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First published in 1997 by Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc.
Copyright © Cal Ripken, Jr., 1997
All rights reserved
First section:
The Baltimore Orioles: page 7 (center)
Sports Illustrated: page 8 (above)
Allsport: page 8 (below)
Second section:
The Baltimore Orioles: page 1 (above left, below left)
Walter Iooss: pages 1 (above right), 3 (above left, below right),
6 (below), 7 (above, center left, below left and right), 8
Jerry Wachter Photography Ltd: pages 1 (below right), 4 (above right)
Sports Illustrated: pages 2 (above left and right), 4 (below right), 5 (above right), 6 (above and center)
Allsport: pages 2 (below left and right), 3 (above right, below left),
4 (above left, below left), 5 (above left, below left and right), 7 (center right)
All other photographs courtesy of the Ripken family.
Ripken, Cal, 1960–
The only way I know / Cal Ripken, Jr., and Mike Bryan.
p. cm.
1. Ripken, Cal, 1960– . 2. Baseball players—United States—Biography.
3. Baltimore Orioles (Baseball team)—History. I. Bryan, Mike. II. Title.
GV865.R47A3 1997
[B] 97-9159
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