Make sure that nobody pays back one wrong act with another. Always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.
MY GRANDMOTHER, MY mother’s mom, always tells us that kindness is a fruit of the spirit, so it’s something we want in our lives. But being kind isn’t always a kid-friendly activity. Kids watch other kids on TV talk mean to each other or make fun of others, and they think it’s okay to act like that in real life. But it’s never okay to treat someone unkindly. My mama always says she learned from her grandmother that nothing is more important than the feelings of someone else. I think our grandmothers are pretty smart ladies, plus the verse above makes it very clear how we are to treat others. Whether it’s your friends or your family, treating them kindly will make everyone happy, including God.
Father, help me to see where I might not be treating others as I need to treat them and to change my ways. Help me to always treat others with kindness, and forgive me when I’ve failed in this area. In His name I pray, amen.