Rafe has just told me I am leverage in his impending war. All I can say is, “How romantic.” I roll my eyes.
The prince chuckles but doesn’t jump to change what he’s just said. “We think they finally saw an opportunity to pass you along and get you off their hands by sending you here, but then, there’s a good chance they thought they could get you back from the feeders’ quarters if they needed you by winning the trust of one of my advisors.”
My fork clanks against my plate for the second time in two days. “Kris.” It’s not a question.
He nods. “We don’t think that Kris knowingly did anything other than accept their word as to what was going on. He tends to see things in a similar light as the Blacks, so it just follows that he’d take their side.”
I want to tell him he needs to be careful. I never have trusted that man. But it seems like Rafe already knows Kris is shady, so I save it.
“At any rate, they served you up to me on a silver platter, and now here you are, my political prisoner and leverage to help me negotiate with Striker. We’ve been watching him amass his troops near the border for several months now, and we had a pretty good idea that he was planning on trying to take the territory he considers his family’s back.”
“Longclaw.” Again, it’s not a question. “His grandfather was the last Alpha King—Darius.”
“Yes. Darius and his brother ruled kingdoms next to one another amicably, as did their fathers before them. When Axel took Longclaw, he drove Warfang back and established that barrier wasteland. Warfang has never crossed it, but it’s just a matter of time.”
My mind is as much at war as what he is describing. Now that I know who my great-grandfather is, I want to ask Rafe why he can’t just give the territory back to our people. Why does it have to stay in Shadowglade, but I understand there are political repercussions for him simply handing over all of that land. Starting his rein off looking weak to his enemies will not work for him, and he has more than just Warfang to worry about.
It all makes sense for reasons I can’t explain. A few days ago, all I needed to worry about was how I was going to get enough food for my family. Now, I’m thinking about how to keep two kingdoms from colliding in war. It’s a lot, and I don’t envy him the choices he has to make because he holds the lives of so many people in his hands.
“Anyway, Axel thinks you’re here to keep Warfang at bay, so he won’t kill you, even though he did take out your great-grandfather.” Rafe picks up his goblet for the first time in several minutes and drinks from it.
“Personally?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “No. Axel doesn’t really like to fight, so he has generals for that sort of thing.”
I wonder if he’s ever been a general, but I don’t ask. I only nod and finish my last strip of bacon. A servant comes and scoops up my plate immediately, asking if I’d like some more. I tell her no thank you, and she curtsies to me before she disappears.
“I haven’t heard back from Striker yet,” Rafe continues. “I think he’ll probably try to negotiate for you.”
My mouth drops open. “Is that a possibility? Could King Axel send me over there?”
He half-shrugs, and I feel a pulse of fear shoot through me. This is all too much. The last thing I want is to go live in Warfang. Sure, I used to wonder how hard it would be to escape through the wastelands to seek shelter there. I’d heard of people trying to do it before, but no one ever came back or managed to send word that they’d made it, so I didn’t think about it for long.
“I don’t think Axel will be quick to send you away. All Striker could give him is his word that he wouldn’t attack, and that’s not much. He’d also have to disband his amassed troops. So I’m not too worried about it, but I am eager to see what he has to say.”
Does that mean he is slightly worried that Axel might send me to my cousin? I’m not sure what to think of that. While it’s bothersome that there might be a small amount of worry worth having, it also makes me happy to know that he might not want me to go.
“For now, I’d like for you to make yourself comfortable here. Whatever you need, we’ll get you. You’re a guest, not a prisoner, despite the language I may use with Axel.”
I stare at him for a moment, contemplating how to respond. All I can manage is, “Thank you.”
“Of course. I’m sure you don’t want to have to attend dinner every night, so you won’t have to. Just on special occasions. Most evenings, it’s just the royals. Sometimes there are other nobles present as well. Whenever it’s something like that, you’ll need to be there. I’ve spoken to Axel about your title, and we both agree that Luna Queen is too much for you since you’re still his subject, so he’s decided on Luna Princess, or just Princess for short.”
I haven’t blinked in several seconds, only stared at him. “I’m sorry—what? You’re going to refer to me as Princess?”
“Yes, that’s right. That way, we can show the rest of the kingdoms that we have a powerful prisoner, someone who matters to the world.”
“But I’m really no one. You all realize that, don’t you?” It feels like a charade, like they’re trying to get me to pretend to be something I’m not for their own purposes.
“No, I don’t,” he says. “Ainslee, you are a descendent of a very powerful Alpha King who lost his kingdom because he was betrayed by the person he trusted most, not because he messed up in anyway. That blood runs through your veins. I have no doubt you will come into your own very soon. You’ve already shown signs of his strength and leadership ability. Imagine what you’ll be able to do with proper nutrition, some training, and a little bit of power.”
“Will I have all of that, though?” It seems to be more in my nature to argue than anything else. I wonder if Alpha King Darius was good at that. And I’m not sure who betrayed my great-grandfather but don’t ask at the moment.
“Of course,” he says again, like this is a silly question. “You have to do something while you’re in here all day.”
“But why? Why would you train me when I’m your alleged enemy?” I can’t help but be baffled once again. It’s like he’s always two steps ahead of me when it comes to reasoning, and it’s annoying.
And incredibly sexy.
“Because you’re not my enemy. You’re my ally. And strengthening you means I strengthen myself,” he explains.
That makes sense, but in order for him to say that, he either trusts me or thinks he can manipulate me. I’m not sure which it is.
I want to ask him more, but he curses under his breath and says, “I’m sorry. I have to go. I just got a telepathic message from Jerim, and he needs me to look at something. I’ll send Zoey to get you to escort you back to your room, all right?”
I nod, disappointed that he’s leaving but fully understanding. I hope that whatever Jerim needs him for, it involves helping the feeders.
Rafe reaches over and squeezes my hand, and then he’s gone. I take a deep breath and another sip of my orange juice, waiting for Zoey. This is all so much to think about, so complicated. But I think I can wrap my mind around it all. I just hope there are no more surprises.
The door opens, and I expect for Zoey to walk in, but it’s not her. It’s Princess Riley, and she has an angry snarl on her face. She stalks toward me and stops next to the table, her arms folded under her chest. “Just what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she asks me.
Once again, I’m not sure what’s happening. “Pardon me?” I ask her. “What do you mean.”
When she opens her mouth again, her fangs are at least two inches long. Sharp enough to tear through my flesh in a heartbeat, they twinkle at me in the morning light. She leans close to me, and I back away, crippling fear pulsing through me as I pray Zoey hurries and can fetch help.
Instead of biting me, Riley simply says, “Stay the fuck away from my fiancé.”