Remember Robin Williams’ Soviet defector character in Moscow on the Hudson? The recovering Commie just wanted to buy some coffee. In the USSR he had had two choices: ‘We have coffee’ or, more likely, “We are out of coffee.” When he saw the variety of products in the coffee isle of a New York City supermarket, he nearly had a nervous breakdown.
The mind-boggling diversity of kettlebell exercises and applications can make the aspiring kettlebeller feel like the Russkie defector. The freestyle training program in my book The Russian Kettlebell Challenge kicked off a tyranny of kettlebell choices that has continued with the smorgasbord of exercises on my DVDs and those made by my senior instructors.
“Maybe someone can help,” asked Comrade J.M. Martin in a thread titled “Kettlebell Confused” on our forum. “I have read all I can find on kettlebells and have to say I am at loss as to making a program. I was fine doing a Power to the People! workout because I knew exactly what to do. The book broke it down idiot proof for me and it worked. I made enormous gains. Well now I have a kettlebell and I want to make a set in stone path to follow. . . .”
Enter the Kettlebell! is your “set in stone path,” the ruthlessly efficient Power to the People! for kettlebells. A step to the left and I shoot.
Russian kettlebell power to you!