
Vindicate me, my God, and plead my cause against an unfaithful nation. Rescue me from those who are deceitful and wicked.

—PSALM 43:1

HEY, JACK, SOMETIMES you just get done wrong! When a man or woman of God lives and works with deceitful and wicked people, there are going to be times when goodness and innocence are just flat taken advantage of. Even if there is no justice or vindication from the authorities on earth, relief can always be found in God. God promises that His kingdom is governed by a higher cause and by immutable justice—even though we may not experience that justice here on earth. God’s bigger-picture philosophy shows us an end to troubled times as we trust in His ultimate justice and vindication.


We pray today, Father, for a greater vision of who You are and how powerful You are. When we are wronged, help make it right by granting us justice and rescue from the clutches of evil people. We look forward to the day when we will be with You in heaven, forever. We have hope because of Christ, and it is because of His sacrifice we pray, amen.
