Dramatis Personae

Vod the Giant-King—Former ruler and rebuilder of New Udurum, City of Men and Giants; slayer of Omagh the Serpent-Father; sorcerer and legend; also known as Vod of the Storms; drowned himself in the Cryptic Sea.

Gammir the Wolf (formerly Fangodrel of Udurum)—Vod’s adopted bastard son; his true father was Gammir the Second, Prince of Khyrei, who was slain by Vod; also known as Gammir the Bloody, the Undying One, and the Black Wolf; former Emperor of Khyrei.

Ianthe the Panther—Former Empress of Khyrei; grandmother of Gammir; an ageless sorceress; slain by Vireon and Alua at the fall of Shar Dni; reborn in the body of Maelthyn of Udurum; also known as the White Panther and Ianthe the Claw.

King Vireon of Udurum—Son of Vod and heir to his sorcery; ruler of New Udurum; all the power and strength of a Giant in the body of a Man; also known as Vireon Vodson and Vireon the Slayer; crowned as King of All Giants after the fall of Angrid the Long-Arm.

Queen Alua of Udurum—Ageless sorceress married to Vireon; mother of Maelthyn; known for her mastery of the white flame magic; slain by Ianthe the Claw.

Maelthyn of Udurum—Seven-year-old daughter of King Vireon and Queen Alua; later revealed to be Ianthe the Claw and utterly consumed by her emerging immortal essence.

Dahrima the Axe—Blonde-haired Giantess (Uduri) who once served Vod the Giant-King; now she serves as one of the Ninety-Nine, King Vireon’s personal guard of Uduri spearmaidens; often considered Vireon’s “right hand.”

King D’zan of Yaskatha—Ruler of Yaskatha; reborn from a state of living death by the sorcery of Iardu and Sharadza; also known as the Sun Bringer.

Sharadza Vodsdaughter—Vod’s only daughter and heir to his sorcery; Princess of Udurum; apprentice of Iardu the Shaper; former Queen of Yaskatha and First Wife of D’zan.

Emperor Tyro of Uurz—Twin brother of Lyrilan; swordsman of renown; also known as the Sword King; ordained as Emperor of Uurz after banishing his brother from the Stormlands.

King Lyrilan of Uurz—Twin brother of Tyro; scholar and scribe; also known as the Scholar King; former co-ruler of Uurz who fled to Yaskatha after being framed for the murder of his wife and banished from the Stormlands.

Ramiyah of Uurz—Wife of Lyrilan; born in Yaskatha; slain by Talondra’s plot to make Tyro the uncontested Emperor of Uurz.

Empress Talondra of Uurz—Wife of Tyro; born in Shar Dni and survived its fall; recently slain by Lyrilan’s newfound sorcery as revenge for the death of Ramiyah.

Lord Mendices of Uurz—Warlord of Uurz; Tyro’s chief advisor and military tactician; willing co-conspirator with Talondra in the plot to frame and banish Lyrilan for the murder of Ramiyah.

King Undutu of Mumbaza—Nineteen-year-old ruler of Mumbaza; also known as the King on the Cliffs and Son of the Feathered Serpent.

Khama the Feathered Serpent—Ageless sorcerer whose true form is that of a great feathered Serpent; fostered the founding of Mumbaza, advisor to its Kings, and protector of its long peace.

King Angrid of the Icelands—Lord of the Frozen North; ruler of the Udvorg clans (blue-skinned Giants); slain by the behemoth of the Khyrein marshlands.

Varda of the Keen Eyes—Shamaness in service to King Angrid; blessed Vireon with the slain Angrid’s crown, making him King of All Giants.

Tong the Avenger—King of New Khyrei; a former slave who led a revolution assisted by Iardu the Shaper and a horde of the blind subterranean creatures known as Sydathians; also called the Slave King and Tong the Liberator.

Iardu the Shaper—Master of Shapes; an ageless sorcerer reputed to live on an island in the Cryptic Sea.

Zyung the Almighty—Ageless sorcerer and “God-King” of the Zyung Empire; seeks to conquer the Land of the Five Cities with his Holy Armada; also known as the High Lord Celestial. Sungui the Venomous—One of Zyung’s High Seraphim, a legion of ageless sorcerers who serve as the enforcers of his empire; a unique being of alternating male and female aspects.

Vaazhia the Lizardess—Ageless sorceress dwelling in the ruins of a forgotten city beneath the Stormlands.

Indreyah the Sea-Queen—Ageless sorceress who rules an undersea kingdom of “sea-folk” from her hidden coral city; also known as the Mer-Queen.