Mel’s kiss had left me troubled. My body was screaming “YES!” at me but in my head, I knew what had happened could not be repeated. A relationship just wasn’t in the cards for me. Intimacy between Mel and I couldn’t happen again. It wouldn’t happen again.
The kiss was mind blowing. Ten minutes later and I was still taking deep breaths and trying to shake off the dizzying effects. I really needed to get my head back in the game and put some distance between myself and Melissa Crane.
First, I needed to track down my informant, Brice Buhler. He hadn’t been in touch since my previous visit to Morelville and I was desperate for any leads that might come out of the area. I was still working under the assumption that shipments or, at least, the big shipment in less than two weeks now, came into Muskingum County for breakdown and redistribution somewhere.
Buhler didn’t answer his cell so I left a basic message. Then I drove by his place; a ramshackle trailer out on a few acres of property on a haphazardly semi-paved road the county must have given up on in the last round of budget cuts. I didn’t spot his pick-up or any other vehicles that looked drivable. Where is he?! Maybe he finally got a job... doesn’t help me but he really did need one. After dawdling around for about an hour hoping for a return call and not getting one, I headed back north.
When I got back into Cleveland, I grabbed a sandwich and went to the apartment. I took a cool shower and then fell into bed. I tried not to think of Mel but, of course, as soon as I fell asleep, my dreams were all about the dark haired, butch beauty. I don’t know how long I was out when I woke in a sweat and a tangle of sheets. Padding out to the kitchen in my bare feet, I found Cheryl on the couch soaking in late night TV. We hadn’t talked in ages.
“Hey roomie!” I said with a little more cheer than I felt even though I was genuinely glad to see her.
“Well, well! Look what the cat dragged in! Literally too! You’re looking a little the worse for wear Dana.” Cheryl wasn’t one to beat around the bush.
“It’s this case I’m on. It has me all tied up in knots.”
“Um hmm. I bet! Since when do your cases involve mad, passionate sex?”
“What?” I was startled by her question. “Where did you get that idea?”
“Girl, you been in that room moaning for the last hour about some “Mel” person. If I didn’t know better, I’d a thought Mel was in there with you. Dish! Who is he?”
Cheryl and I had never had a discussion about my sexuality because I didn’t think it was relevant. I was out of both the dating and relationship markets and, given my job and the hours I kept for it, opportunities for either were usually between slim and none anyway.
“Mel is a police chief that’s sort of involved in my investigation. She’s just kind of pushed her way into it.” I’d dropped the feminine pronouns intentionally to stir the pot. I was in the mood for a good head bashing. It might knock some sense into me.
Cheryl didn’t bat an eye. “Is that right? So it’s just the investigation and some dreams or has it gotten more personal between you two?
“Um, well... There are some feelings there, on both sides it seems. I’m just not ready for and don’t want a relationship right now.”
“Love usually catches us off guard Dana.”
“Love? I’m not in love!”
“So these “feelings” are just lust then?”
“Uggh! No... I suppose not. I don’t know exactly what I feel.” I hung my head. She’s beautiful, smart, annoying and condescending all rolled into one. I la... like her and hate her at the same time!
“Girl, you got it bad! You’ve fallen for this woman. You just don’t want too!” She chuckled, then said, “Baby, I’ve been in your shoes. You may as well just give in to it and stop fighting it.”
“It won’t work between us Cheryl.”
“Whatever am I going to do with you?”
I just shook my head then got up and headed back to bed. Sleep never came again that night.