
En bibliografi återfinns på: www.antonybeevor.com

AMPSB Archiv Muzeya Panorami Stalingradskoy Bitvi (Arkivet vid Panoramamuseet över slaget vid Stalingrad), Volgograd
AN Archives nationales, Paris
BA-B Bundesarchiv, Berlin, Lichterfelde
BA-MA Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv, Freiburg-im-Breisgau
BfZ-S Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, Sammlung Sterz, Stuttgart
CAC Churchill Archive Centre, Cambridge
DCD Duff Cooper Diaries (outgivna dagböcker i privat ägo, London)
DGFP Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918–1945, Series D, Washington, DC, 1951–54
Domarus Hitler, Adolf, Reden und Proklamationen 1932–1945. Domarus, Max (red.), 2 band. Wiesbaden, 1973
ETHINT European Theater Historical Interrogations, 1945, USAMHI
FMS Foreign Military Studies, USAMHI
FRNH Henderson, sir Nevile, Final report by the Right Honourable Sir Nevile Henderson… on the circumstances leading to the termination of his mission to Berlin, September 20, 1939. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1939
FRUS Department of State, The Foreign Relations of the United States, 23 band, Washington D.C., 1955–2003
GARF Gosudarstvennyj archiv Rossijskoy federatsii (Ryska federationens statsarkiv), Moskva
GBP Godfrey Blunden Papers
GSWW Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Germany and the Second World War, Oxford University Press, 10 vol., 1990–2012. [Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg, 13 vol. Stuttgart, 1979–2008.]
IMT International Military Tribunal, The trial of German major war criminals: proceedings of the International Military Tribunal sitting at Nuremberg, Germany. Speeches of the prosecutors… at the close of the case against the indicted organisations. London: publ. under the authority of H.M. Attorney-General by His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1946.
IWM Imperial War Museum Sound Archive, London.
JJG ”Journal of Joan Gibbons”, outgiven dagbok, förd av sir Nevile Hendersons assistent
KTB Kriegstagebuch
KTB OKW Kriegstagebuch des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht (Wehrmachtführungsstab): 1940–1945. Helmuth Greiner, Percy Ernst Schramm och Hans-Adolf Jacobsen (red.), Frankfurt am Main: Bernard & Graefe, 1965
MGFA-P Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Bibliothek der, Potsdam
MP George C. Marshall Papers
MPW Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego
NA II National Archives II, College Park, Maryland
NHHC Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington, DC
OCMH-FPP Office of the Chief of Military History, Forest Pogue Papers, USAMHI
PDDE The Papers of Dwight David Eisenhower, vol. III: The War Years, Alfred D. Chandler (red.), Baltimore, Maryland, 1970
PP Papers of Lord Portal, Christ Church Library, Oxford
RGALI Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj archiv literatury i iskusstva (Ryska statsarkivet för litteratur och konst), Moskva
RGASPI Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj archive socialno-polititjeskoj istorii (Ryska statsarkivet för samhällspolitisk historia), Moskva
RGVA Rossijskij gosudarstvennyj vojennyj archiv (Ryska statens militärarkiv), Moskva
RGVA-SA RGVA:s ”specialarkiv” för beslagtagna tyska dokument
SHD-DAT Service historique de la Défense, Département de l’Armée de Terre, Vincennes
SWWEC Second World War Experience Centre, Horsforth, Leeds
TBJG Goebbels, Joseph, Die Tagebücher: sämtliche Fragmente. Elke Fröhlich (red.), 9 band. München, 1998
TNA The National Archives, (f.d. Public Records Office), Kew
TsAFSB Tsentralnyj Archiv Federalnaja Sluzjba Bezopasnosti (FSB:s [f.d. KGB:s] centralarkiv), Moskva
TsAMO Tsentralnyj Archiv Ministerstva Oborony (Försvarsdepartementets centralarkiv), Podolsk
TsChIDK Tsentr Chranenija i Izutjenija Dokumentalnich Kolletsij (Centrum för bevarande och studium av historiska dokumentsamlingar), Moskva
USACMH US Army Center of Military History, Washington D.C.
USAMHI United States Army Military History Institute, US Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
VTD Vasilij Tjurkin (dagbok), Vojennaja literatura: dnevniki i pisma http:// militera.lib.ru/db/churkin
VIZj Vojennoistoritjeskij zjurnal, Moskva, 1959–
VOV Velikaja otetjestvennaja vojna, Moskva, 1999