of hungry miners will call them to the caves and eat them. Franzithknewbetter,buthewouldn’tabandonthedog. We hope—no, we pray—we pray he’s still alive.”
“And the city guards,” Gwynarra asked.“Are they of nohelp?”
Themanspatonthefloor. Heleanedcloseandwhispered. “The guards are great at scaring starving people off from stealing a loaf of bread,but they won’t even go into the Tunnels.When we heard you were passing through,we prayed you’d be who you are and hoped perhaps you’d be willing to find our boy. We’ll pay. As much as we can.”
Themanpulledasackofcoinsanddroppeditontothe table.Thecoinsjingled.Gwynarraopenedthepouchandran her fingers over the torbal. She counted out twenty-five torbal and placed them in her coin purse before pushing theremainingcoinstowardthecouple. Theirjawsdropped.
“Idon’tknowifyoursonstilllives.IfIbringbackacorpse, this willcover burial. If helives, he’ll guide metohis home. The Whispering Tunnels, northeast of the city?”
“Yes, follow the southern path once you exit. Thank you.”The man said.