SheclosedtheleatherjournalandhandedittoCourageand then continued.“Any necessary and travel expenses will be provided and paid for by the Society. Each of you will also receive one hundred fifty torbal in compensation.Before you leave for your first case, please return tomorrow afternoon. Our technomagi are constructing comm rings that will allow the three of you to communicate with each other should youbeseparatedandwithmeshouldanysuchcommunication benecessary.”
“Is there a particular haunting you want us to tackle first,”Courageasked.
The deputy director shook her head.“You are free to investigate the noted cases in any order you—”
The office door burst open, slamming into the wall.A young Human male with ruddy brown hair panted as hesteppedintotheoffice.“Forgiveme,DeputyDirector,Ma’am.WejustreceivedthismissivefromtheDirector.Seemsanew haunthasemerged,andhewishesthehuntressestohandleitimmediately.”
The young man handed a folded parchment leaf to the deputydirectorwhoreadoveritandthenhandedittoCourage.She said, “Well, it seems my earlier statement is nowcontradicted.Aftertomorrow,youwillheadtoKaltbrück.Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a meeting with the ArcanistCouncilandyouhaveajourneytopreparefor.Returnheretomorrowatthirteenbells.Wewillsendacarriageforyou.”
The young male member of the Society saw the three of them out of the deputy director’s office.