speaking, how interested are you in politics?

Very much interested

Somewhat interested

Not too interested

Not interested at all

Do you think it is best for the future of the United States if the U.S. takes an active role in world affairs or stays out of world affairs?

Takes an active role in world affairs

Stays out of world affairs

How often are you asked for your opinion on foreign policy?




Have you been abroad during the last two years?



Do you know, or are you learning, a foreign language?



Do you have any close friends or family that live in other countries?



Do you donate to any charities that help the poor in other countries?



Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or something else?




Other ____________________

With which gender do you most identify?



Transgender male

Transgender female

Gender variant/non-conforming

Other ____________________

Prefer not to answer

What race do you consider yourself?


Black/African American


Asian American

Native American

Other ____________________

Prefer not to answer

Were you born in the United States or another country?

United States

Another country

Are you a citizen of the United States, another country, or are you a citizen of both the United States and another country?

United States

Another country

United States and another country

How important is religion in your life?

Very important

Somewhat important

Not too important

Not at all important

What is your age? _____________

Are you currently employed?

Full-time employee

Part-time employee






What are the first three digits of your zip code? (This will allow us to do a state-by-state breakdown of results.)

_____________    _____________    _____________

Can you give us an estimate of your household income in 2018 before taxes?

Below $30,000





Over $150,000

Not sure

Prefer not to say

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Did not graduate from high school

High school graduate

Some college, but no degree (yet)

2-year college degree

4-year college degree

Some postgraduate work, but no degree (yet)

Post-graduate degree (MA, MBA, MD, JD, PhD, etc.)

Now we would like to ask you some ballot questions from previous years:

1. From 2008’s “U.S.-China Economic relations”: Does the fact that a product is made in China affect your decisions on whether or not to buy it?

I buy products made in China

I don’t buy products made in China

I don’t care where the products I buy are made

2. From 2014’s “China’s foreign policy”: How worried are you, if it all, that China could become a military threat to the U.S. in the future?

Very worried

Somewhat worried

Not too worried

Not at all worried

3. From 2013’s “Trade”: People debate whether the U.S. government should increase restrictions on imports, keep restrictions on imports at current levels or decrease restrictions on imports. What do you think the U.S. government should do?

Increase restrictions on imports

Keep restrictions on imports at current levels

Decrease restrictions on imports

4.From 2009’s “The Arctic age”: Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

The U.S. must develop a plan for its Navy based upon the premise that the Arctic region will be open for exploration, transport and trade in the next 10 years.



The U.S. must do whatever is necessary to actively compete for resources in the Arctic.



The U.S. must ensure all parties in the region take adequate environmental measures.



5. From 2011’s “Making sense of multilateralism”: If the international community only has the time and commitment to cooperate on one of the issues below, which issue do you think most critically needs to be addressed at the global level?

Nuclear proliferation

Climate Change

Global economic coordination

Economic development

Human rights

6. From 2013’s “China in Africa”: What should be the top U.S. priority in Africa?


Democracy building

Humanitarian assistance

Human rights

Economic investment

Natural resources


7. From 2015’s “The U.S. and Africa: The Rise and Fall of Obamamania”: Do you think the amount of foreign aid the U.S. gives to African countries in general should be increased, kept the same, decreased, or stopped altogether?


Kept the same


Stopped altogether

8. From Great Decisions 2014 “China’s foreign policy”: In dealing with a rising China, do you think the U.S. should…

Undertake friendly cooperation and engagement with China

Actively work to limit the growth of China’s power

9. From 2017’s “The future of Europe”: Which of the following do you think poses the greatest challenge to the EU?

Managing Brexit

Immigration from non-EU countries

Terrorist attacks

Russian actions in Crimea and Ukraine

10.From 2017’s “Trade, jobs and politics”: How important were free trade agreements in your vote for president in 2016?

Extremely important

Somewhat important

Not too important

Not at all important

11. From 2016’s “Korean Choices”: How likely is it that the Korean peninsula will unify in the next decade?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Somewhat unlikely

Very unlikely


Topic 1. Global Supply Chains and National Security

1. Have you engaged in any of the following activities related to “Global supply chains and national security” topic? Mark all that you have done or mark none of the above.

Read the article on supply chains in the 2021 Great Decisions briefing book

Discussed the article on supply chains with a Great Decisions discussion group

Discussed the article on supply chains with friends and family

Watched the GDTV episode on supply chains

Followed news related to global supply chains

Taken a class in which you learned about issues related to supply chains

Have or had a job related to global trade

None of the above

2. How interested would you say you are in issues related to Global supply chains?

Extremely interested

Somewhat interested

Not too interested

Not at all interested

3. How concerned were you regarding Global supply chains before the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic?

Overly concerned

Somewhat concerned

Not that concerned

Not at all concerned

4. How concerned are you, post-outbreak?

More concerned than before

Less concerned than before

About the same

5. In your opinion, which of the following industries is the most important for the U.S. to gain control over the global supply chain in…

Rare Earth Elements (REE)


Power supply equipment

Surveillance Technology (cameras, drones etc.)

Other (Please specify)


6. In your opinion, can the United States compete against China economically without a more a cooperative relationship between the public and private sectors?

The U.S. needs more government/private sector cooperation to compete

The U.S. can compete without strong government/private sector cooperation

The U.S. cannot compete with China economically


7. Would you want to see the U.S. make a concentrated effort to build factories in order to increase manufacturing jobs?

Yes, with little restriction

Yes, with some restrictions (i.e.. Green power, increase minimum wage, etc.)


Not at all

8. Of the three policy options the author provides, which one would you like to see applied by the current administration?

Renewed engagement


Industry policy adoption

Keep current policy

9. Would you like to share any other thoughts with us about supply chains? If so, please use the space below.


Enter your answers online at


Topic 2. Persian Gulf Security

1. Have you engaged in any of the following activities related to the “Persian Gulf Security” topic? Mark all that you have done or mark none of the above

Read the article on Persian Gulf Security in the 2021 Great Decisions briefing book

Discussed the article on Persian Gulf Security with a Great Decisions discussion group

Discussed the article on Persian Gulf Security with friends and family

Watched the GDTV episode on Persian Gulf Security

Followed news related to Persian Gulf Security

Taken a class in which you learned about issues related to Persian Gulf

Traveled to the Persian Gulf

None of the above

2. How interested would you say you are in issues related to Persian Gulf security?

Extremely interested

Somewhat interested

Not too interested

Not at all interested

3. Do you agree with President Trump’s decisions to strengthen ties with the Saudi regime?

Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

4. In your opinion, which is the biggest threat to Persian Gulf security? (Please select one)

Iran/Saudi Rivalry

GCC instability

Saudi Arabia itself

Iran itself

Religious tension


Outside intervention

5. In your opinion, should the U.S. seed economic authority in the Persian Gulf region to another country?

Yes, the U.S. should completely remove itself from the region

Yes, but the U.S. should keep some ties in the region

Yes, but only if it is on “U.S. terms”

No, the U.S. should not seed economic authority in the Persian Gulf region

6. Which of the two options do you think is best for the U.S. to use when dealing with Iran?

Focus on handling Iran alone

Focus efforts on a coalition of partners

7. In your opinion, what should be the U.S. number one priority in the region?

Protecting trade (specifically oil)

Containing Iran

Containing Saudi Arabia

Combating terrorism

Ensuring peace between the Arab world and Israel

8. In your opinion, how important are the “Abraham Accords” to future Arab/Israeli peace negotiations?

Especially important

Somewhat important

Not too important

Not at all important

9. Would you like to share any other thoughts with us about Persian Gulf security? If so, please use the space below.


Topic 3. Brexit and the EU

1. Have you engaged in any of the following related to the “Brexit and the EU?” topic? Mark all that you have done or mark none of the above.

Read the article on “Brexit and the EU” in the 2021 Great Decisions briefing book

Discussed the article on “Brexit and the EU” with a Great Decisions discussion group

Discussed the article on “Brexit and the EU” with friends and family

Watched the GDTV episode on “Brexit and the EU”

Followed news related to “Brexit and the EU”

Taken a class in which you learned about issues related to “Brexit and the EU”

Traveled to Britain in last 4 years

None of the above

2. How interested would you say you are in issues related to “Brexit and the EU”?

Extremely interested

Somewhat interested

Not too interested

Not at all interested

3. Are you concerned that other nations that have threatened to leave the EU (Hungary, Italy) will do so after Brexit?

Overly concerned

Somewhat concerned

Not too concerned

Not at all concerned

4. Do you think the U.S. should “pick a side” in the Brexit/EU debate, or try and work with both sides?

The U.S. should side with the EU

The U.S. should side with the UK

The U.S. should try and work with both

5. In your opinion, should the UK have held a second referendum on the Brexit vote?

Yes, there should have been a second referendum

No, the first vote was sufficient

Not sure

6. How would you evaluate the ability of the European Union to react and respond to crises (i.e. Migration Crisis, Euro Crisis, Covid pandemic)?




Not good


Not Sure

7. Do you have a positive opinion of Brexit?





8. Would you like to share any other thoughts with us about “Brexit and the EU?” If so, please use the space below.


Topic 4. Struggles over the Melting Arctic

1. Have you engaged in any of the following activities related to the “Struggles over the melting Arctic” topic? Mark all that you have done or mark none of the above.

Read the article on the Arctic in the 2021 Great Decisions briefing book

Discussed the article on the Arctic with a Great Decisions discussion group

Discussed the article on the Arctic with friends and family

Watched the GDTV episode on the Arctic

Followed news related to the Arctic

Taken a class in which you learned about issues related to the Arctic

Travelled to the Arctic

None of the above

2. How interested would you say you are in issues related to the Arctic?

Extremely interested

Somewhat interested

Not too interested

Not at all interested

3. How important do you view the Arctic to U.S. national security?

Extremely important

Somewhat important

Not too important

Not at all important

4. In your opinion, should the U.S. risk antagonizing Russia and China by increasing their naval/military presence in the Arctic?




5. In your opinion, what should the U.S. main priority in the Arctic be?

Environmental protection

Ensure freedom of navigation

Compete for territory with China and Russia

Harvest as much natural recourses as possible


6. Are you concerned with the actions of China and Russia in the Arctic?

Very concerned

Somewhat concerned

Not too concerned

Not at all concerned

7. How likely do you think it is that the U.S. will have a sizable foothold in the Arctic region in the next 5 years?

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Not too likely

Not likely at all

8. Would you like to share any other thoughts with us about the Arctic? If so, please use the space below.


Topic 5. China in Africa

1. Have you engaged in any of the following activities related to the “China in Africa” topic? Mark all that you have done or mark none of the above.

Read the article on China in Africa in the 2021 Great Decisions briefing book

Discussed the article on China in Africa with a Great Decisions discussion group

Discussed the article on China in Africa with friends and family

Watched the GDTV episode on China in Africa

Followed news related to China in Africa

Take a class in which you learned about issues related to China in Africa

Traveled to Africa before 2020

None of the above

2. How interested would you say you are in issues related to China in Africa?

Extremely interested

Somewhat interested

Not too interested

Not at all interested

3. In your opinion, what is the most important concern facing the U.S. regarding China in Africa?

China, as a supplier of weapons to African nations

China’s growing military presence in Africa

China spreading communism to Africa

China’s growing economic presence in Africa

4. Should the U.S. do more to combat China’s growing influence in Africa, and if so how?

Increasing foreign aid to Africa

Increasing campaigns for democratization

Stepping up military presence in Africa

Economic sanctions against African countries that support China

Funding Human rights campaigns

The U.S. should not do anything to combat China’t

5. Do you view China’s growing relationship with Africa as a ‘win-win’ for both parties?

Yes, the current relationship will benefit both parties

No, I think only China will benefit

No, I think only the African nations will benefit

No, I don’t think it will benefit either party

6. Do you think that China will leverage its relationship with African nations in order to affect some African countries’ domestic policies?




7. Do you think the covid-19 pandemic will hurt China’s momentum in Africa?




8. Would you like to share any other thoughts with us about China in Africa ? If so, please use the space below.


Topic 6. The two Koreas

1. Have you engaged in any of the following activities related to the “The two Koreas” topic? Mark all that you have done or mark none of the above.

Read the article on the two Koreas in the 2021 Great Decisions briefing book

Discussed the article the two Koreas with a Great Decisions discussion group

Discussed the article the two Koreas with friends and family

Watched the GDTV episode on the two Koreas

Followed news related to the two Koreas

Taken a class in which you learned about issues related to the two Koreas

Travelled to the Korean peninsula

None of the above

2. How interested would you say you are in issues related to “The two Koreas”?

Extremely interested

Somewhat interested

Not too interested

Not at all interested

3. Do you approve of the job President Trump has done with regards to combating North Korea’s nuclear program?


Somewhat approve

Neither approve nor disapprove

Somewhat disapprove


4. Do you think that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un would launch a nuclear attack preemptively?

Very much so


Not so much

Not at all

5. In your opinion, do you foresee a scenario where the North Korean government gives up on its nuclear weapons program?

Yes, but only after pressure from China

Yes, but only after lifting of all sanctions from the global community

Yes, but only as part of a global denuclearization program

Yes, but only as part of unifying Korea

No, I don’t foresee any scenario where N.K gives up its nuclear weapons

6. Which of these factors do you believe benefited South Korea the most when combatting the spread of covid-19 in the country?

Ease of testing

Culture of mask wearing

Public-private cooperation

Treatment practices

Faith in government officials/information

7. Of these options, which do you think is the most likely scenario for the future of the Korean peninsula?

Reignition of the Korean War

Unification under a democratic government

Unification under authoritarian regime

Remains the same

8. Would you like to share any other thoughts with us about the two Koreas? If so, please use the space below.


Topic 7. Role of the WHO

1. A. Have you engaged in any of the following activities related to the Role of the WHO topic? Mark all that you have done or mark none of the above.

Read the article on the Role of the WHO in the 2021 Great Decisions briefing book

Discussed the article on the Role of the WHO with a Great Decisions discussion group

Discussed the article on the Role of the WHO with friends and family

Watched the GDTV episode on the Role of the WHO

Followed news related to the World Health Organization

Taken a class in which you learned about issues related to the Role of the WHO

Have or had a job related to healthcare

None of the above

2. How interested would you say you are in issues related to the Role of the WHO?

Extremely interested

Somewhat interested

Not too interested

Not at all interested

3. In your opinion, how did the World Health Organization do in managing the early stages of the covid-19 outbreak?

Excellent job

Good job

Adequate job

Bad job

Awful job

4. Would you support President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the U.S. from the World Health Organization?

Strongly support

Somewhat support

Somewhat oppose

Strongly oppose


5. In your opinion, would the WHO have had a better response to the pandemic if it had more monetary support from the U.S.?

Much better

Somewhat better

Not much better

Not at all better

6. How trusting are you of health information coming from the WHO vis-à-vis the Center for Disease Control (CDC)?

More trusting of WHO

More trusting of CDC

Don’t trust either

7. Would you support the U.S. starting a counterpart to the WHO?

Yes, I would support the U.S. backed org more

No, I would prefer a stronger U.S. presence in the WHO

No, I would prefer the U.S. stays out of global health agencies

8. After reading the article, has your opinion on the World Health Organization changed at all?

Yes, for the better

Yes, for the worse

Only somewhat

Not at all

9. Would you like to share any other thoughts with us about the Role of the WHO? If so, please use the space below.


Topic 8. The end of Globalization?

1. Have you engaged in any of the following activities related to the “End of globalization?” topic? Mark all that you have done or mark none of the above.

Read the article on the End of globalization in the 2021 Great Decisions briefing book

Discussed the article on the End of globalization with a Great Decisions Discussion group

Discussed the article on the End of globalization with friends and family

Watched the GDTV episode on the End of globalization

Followed news related to the End of globalization

Taken a class in which you learned about issues related to the End of globalization

None of the above

2. How interested would you say you are in issues related to the End of globalization?

Extremely interested

Somewhat interested

Not too interested

Not at all interested

3. In your opinion, do you have a positive opinion on negative opinion, or no real opinion on globalization?

Very positive

Somewhat positive

Somewhat negative

Very negative

No opinion

4. In your opinion, was Donald Trump’s “America First” doctrine more beneficial to the economic health of the U.S. than engaging in globalization efforts?

Much more beneficial

Somewhat more beneficial

Not too beneficial

Not at all beneficial

5. Would you like to see future U.S. administration pull away from globalization in favor of more economic nationalism?

Very much so


Not much

Not at all

6. Do you trust AI firms with your data?

Trust completely

Trust somewhat

Neither trust nor distrust

Distrust somewhat

Distrust completely

7. Please select the response that best fits your opinion toward the following statement:

“Globalization is better in theory than in practice”

Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

“Isolationism is better for a countries populace, globalization is better for business”

Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

“Economic nationalism is better in theory than in practice”

Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

8. Would you like to share any other thoughts with us about the end of globalization? If so, please use the space below.