assumed the Florescian nobles would not have known eachother.”
Gwyn sighed in momentary relief. She leaned in and gave Gwyn an understanding smile. “I do know them—well, didknow them, I suppose I should say.Antonio was always withdrawn,quiet.Therewasanauraofsadnessabouthim,and the family always spoke of a lost love for whom he pined.Hewassogaunt.Ialwaysassumedhewouldwasteaway.”
Karinasnorted.“Fathersaidhebecamethedusthedeservedto be centuries ago.”
“Wordspreadthroughthecourt.Manybelievedyour family’sactionsprovedtheAtharianEmpireplannedtoattack.”
“Well,themanwhowrongedyourfamilyisdead.That shouldendthefeud,right?”
Karinalaughed,adarkandhollowlaugh.“Ifonlyitwere aseasyasyourbookstellyou,princess.OneVandiamante heirfledwiththehelpofservants.Aslongas heremainson Eilofoth, he will seek revenge. You must understand this.Whyhaveyounotsoughtrevengeforyourfamily?”
Gwyn scratched her right ear. She extended her hand andgentlyenvelopedKarina’s.“Iwon’tsayIdidn’t.Anger,sorrow,rage—I felt all of these things.I still do.But I’ve seen what revenge does to others.I’ve seen loss.I’ve felt sorrow, but I’ve also known love.I’ve seen what feuds lead to, broken families, shattered lives, and bitter ghosts.Hating you and your family was easy when you were just shadowy, faceless monsterswholoomedinthedistanceandinmynightmares. I won’t promise seeing your father won’t bring back those feelings,butpartneringwithyouhasgivenmeadifferent