¼ teaspoon | 1 milliliter |
½ teaspoon | 2.5 milliliters |
¾ teaspoon | 4 milliliters |
1 teaspoon | 5 milliliters |
1¼ teaspoons | 6 milliliters |
1½ teaspoons | 7.5 milliliters |
1¾ teaspoons | 8.5 milliliters |
2 teaspoons | 10 milliliters |
1 tablespoon (½ fluid ounce) | 15 milliliters |
2 tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) | 30 milliliters |
¼ cup | 60 milliliters |
¹∕³ cup | 80 milliliters |
½ cup (4 fluid ounces) | 120 milliliters |
²∕³ cup | 160 milliliters |
¾ cup | 180 milliliters |
1 cup (8 fluid ounces) | 240 milliliters |
1¼ cups | 300 milliliters |
1½ cups (12 fluid ounces) | 360 milliliters |
1²∕³ cups | 400 milliliters |
2 cups (1 pint) | 460 milliliters |
3 cups | 700 milliliters |
4 cups (1 quart) | .95 liter |
1 quart plus ¼ cup | 1 liter |
4 quarts (1 gallon) | 3.8 liters |
¼ ounce | 7 grams |
½ ounce | 14 grams |
¾ ounce | 21 grams |
1 ounce | 28 grams |
1¼ ounces | 35 grams |
1½ ounces | 42.5 grams |
1²∕³ ounces | 45 grams |
2 ounce | 57 grams |
3 ounces | 85 grams |
4 ounces (¼ pound) | 113 grams |
5 ounces | 142 grams |
6 ounces | 170 grams |
7 ounces | 198 grams |
8 ounces (½ pound) | 227 grams |
16 ounces (1 pound) | 454 grams |
35.25 ounces (2.2 pounds) | 1 kilogram |
¹∕8 inch | 3 millimeters |
¼ inch | 6 millimeters |
½ inch | 1¼ centimeters |
1 inch | 2½ centimeters |
2 inches | 5 centimeters |
2 ½ inches | 6 centimeters |
4 inches | 10 centimeters |
5 inches | 13 centimeters |
6 inches | 15¼ centimeters |
10 inches | 25½ centimeters |
12 inches (1 foot) | 30 centimeters |
Ounces to grams | Ounces by 28.35 |
Pounds to kilograms | Pounds by .454 |
Teaspoons to milliliters | Teaspoons by 4.93 |
Tablespoons to milliliters | Tablespoons by 14.79 |
Cups to milliliters | Cups by 236.59 |
Cups to liters | Cups by .236 |
Inches to centimeters | Inches by 2.54 |
To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 from Fahrenheit, multiply the result by 5, then divide by 9.
Very cool | 200˚ | 95˚ | 0 |
Very cool | 225˚ | 110˚ | ¼ |
Very cool | 250˚ | 120˚ | ½ |
Cool | 275˚ | 135˚ | 1 |
Cool | 300˚ | 150˚ | 2 |
Warm | 325˚ | 165˚ | 3 |
Moderate | 350˚ | 175˚ | 4 |
Moderately hot | 375˚ | 190˚ | 5 |
Fairly hot | 400˚ | 200˚ | 6 |
Hot | 425˚ | 220˚ | 7 |
Very hot | 450˚ | 230˚ | 8 |
Very hot | 475˚ | 245˚ | 9 |
1 cup uncooked rice = 225 grams
1 cup panko bread crumbs = 60 grams
1 cup uncooked quick-cooking rolled oats = 156 grams
1 cup all-purpose flour = 140 grams
1 cup uncooked quinoa = 170 grams
1 cup dried cranberries = 120 grams
1 cup pearl barley = 200 grams
1 cup canned pumpkin = 245 grams (homemade versions can vary from this depending on water content)
1 cup grated cheddar cheese = 113 grams
3 teaspoons/1 tablespoon Eggshell Powder = 20 grams
10 ounces frozen green beans = 1¾ cups
1 cup chopped fresh parsley = 60 grams
1 cup uncooked chicken livers = 165 grams
Information compiled from the USDA’s National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.