This is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
—GENESIS 2:24–25
IF YOU’VE EVER watched Duck Dynasty, you know that Miss Kay and I enjoy each other physically. The gift of physical intimacy and the ability to build a brand-new family is one of the greatest gifts the Creator gave to husbands and wives. But any couple that develops true intimacy does so by being faithful to each other, maintaining their unity, and embracing God’s gift of oneness. When differences of opinion come up—and believe me, they will—you’ve got to work through them together until you’re once again united. To make a marriage last and to enjoy the physical relationship God gave you, you must commit to each other through the good and the bad times. God has given married couples a reason to celebrate their union—so enjoy!
Thank you, Creator, for all that we see, hear, and sense and for giving us the gift of relationships here on planet Earth. Help me in my commitment to stay unified with Miss Kay, to work on myself, and to build more intimacy. All these things I pray in the name of Jesus, amen.