all over, I’ll celebrate with one of those and a quart of their lemon and lavender iced custard.” She sighed. Her volume sank into a whisper as she added, “I’ve missed Florescia.”
Karina sat beside her.“You’ve not been home since the assassinationattempt?”
Gwynsetherbookonthetable.“Once.Adeathsingerwas hauntingtheMachiavofamilyvillainGrachtoviatheysoughtto use for charitable events. That was a special one. Maybe I’ll tell it sometime.”
“I’dlikethat.”Karinalookedaway.“Howdopeoplefind you when they need you?”
“Word of mouth.” Gwyn sipped the wine. “My name, or atleastthemonikeroftheSilverScourge,precedesmethese days.DirectorvonHarenheimusedscryerstolocateme.Iassume others of comparable means do so as well. Sure beats searchingthejobboardsatvarioustavernsandpublichouses.”Karina nodded solemnly and contemplatively.“Did you everfeellonely?Orwasthefreedomofgoingwhereyou
I suppose that’s what you call hiding your familial name so assassinsdon’tfindyou,notwantingtorequestaidoffriends andallies,fearingtheymaybecometargetsoftheseassassins. Obligations await me upon my final return to Florescia, and Iquestionbeingworthyofthattask. IfI’mhonest,working withyouandCourageilluminatedhowaloneI’vebeen.” She drainedtheglassandthenmutteredunderherbreath,“And will continue to be when this is over.”
Karinasatinsilence.Theyhadtimeforaconversation. Shouldshebroachthesubject?WhatifGwynrejectsher?Karina closed her eyes and fired an arrow prayer to the Lady