henextmorning, astheclockstruckelevenbells,Caspar Richter supervised the crew that brought the promisedbattalionofKriegsdienerynandinstalled
all the necessary support equipment to repair and recharge themechanomagicalservitors. Fourteenarmoredpersonnel carriers needed to be unloaded during the process.Aside from the Grand Master, only the five members of the Holy Order of St.Arnulf Ironhand with technomagical training observed the process.
The five technomagi stared, their jaws agape, as each rackof ten servitors, suspended on hooks and cables, was wheeled into the Richter family armory. One rack contained OfhaniSearchers,disembodiedheadswiththehumanoideyesand mouthssewnshutandsurroundedbytwocrossingwheelscoveredineye-shapedArcanyxcrystals.Thesebodilessservitors had floating disks, similar to those that powered and moved the Crystal Rail, affixed to the neck.These servitors had been programmed to search for people, explosives, and objects and alert other servitors to the location of the foundtarget.
ThreerackscontainedZerafiScorchers.Thesehulking servitorshadafacelessironmaskadornedwithspikes