
Action Reports, 245

Africa, 239

Aitken, Jonathan, 271–2

Aktion Reinhard see Operation Reinhard

Aldershot, 122

Aldington, Lord, 269–71

Alexander, Field Marshal, 270

Althans, Ewald, 101, 133

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 266

American Jewish Committee, 19, 68, 71, 73, 74

Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith, 19, 68, 72, 73, 75–6, 241, 266, 295, 296, 306

App, Austin, 80

Arabs, 215, 292, 294

Archer, Jeffrey, 271

Arendt, Hannah, 75, 298

    Eichmann in Jerusalem, 72–3

Aristotle, 287

Arnold, Matthew, 207

Ascherson, Neal, 47

Atlanta Constitution, 80

Aumeier, Hans, 200–2, 276 and n.


    liberation of, 3–4, 13, 70, 188, 301

    Irving’s tactics at trial, 8, 22

    knowledge of, 8–10, 186–91

    Irving’s “case” on the Holocaust, 27–8

    numbers of victims, 43, 108, 115, 182–3, 302

    video clips of, 58

    commemorative plaque, 74

    Soviet POWs in, 74–5, 139, 186–7

    survivors, 95–6, 106–7, 148–9

    Leuchter report, 113, 151–4, 158–9

    Himmler’s Germanization project, 138–9

    slave laborers, 138–40

    early executions at, 139

    Slovak Jews in, 139–40

    defense case, 140–1, 147, 148–50

    Mr. Death film, 150–1

    Cracow lab report, 154–5

    numbering of buildings, 154n.

    allied bombing, 155–6 and n.

    typhus epidemic, 160, 171, 172, 189

    van Pelt’s evidence, 164–82, 197

    aerial photos, 166, 168–9, 178

    Nazis destroy gas chambers, 169–70, 188

    “no holes, no Holocaust” argument, 176–8, 181, 194, 258, 279, 280n.

    van Pelt’s expert report, 183–6, 188–95, 200

    Cracow trial, 188–9, 190

    Hungarian Jews in, 241–2

    Rampton’s closing statement, 257–9

    Gray’s judgment, 276, 279–80

    see also Birkenau

Auschwitz Museum, 182, 183

Australia, 204, 206, 285

Barnes, Harry Elmer, 78

Baron, Salo, 66

Barthes, Roland, 76

Bateman, Mark, 85, 103

Bauer, Yehuda, 59, 78, 79, 130, 163

Bays, Kevin, 85, 104

BBC, 69–70, 144, 148

Bebel, August, 87

Beer, Colin, 152–3

Belloc, Hilaire, 87

Bellow, Adam, 78, 79, 82

Belsen, 4, 10, 69, 106, 136–7

Belzec, 7, 8, 70, 122, 143, 148, 187, 239, 266

Berlin, 69, 238, 266, 278

Betar, 240–1

Bimko, Dr, 173–4

Bird, Kai, 47

Birkenau, 109, 116, 193

    liberation of, 3, 188

    secrecy, 6

    Leuchter report, 54

    Soviet POWs in, 74–5, 139

    survivors, 96, 107, 148–9

    Slovak Jews gassed in, 140

    numbering of buildings, 154n.

    typhus epidemic, 160

    see also Auschwitz

Birn, Ruth, A Nation on Trial, 294–5

Bischoff, Karl, 154, 160, 184, 193

Blair, Tony, 38

“blood libel”, 207

Board of Deputies of British Jews, 19, 85, 89–90, 306

Bolsheviks, 241

Boston Globe, 80

Bouhler, Philipp, 110, 144

Bourke-White, Margaret, 68

Brack, Viktor, 144–5

Brandeis, 66

Breitman, Richard, 136n., 163, 186, 187


    reticence about Holocaust, 69–70

    gas chambers allegedly used as propaganda by, 144

    knowledge of concentration camps, 187

    anti-Semitism, 207–8

    attitudes to Israel, 292, 293–4

    ethic of solidarity, 297

British Limbless ex-Serviceman’s Association, 104

British National Party, 250–1

Broad, Pery, 149, 189–90, 194, 200, 280

Broszat, Martin, 45–6, 132n., 212

Brown, Geoffrey D., 250

Browning, Christopher, 7, 135, 209–16, 241

    Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers, 209

    Ordinary Men, 7

    The Path to Genocide, 209

Bruns, Major-General Walter, 29, 117

Buber, Martin, 162–3

Buchan, John, The Thirty-Nine Steps, 87

Buchenwald, 4, 68, 69, 106, 115

“Buna” synthetic-rubber factory, 138, 156n.

Bundy, McGeorge, 47

Bundy, William, 47

Butz, Arthur, 80, 101, 125, 191

    The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, 101

Cabinet Office (Britain), 44

Cambodia, 294

Canada, 52–3, 89, 221, 282

Casey, William, 196

Cassell v. Broome, 24–5, 103

Central European History, 46

Cesarani, David, 298 and n.

Chaney, James, 61

Charles, Prince of Wales, 84, 270

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 207

Chekhov, Anton, 216

Chelmno, 142, 143, 144–6, 179, 239

Cherwell, Lord, 43–4, 132

Chester, Lewis, 46

Chomsky, Noam, 125–6, 214, 299

Christian Century, 4

Christie, Doug, 95

Christopherson, Thies, 245

    The Auschwitz Lie, 193, 245

Churchill, Winston, 4

Clarendon Club, 90–1

Clark, Alan, 87

Clauberg, Dr., 9

Cocteau, Jean, 300

Cold War, 13, 69, 71, 293

Colditz Castle, 101

Commentary, 71, 73

“Commissar Order”, 74, 241

Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, 97

Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, 266

Common Cause, 41–2


    Niemöller’s confession, 12

    and knowledge of the Holocaust, 13

    Irving exaggerates numbers at London University, 41

    Hungarian revolt, 47

    Hitler’s “crusade” against, 73–5

    “Commissar Order”, 74, 241

concentration camps:

    liberation of, 3–4, 69–70

    secrecy, 6

    destruction of evidence, 7

    knowledge of, 8–13, 69–70

    numbers of victims, 115–16

    see also Auschwitz; gas chambers

Congdon, Tom, 44–5

Conservative Party, 87, 271

Cossacks, 270, 271

Coventry, 5

Cracow, 154, 188–9, 190

Craig, Gordon, 57

Crete, 135


    Cracow lab report, 154–5

    see also Zyklon-B

Czech Jews, 187

Czernowitz, 64

Dachau, 4, 10, 68, 69, 106, 115

Daily Mirror, 104

Daily News, 56

Daily Telegraph, 134, 285–6

Davenport Lyons, 85, 103–4, 105

Davies, Mr. Justice Michael, 270–1

Dawidowicz, Lucy, 73, 74, 76, 140n., 241, 295n.

Deckert, Günter, 124, 245

Defamation Act (1952), 283

Dejaco, Walther, 9, 10, 183, 184

DeMan, Paul, 290 and n.

Denmark, 11

Dering, Wladislaw, 9–10, 25, 95

Dershowitz, Alan, 83, 84, 285

Diana, Princess of Wales, 84, 88

Dio Chrysostom, 287–9

Disraeli, Benjamin, 87

Dolman, Alfred, 40

Domitian, Emperor, 289

Dorot Foundation, 67

Dragon, Szlama, 169n., 190, 280

Dresden, 301

    Irving’s book on, 1, 43, 225–6

    fire-bombing of, 5, 42

    Irving’s “case” on the Holocaust, 27–8

    numbers killed in, 108, 226

    Rampton’s closing statement, 268

    in Gray’s judgment, 276

Dunne, Tom, 56

Durham Union Society, 98

Dwork, Debórah, 168, 182, 191

    Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present, 138, 139, 140, 159

Economist, 196

Eden, Anthony, 13, 187

Eichmann, Adolf, 115, 126, 214

    capture of, 8–9, 71

    trial, 71, 72, 292–3

    and Slovak Jews, 139

    prison notebooks, 242–3

Einsatzgruppen, 5, 6, 21, 119, 139, 185, 187

Eisenhower, Dwight, 4, 292–3

Eliot, T.S., 86, 88, 208, 295

Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 270

Emory University, 19, 80

Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, 11, 294

Engle, Cecily, 85

Ertl, Fritz, 10, 183

Ethiopia, 135

European Union, 298

Euthanasia Program, 110, 144

Evans, Richard, 60, 163 and n., 166n., 240, 289–90

    on Arno Mayer’s book, 74

    as expert witness, 93

    report, 217, 218–19, 223, 225–6, 227

    Irving cross-examines, 217–18, 219–25, 226–8, 232–4

    background, 223–4

    “deniers’ credo”, 277

    In Defence of History, 93, 228–30, 290

    In Hitler’s Shadow, 93

    Rereading German History, 93

    Rituals of Retribution, 93

Explorer Scouts (French), 240–1

Fascism, rehabilitation of, 298

Faurisson, Robert, 154, 163, 191, 290, 299

    Irving’s relations with, 97–8, 151, 281

    Zündel trial, 97

    denies gas chambers, 124, 125–7

    literary criticism, 124–5

    “no holes, no Holocaust” argument, 194

    Mémoire en défense, 125

Feinsilber, Alter, 190

Finkelstein, Norman, 295n.

    A Nation on Trial, 294–5

Finley, M.I., 302, 306, 307

First World War, 11, 140n.

Focal Point, 54, 154

Forbes-Watson, Anthony, 19, 81, 273, 284

Foreign Office (Britain), 137, 186, 271

Foucault, Michel, Discipline and Punish, 192

Foxman, Abraham, 294–5 and n.

France, 124–7, 213, 293, 298, 301–2

Frank, Anne, 71

Frank, Hans, 6

Frankfurt School, 130

Frankfurter, Felix, 187

Free Press, 78

Frey, Gerhard, 245

Fröhlich, Elke, 131–2

Funke, Hajo, 93, 166n., 243–6, 281, 298

Gaber, Joseph, 302

Gallipoli, 263, 264

gas chambers, 303

    as “emblem of Nazi inhumanity”, 6

    Irving’s tactics at trial, 8

    Leuchter report, 54, 113, 152–4, 158–9

    as alleged British propaganda, 144

    Irving denies presence at Auschwitz, 147

    Cracow lab report, 154–5

    van Pelt’s evidence, 166–82, 184–6

    Nazis destroy at Auschwitz, 169–70, 188

    Tauber’s description of, 174–6

    Gray’s judgment, 279–80

gas trucks, 144–7

Gauleiters, 252

German Criminal Code, 124

German Earth and Stone Works, 138

German National Party (NPD), 245

German People’s Union (DVU), 245

Gestapo, 139, 141, 238

Geyer, Michael, 136n.

Gilbert, Sir Martin, 163, 253

    Holocaust Journey, 11

Glickes, Irwin, 78

Goebbels, Josef:

    diaries, 30, 55, 89, 90, 101–2, 131, 251–2, 268, 276, 282

    Irving’s biography of, 38, 52, 55–7, 218, 225, 251

    meetings with Hitler, 233, 239

    Hitler’s 1941 speech to Gauleiters, 251

    Kristallnacht, 278

Goering, Hermann, 139, 198, 253

Goldhagen, Daniel, 76, 135, 241

    attacks Arno Mayer’s book, 74, 75

    Sereny attacks, 89

    on Auschwitz, 140, 141n.

    and Wilkomirski’s Fragments, 295

    Hitler’s Willing Executioners, 7, 46, 214–15, 294, 304

Goldwater, Barry, 246

Gollancz, Victor, 87n.

Goodman, Andy, 61

Gradowski, Salmen, 169n., 307

Gradwell, Leo, 99–100

Granada, 271

Gray, Mr Justice Charles, 21, 30, 135

    opens trial, 17, 18

    and Irving’s testimony, 38

    Weinheim extradition request for Irving, 124

    questions Irving’s witnesses, 128–9

    questions Irving, 147–8

    ruling on Auschwitz evidence, 149–50

    and Evans’s evidence, 219, 220, 221, 223, 226–7, 233–4

    Longerich’s evidence, 241

Gray, Mr Justice Charles – continued

    reprimands Irving, 247–8

    and the closing arguments, 255–6, 260–2, 269

    Aldington libel trial, 271

    and Aitken libel case, 272

    judgment, 274–83, 299, 304–5

    refuses permission to appeal, 283–4

Greece, 116, 287–9

Greiser, Arthur, 141

Grossman-Weil, Sara, 191

Guardian, 271

Günsche, Otto, 45, 46

Gutman, Israel, 294, 295

Gypsies, 136, 167

Hadassah Magazine, 64n.

Hagenau, 244, 245

Haider, Jörg, 298

Halle, 244, 246, 253, 281, 298

Hamburg, 243–4

Hancock, Tony, 251

Handlin, Oscar, 71–2

Hanf, Robert, 163

Harris, Robert, 271

    Selling Hitler, 133n., 289

Hebrew University, 78–9

Helen of Troy, 287–8, 302

Hess, Rudolf, 199, 227–8, 234

Heydrich, Reinhard, 33, 139, 143, 210, 276

Hilberg, Raul, 135, 163, 183, 306

    Zündel trial, 52

    personal experience of Holocaust, 75, 301–2

    calculates numbers of Holocaust victims, 115–16, 302–3, 304

    interest in bureaucratic structure, 211

    criticism of Goldhagen, 215, 294

    on Holocaust studies, 304

    The Destruction of the European Jews, 7–8, 71–2, 302, 303

    The Politics of Memory, 75, 301–2

Himmler, Heinrich, 75, 211, 212, 242

    Riga massacre, 32–4, 110, 116, 278

    destruction of concentration camps, 70

    report to Hitler, 118–20

    Korherr Report, 121

    Germanization project, 138–9

    slave laborers, 138–9

    Slovak Jews at Auschwitz, 140

    orders expulsion of Jews from Warthegau, 141

    addresses meeting of SS officers in Poznan, 237–8

Hiroshima, 5–6

Hitchens, Christopher, 48, 56–7, 299

Hitler, Adolf:

    Irving’s “case” on the Holocaust, 27–8

    Riga massacre, 32–3

    Irving’s biography of, 45–6, 111–12

    “Hitler diaries” debacle, 47–8, 52, 55, 289

    self-portrait, 50, 133, 283

    anti-Communist “crusade”, 73–5

    invasion of Poland, 73

    “Commissar Order”, 74, 241

    Himmler’s report to, 118–20

    Korherr Report, 121

    Madagascar plan, 121, 122, 211–12, 233

    alleged ignorance of murder of Jews, 140

    removal of Jews from Altreich, 141

    meeting with Horthy, 197, 276, 279

    orders murder of Jews, 197–8, 211, 212–13, 303

    “Schlegelberger Memorandum”, 231–3

    Night of the Long Knives, 237n.

    “Table Talk”, 239

    1941 speech to Nazi leadership, 251–2

    declares war on USA, 252–3

    Gray’s judgment, 276

    Mein Kampf, 140n., 235, 239

Homer, Iliad, 287–9, 302

Hong Kong, 207

Horizon, 187

Horthy, Admiral, 197, 276, 279

Höss, Rudolf, 8, 149, 179, 183, 190, 200, 280

House of Commons, 207, 270

House of Lords, 270

Hungarian revolt (1956), 47

Hungary, 187, 197, 241–2, 301, 304

hydrogen cyanide see Zyklon-B

IG Farben, 116, 138–9, 188

Ilium, 287–9

Imperial College, London, 41

Institute for Historical Research, Munich, 131, 133

Institute for Historical Review (IHR), 97, 120, 201, 227, 291

Institute of Jewish Affairs, 80

Irving, David:

    tactics at trial, 8, 22

    represents himself, 19

    exhibits, 20–1

    possible outcomes of trial, 22

    appeal to public opinion, 24, 254

    first libel trial, 24–5

    claims to have become a pariah, 26–7, 28

    “case”, 27–8

    opening statement, 28–30, 37

    self-portrait, 37–8

    testimony, 37–8, 106–10

    first encounter with Lipstadt, 39–40

    early life, 40–3

    biography of Rommel, 44–5

    and the “Hitler’s diaries”, 47–8, 52, 55, 289

    as a self-publicist, 48

    family, 49

    racist poem, 50–1, 206, 220

    diaries, 51, 97, 100, 217, 219–20, 247, 250

    financial problems, 52, 56 and n.

    and the Leuchter report, 53–4, 113, 145, 148, 151–4

    expelled from Canada, 89

    sues Sunday Times, 90

    discovery process, 94, 96–102

    “Action Reports”, 97

    opts for trial without jury, 102–3

    offers to settle case, 103–5

    supporters, 106, 143, 208, 299

    Rampton cross-examines, 110–23, 133, 140–7, 153–61, 197–206, 248–53, 262–3

    extradition request from Weinheim, 123–4

    witnesses, 127–37

    denies presence of gas chambers at Auschwitz, 147

    defense case on Auschwitz, 149–50

    cross-examines van Pelt, 164–81, 197

    dangerousness of, 196–7

    biography of Goering, 198

    anti-Semitism and racism, 204–9, 280–1

    cross-examines Browning, 210–16

    Evans’s evidence, 217–34

    “chain of documents”, 218, 225

    cross-examines Longerich, 235–41

    Funke’s evidence, 243–6

    and German extremists, 243–7

    closing arguments, 253–4, 255–6, 263–8

    Rampton’s closing arguments, 255–62, 268

    Gray’s judgment, 274–83

    trial costs, 283, 305

    refused permission to appeal, 283–4

    after the trial, 285–6

    and the rehabilitation of Fascism, 298

    Adolf Hitler: The Medical Diaries, 48

    The Battle for History, 134

    The Destruction of Convoy PQ17, 24–5

    The Destruction of Dresden, 1, 43, 225–6

    Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich, 38, 52, 55–7, 218, 225, 227–8

    Hitler’s War, 1, 26n., 32–3, 34, 45–6, 51–2, 54, 111–12, 217, 225

    The Mare’s Nest, 44

    Uprising!, 47

    The War Between the Generals, 26

Irving, Jessica, 49, 51

Irving, Josephine Victoria, 49

Israel, 124, 127, 301

    Six Day War, 14, 62, 293

    US support for, 14

    Eichmann trial, 71, 72, 292

    Yad Vashem, 215–16

    March des Vivants, 240

    and Eichmann’s prison notebooks, 242–3

    creation of, 292

    Suez Crisis, 293

    and uniqueness of the Holocaust, 294

Israel, Peter, 47

Italy, 135, 298

Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 241

Jackson, Michael, 104

Jaeckel, Eberhard, 92, 135, 231, 232

    Hitler’s Weltanschauung, 92

Jankowski, 280

Janner, Greville, 240

Japan, 253

Jewish studies, 65–7

Julius, Anthony, 19, 83, 163n., 166n., 253, 273

    background, 84, 85–9

    previous encounter with Irving, 89–90

    discovery process, 91–4, 97, 99–102, 202

    choice of expert witnesses, 92

    decides not to use witness testimony, 95–6

    Irving opts for trial without jury, 102–3

    Irving offers to settle case, 105

    closing statement, 269

    T.S. Eliot, Anti-Semitism and Literary Form, 86, 88, 208

Kach party, 215

Kádár, János, 47

Kahane, Meir, 215

Kammler, 160

Karpf, Anne, 294n.

Karski, Jan, 186–7

Katowice, 139

Kazin, Alfred, 70

Keegan, Sir John, 45, 46, 127–8, 134–7, 209, 278, 285–6, 299

    The Second World War, 1, 135

Keitel, Wilhelm, 45

Kennedy, Edward, 249

Kennedy, John F., 98

Kershaw, Ian, 92

KGB, 64

Kiev, 185–6

Kimber, William, 24–5, 30

Kindertransporte, 208

Kipling, Rudyard, 87

Koestler, Arthur, 187

Korherr, Richard, 121

Korherr Report on the Final Solution to the Jewish Problem in Europe, 121

Kosovo, 300

Kovno, 238–9, 266–7

Krakow, 121–2

Kremer, Johann Paul, 189

Kristallnacht (1938), 98, 199, 218, 227–8, 276, 278

Krupp, 42, 116

Kujau, Konrad, 92

Kula, Michael, 190–1, 194

Kuschner, Tony, 69

Lammers, 231

Laski, Harold, 87n.

Latvia, 214–15

Lautréamont, Comte de, 125

Lawrence, Bill, 185–6, 187–8

Lawton, Mr. Justice, 24, 103

Le Pen, Jean-Marie, 28, 298

Leeper, Reginald, 186

Leningrad, 5

Leuchter, Fred, 53–4, 150–3, 170

Leuchter report, 53, 113, 145, 148, 150, 151–4, 158–9, 191

Levi, Primo, 15

    The Drowned and the Saved, 12

    If This Is a Man, 3

Levin, Brian, 220

libel law, 22–4

Libson, James, 19, 89, 90

    discovery process, 91, 93–4, 96–7, 98, 100, 101

    choice of expert witnesses, 92

    decides not to use witness testimony, 95–6

Libya, 135

Life, 68

Lindsey, Dr. William, 194

Lipstadt, Deborah:

    possible outcomes of trial, 22

    first encounter with Irving, 39–40

    silence at trial, 58–60, 275

    early life, 60–5

    Jewishness, 67

    role of, 76–8

    lawyer at trial, 84, 85

    Irving attempts to exclude from trial, 94

    costs of case, 105

    judgment, 275, 283, 284–5

    on uniqueness of the Holocaust, 294

    Beyond Belief, 4, 64–5, 67, 68

    Denying the Holocaust, 1, 38–9, 59, 65, 68, 78–82, 290–1

Lipstadt, Erwin, 60, 61, 62, 63–4

Lipstadt, Miriam, 60–1, 77–8

Lithuania, 214–15, 238–9

Lodz, 141, 179, 183

London Review of Books, 300

Longerich, Peter, 215, 235–42, 267

Los Angeles Times, 80

Lovell White Durrant, 89

Lublin, 122, 212 and n.

Luxembourg, 116

McCarthy, Senator Joseph, 267

McClelland, Roswell, 187

McCloy, John J., 47

MacDonald, Kevin, 129–31

    The Culture of Critique, 130

    A People that Shall Dwell Alone, 130

    Separation and its Discontents, 130

McDonald’s, 32

Macmillan, 55, 265

Macmillan, Harold, 86, 270

Madagascar, 121, 122, 211–12, 233

Majdanek, 3, 4, 7, 13, 54, 69–70, 148 and n., 187–8, 249

Manchuria, 5

Mann, Thomas, 144

March des Vivants, 240

Marlowe, Christopher, Jew of Malta, 87

Mauthausen, 5

Maxwell, Robert, 79 and n., 104

Mayer, Arno, 75

    Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?, 73–4, 167–8

Mengele, Dr. Josef, 96

Middle East, 292–3

Milch, Field Marshal Erhard, 52

Millar, Peter, 131, 132–3

Milton, Ontario, 248

Ministry of Defence (Britain), 271

Ministry of Justice (Germany), 231

Mishcon, Lord, 85

Mishcon de Reya, 85, 88, 91, 94, 104, 105, 253

Mr. Death (film), 150–1, 166

Mitchell, Ian, 271

Momigliano, Arnoldo, 306–7

Mommsen, Hans, 212

Le Monde, 124

Monowitz, 3, 138, 156n., 188

Morrell, Theo, 48

Morris, Dave, 32

Morris, Errol, 151, 166

Morrison, Herbert, 13

Morrow, Lance, 45

Moscow, 131–3, 251–2, 282, 283

Mosley, Oswald, 42, 51, 103

Müller, Heinrich, 119

Munich, 246–7

Munkman, John, The Technique of Advocacy, 114, 216

Murray, Charles, The Bell Curve, 209

Murrow, Edward R., 68

Mussolini, Benito, 42, 241

Nagasaki, 5

Nagy, Imre, 47

The Nation, 293

National Alliance, 98, 205, 249–50, 281

National Conference of Black Lawyers, 266

National Lawyers Guild, 266

Native Americans, 294

NATO, 293

Naumann, Michael, 196

Neill, Andrew, 132

neo-Nazis, 143, 244, 283

Netherlands, 213

The New Republic, 71, 74, 79n., 214, 295n.

New Statesman, 47

New York Newsday, 80

New York Review of Books, 57

New York Times, 11, 56, 136n., 185, 187

New York Times Book Review, 72, 80

Newsnight, 285

Newsweek, 47–8

Niemöller, Martin, 11–12

Night of the Long Knives (1934), 237n.

Nixon, Richard, 183, 211

Noakes, Jeremy, 93

Norwich, 207

Novick, Peter, 62, 68, 69, 70–1, 72, 293, 296

    The Holocaust in American Life, 14, 62, 292

Nuffield College, Oxford, 43–4

Nuremberg Trials, 7, 8, 201, 231

Observer, 47, 52, 89

Official Secrets Act, 44, 99

Ohrduf, 4

Olère, David, 178, 194, 258, 280

Operation Barbarossa, 73, 74, 215

Operation Reinhard, 143, 179, 187, 210

Oranienburg, 179

Orwell, George, 87n.

Palestinians, 124, 295n.

Palmer, Craig T., 130

Peacock, Helena, 85

Pearl Harbor, 213, 251, 253

Pearson, 80, 81, 284

Penguin Books:

    possible outcomes of trial, 2, 22

    publishes books by Irving, 26

    publishes Denying the Holocaust, 80–1

    decision to defend libel action, 80–2

    American libel report on Lipstadt’s book, 81–2, 222–3

    lawyers, 85, 89, 90

    Irving offers to settle case, 103–5

    costs of case, 104–5

    judgment, 275, 283, 284–5

    costs of trial, 284

Pergamon Press, 79

Peters, Joan, From Time Immemorial, 295n.

Pforzheim, 43

Piotrkow, 11

Piper, Dr. Franciszek, 183

Plaszow, 106

PM, 293

Podhoretz, Norman, 63, 73, 75, 293

Pohl, General Oswald, 33–4

Poland, 141, 186–7

    transportation of Jews, 121–3

    German invasion, 73, 135

    Jewish population statistics, 213

    Jews murdered in, 5, 118–19, 257

Polish Fortnightly Review, 186–7

Powell, Enoch, 37–8, 239–40

Prague, 225

Press Association, 131n.

Pressac, Jean-Claude, 154, 168, 183

Private Eye, 104

Propaganda Warfare Executive (Britain), 268

Prusa, 289

Przemysl, 122

Public Record Office (London), 117, 200, 201

Publisher’s Weekly, 56

Putnams, 47

Quadrangle Books, 71

Rabin, Yitzhak, 266

Rákosi, Matthias, 47

Rampton, Richard, 19, 83, 91–2, 104, 130, 137, 222, 273

    opens trial, 31–5

    cross-examines Irving, 110–23, 133, 140–7, 153–61, 197–206, 248–53, 262–3

    defense case on Auschwitz, 140–1, 147, 148–50

    tactics at trial, 153

    van Pelt’s evidence, 181–2

    and Longerich’s evidence, 241–2

    closing arguments, 255–62, 268

    Aldington libel trial, 271

Rassinier, Paul, 125

Red Army, 3, 13, 69, 70, 170, 176, 177, 188, 301

Reich, Walter, 80

Reitlinger, Gerald, The Final Solution, 135–7

Remer, Otto Ernst, 245

Renouf, Sir Francis, 299

Renouf, Michele, 299

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 197

Rich, Frank, 56

Riga, 21, 29, 32–4, 276

Rimbaud, Arthur, 124–5

Roeder, Manfred, 193

Rogers, Heather, 19, 104, 198–9, 252–3, 273

Romania, 214–15

Rome, 289

Rommel, Field Marshal Erwin, 44–5, 52, 213

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 49, 187, 194

Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 69

Rosenzweig, Franz, 162–3

Rothschild, Lionel de, 207

Rothschild family, 87n.

Royal Air Force (RAF), 42, 155

RSHA, 145

Rubinstein, Michael, 25, 30, 51, 84–5, 271

Rudolf, Germar, 153

Rudolf Report, 153–4

Rushdie, Salman, Satanic Verses, 81

Russian State Archives, 252

Rwanda, 303

St. Martin’s Press, 56, 105, 264, 302

Scardino, Marjorie, 81

Schindler, Oskar, 106

“Schlegelberger Memorandum”, 230–3, 276, 278–9

Schuman, Dr., 9

Schwerner, Michael, 61

Scotland, Colonel A., 201

Scribners, 55

SD, 146

Sehn, Dr. Jan, 8, 188–9, 190

Semlin, 146, 239

Serbia, 146

Sereny, Gitta, 46, 52, 91, 92, 106, 131–2

    “Spin Time for Hitler”, 89

Shakespeare, William, The Merchant of Venice, 87

Shoah Foundation, 20, 106

Siberia, 239

Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 61

Six Day War (1967), 14, 62, 293

Skelton-Robinson, Thomas, 93, 96

Slovakia, 139–40

Sobibór, 6, 7, 8, 70, 143, 148, 266

Sonderkommando, 7, 169–70 and n., 178, 200, 307

Soviet Union, 64

    liberation of concentration camps, 3–4, 6–7, 69–70, 170–1, 188

    Jews murdered in, 4–5, 118–19

    German invasion, 73, 257

    POWs in Auschwitz, 74–5, 139, 186–7

    slave laborers from, 138–9

    and creation of Israel, 292

Spiegelman, Art, 62

Spielberg, Steven, 2, 19–20

SS, 170, 178, 193

    gas chambers as air raid shelter proposition, 159–60, 259

    German Earth and Stone Works at Auschwitz, 138

    invasion of Soviet Union, 257

    Kovno train, 239

    physicians involved in gassings, 189

    selection of Jews for gas chambers, 171

    and Slovak Jews, 139–40

Stäglich, Wilhelm, 193, 245, 247

    The Auschwitz Myth, 245, 247

Stalin, Joseph, 6, 69, 270

Stalingrad, 5, 120

Steel, Helen, 32

Der Stern, 47–8

Stone, I.F., 293

Suez Crisis (1956), 293

Sun Insurance, 270

Sunday Times, 45, 46, 47–8, 55, 90, 131, 132, 251

Switzerland, 204 and n.

Sydnor, Charles, 46

Tabeau, Jerzy, 187

Tauber, Henryk, 169n., 174–5, 190, 194, 279–80

Les Temps Modernes, 294

Thatcher, Margaret, 86, 87, 207

Thornhill, Randy, 130

Thyssen, 42

Time magazine, 11, 45, 182

The Times, 206

Times Literary Supplement, 134

Tiso, Jozef, 139

Tito, Marshal, 270

Today program, 285

Todorov, Tzvetan, Facing the Extreme, 296

Tolstoy, Nikolai, 270, 271

Topf and Sons, 115, 182, 184

Trajan, Emperor, 289

Treblinka, 7, 8, 69, 70, 122, 143, 148, 249, 266

Trench, Master John, 96, 97, 98, 99–102

Trevor-Roper, Hugh (Lord Dacre), 45, 46, 48, 71

Trojan War, 287–9, 302

Truman, Harry, 292

Tuchman, Barbara, 72, 295n.

Turkey, 294

United States of America, 282

    support for Israel, 14, 292, 293

United States of America – continued

    responses to the Holocaust, 69, 293

    knowledge of concentration camps, 187

    racism, 208

    Hitler declares war on, 252–3

    ethic of solidarity, 297

United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 80

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 12

Uris, Leon:

    Exodus, 9–10, 11, 24, 25, 58–9, 85, 94–5, 103

    QB VII, 10

US Holocaust Museum, 216

US Supreme Court, 23

van Pelt, Robert Jan, 123, 158, 279

    expert report, 140, 157, 183–6, 188–95, 196–7, 200, 306

    video of Auschwitz, 150, 154

    evidence at trial, 162–82, 222, 258, 260

    Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present, 21, 138, 139, 140, 159

Vanity Fair, 48, 57

Verrall, Richard, Did Six Million Really Die?, 125

Vespasian, Emperor, 289

Vichy France, 301–2

Vidal-Naquet, Pierre, 126, 168, 183, 185

    Assassins of Memory, 126–7

Vidal Sassoon Center, Hebrew University, 78–9, 95

Vietnam War, 119

Viking Books, 26n.

Völkischer Beobachter, 49–50

Vrba, Rudolf, 187

Wachsmann, Nicholas, 93, 96

Waffen SS, 160

Wall Street Journal, 71

Wannsee conference (1942), 139

War Refugee Board (USA), 13, 187

Warsaw, 62, 122

Warthegau, 141, 142, 257

Washington Post, 56, 285

Wasserstein, Bernard, 163

Watt, Donald Cameron, 127–9, 278

Watts, Nigel, 270

Weber, Mark, 201

Wehrmacht, 5, 135

Weidenfeld, Lord, 51–2

Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 52

Weinheim, 123–4

Weiszäcker, Ernst von, 107

Wells, H.G., 187

Werkmann, Georg, 184

Werth, Alexander, 70

West, Rae, 274

Wetzel, Eberhard, 144–5

Wetzler, Alfred, 187

White, Hayden, 228–9, 230, 232

Wiesel, Elie, 70, 95

Wilkomirski, Binjamin, Fragments, 70, 295

Wilmot, Chester, Struggle for Europe, 134

Wilson, E.O., 129–30

Winchester College, 270

Wirth, Dr., 9

Wise, Dr. Stephen, 11

Yad Vashem, 72, 95, 215–16, 294

Yad Vashem Studies, 72

Yugoslavia, 270, 271

Zimbabwe, 207

Zionism, 13–14, 124, 195, 215, 240–1, 292, 295n., 301

Zündel, Ernst, 107, 133, 163

    first trial, 52–3, 194

    retrial, 53, 95, 209

    Irving testifies for, 53, 54

    Leuchter report, 53–4, 151–2

    Irving’s relations with, 97–8, 151–2, 281

    Hagenau meeting, 244

    The Hitler We Loved and Why, 52

    UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapons, 52

Zyklon-B, 148, 179

    Leuchter report, 54, 152

    delivery system, 152, 174 and n., 175, 258

see also gas chambers