


arinapaused.“WehaveadutytotheSocietywho hiredus,andI—Ihaveadutytotheempireto preserveorderandprotectitscitizensfromthe



Gwyn closed her eyes and bowed her head.She nodded.Raisingherheadandopeninghereyes,shemetKarina’ssternbuttroubledgazewithoneofsympathyandhopefullove. “I am not the Silver Scourge asking the daughter of the Grand Master of the Holy Order of St.Arnulf Ironhand.I am a princessaskingherknightinblackleathertoallowhertodo this for herself.”

Something stirred in Karina.A feeling she had not felt sinceAilinyaBorishkovaevokedsuchfeelingswithinher. She should resist.Her father would have wanted her toresist, to deny this request, and to drive a stake through that vampire’s heart.His existence violated holy law.His actions, by his own admission, harmed imperial citizens and disruptedthe actions of those charged with caring for and training orphanedchildren.Butthosesamecitizenshadabusedthepower and authority of their position. All should face justice.Justiceshouldbeequalforall.
