It Is Up to You

Final Thoughts

Your life is unique. All that has happened to you since the moment you were conceived is your personal story. It will remain your own story—yours and yours alone—until the day you die and leave this world behind. The same is true for the rest of your life. What happens to you between now and when you die matters more to you than to anyone else in the world.

Your life has only two parts: the part you have already lived and the part yet to be lived. The first part is always getting longer, and the second is always getting shorter.

All of us want to enjoy and make the most of whatever time we have left to live on this planet. What you do now could be the difference between being blessed abundantly for the rest of your life or struggling to keep your head above water in a sea of disappointment, resentment, bitterness, anger, hatred or revenge.

The sooner you really understand that there is a direct connection between how you respond to the difficult moments of the first part of your life and how much you are able to enjoy and be fulfilled in the second part of your life, the sooner you will be able to start living life again to the fullest extent. When the ropes of unforgiveness are truly cut, there is nothing that can keep you bound to the pain of your past.

No good whatsoever comes from hanging on to memories of bitterness, no matter what others may have done. The longer you hang on to them, the more the second part of your life is eaten into by the first. Remaining in unforgiveness gives the past a right to haunt you in the present.

The Bible is full of promises of restoration and hope for the people of God; however, there are always conditions attached to them. One of those conditions is choosing to forgive. What is stopping you? You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!