do, Hertogia Caoilfhionn, but you may rest assured that we areskilledhorseriders. Maintainingastableofridinghorses forouragentsisanunnecessaryexpense.Therailisfarmoreeconomicalandefficient.Asifavampirewouldeverbefoundin a village.”
“Andyoucouldspotavampireifonewereinfrontofyou?”Gwyn sipped her wine.
Karina leaned closer to Gwyn,her face passed in frontof Courage’s.She said, “Our faith grants us the power tosenseandslaythoseunholybeastswhohaveabandonedtheirhumanity for immortality and debauchery.”
Courage sucked in a breath and held it.Karina winced. HowmuchtimedidshewasteinherinvestigationsearchingHandelvonDeussel’smanorforthatmonstrousfop?Tappinginto the divine gifts from the Lord of Sky and Storm wouldhaveallowedhertoidentifythebedroomimmediately.Fatherwould be angry if he knew she forgot to do so.
Courage swallowed while holding the breath.His gaze shifted from Karina to Gwyn several times.Gwyn nodded withaknowingsmirkonherface.“Well,Ifeelsomuchsafer knowing I’m protected from a vampire’s approach.”
Karinadrainedtheremainingmilkfromhertankard.“That iswhatwedo. Vampiresrefusetoacceptthedivineorderof the Wheel of Souls and the decree of the Blessed Emperor. They seduce innocents into their dark lairs, promising them life, power, and pleasure only to feast on their life, draining them and leaving them empty shells as their damned souls crash into Ashfodell.Of course you know of the Crimson Fangs, a groupof vampire terrorists and hereticswho target children and the destitute. Shameful.”