at most, receive a fine.Did all vampires accused of theircrimesdeservedeathwithoutevidenceofcriminality?VonDeussel’sletterfromBedwyrflashedbeforehermind.HehadneverjoinedtheCrimsonFangs,butherfatherheldtothe certainty that evidence of his guilt would emerge in time. Karina swallowed hard. Why was her heart pounding in herchest? Herbreath,whywasitquickened?

Herwordsfaltered, andanunexpectedstutterflutteredthrough her response. “P—p—princess? I—uh—yes, y—you are.” She paused and centered herself. “I will grant you this, but if you activate the comm ring, I will rush to your side evenifyoudonotspeak.”

Courage blinked in surprise.Gwyn smiled.She reachedout and squeezed Karina’s hand. “I would expect nothing lessof my noble protector. Thank you.”

Warmth flushed Karina’s cheeks.She smiled and then clearedherthroat.“Comeon,Courage.We’vegottoget back to the inn.”


Karinashookherhead.“No,butsheis.We’llbeatthereadyto return should the need arise.”

He nodded, and the two of them departed, leaving Gwynalone with Mathias Greely.Gwyn waited in silence untilshe could no longer hear the departing footsteps. Then, she turned to her childhood friend, smiled, and said, “That wasclose.Iknowyourecognizedthescentonmeaswell.”

He nodded.“You smell more like Mister Ambrose than Hanselin. When did that happen?”

“Nineyearsago.TheFlorescianfamilywhoadoptedme are—were—vampires.Sixyearsago,theRichtersattackedandkilledthem.Oneofourservantshelpedmeescape.Now,