Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge.
—1 TIMOTHY 6:20
THESE DAYS, THERE is a lot of “godless chatter” going on. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, apps, CNN, Fox News—the list goes on and on. There are so many things in our lives that say, “Listen to me! I’ll tell you what’s right!” But who really decides right from wrong? God tells us that all this “chatter” is “falsely called knowledge.” It’s okay to use social media, but keep in mind who is really in control, and who, above all else, lets us know what is good, right, and wholesome. Beware of all the avenues that Satan uses to plant evil in our minds and hearts. Don’t allow the “chatter” of our modern lives to make you deaf to the voice of God, which is the only truth in the universe.
Dear Lord, allow me to hear You over the noise of my everyday life. Help me to avoid false knowledge and listen to Your words, which are the ultimate truth. Help me to not be deceived by all the ideas, opinions, and lies of the world. You are my only true compass. With the help of Christ I pray, amen.
—Alex Robertson Mancuso