
Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.


WHEN WE FOUR boys were growing up, the “Robertson Rule” for misbehavior was three licks (meaning a belt on the posterior three times) per transgression. Dad says that there were only three grounds for those three licks: (1) disrespecting Mom, (2) fist-fighting with one another, and (3) tearing up perfectly good equipment—meaning his equipment. The “Robertson Rule” had some built-in boundaries that kept discipline from going too far. The limit was three licks, and the offenses were few and well defined. It is never acceptable for parents to hit their children out of anger or without restraint. I respected my dad then for what he was doing, and I respect him now for what he did to help bring discipline to our lives. My parents loved us enough to discipline us, and I have tried to do the same with my children and grandchildren.


Father, please guide us in the ways of discipline and help us to be consistent and loving as we guide our families. We pray this prayer through Him, amen.
