Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.
—PSALM 127:4–5
I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN proud of my boys and the men they have become. They have never been perfect, and they still make mistakes (just like their mama!), but they have honored and respected me and their dad for most of their lives. I am proud that all four of them still have a close relationship with their dad and me. They all married godly women, as well, and the love you see on our show is the real thing. We have learned to love, forgive, and be there for each other, and I wouldn’t trade anyone for anybody. As the verse above says, we are truly blessed!
Father, I thank You for my sons, my daughters-in-law, my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren. You blessed us with men and women who love and fear You and that is all Phil and I could ever have asked for. Please protect them from the devil, and keep our love and teaching ever before them. All of this I pray through Jesus, amen.
—Miss Kay