
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.


AS I AGE, I am more aware of this verse than ever before. As a woman, I see wrinkles, crow’s-feet, laugh lines, age spots, weight gain, etc. As a daughter of the Almighty, I am seen as beautiful, because I live for the Lord. Charm only lasts till someone gets to know the real you. Outward beauty is for the young or those who “get a little help” with the aging process. But a kind spirit, a servant heart, a respectful life—those are characteristics of the real “beauties.” These beauties love the Lord, their families, and those who are less fortunate. They fear the Lord and keep His commandments. Seek to be this kind of beauty, not the kind you see on television or in magazines. Pattern your life after those you read about in the Bible or see living for Christ each day.


Father, please help me heed my own words. Lord, I am guilty of caring more about my outward beauty than what You see in my heart. Help us to remember this verse and find our beauty in the things You place in our hearts and minds. In Your Son’s name, amen.
