
Thanks to Kenrya Rankin, my amazing coauthor. Thanks to every single contributor. Thanks to my parents, Rochelle Nichols Solomon and James Solomon. To my sister, Asali Solomon, and her fam, Andrew Friedman and Adebayo and Mkale Solomon Friedman. Thanks to my cousin Rechelle McJett Beatty and her daughter, Damali Beatty. Thanks to chosen siblings Ayana Byrd, Norell Giancana, Karen R. Good, Marc Lamont Hill, Onitara Kimathi, Laini Madhubuti, Shakina McKibben, and Tracey Rose. And max gratitude to my ancestors who are always in the room: Carolyn Solomon, Mamie and Richard Nichols, and Yvette Kinyozi Smalls.


Thanks to Akiba Solomon for being a fab copilot on this journey. A huge shout-out to the amazing folks who contributed their freedom dreams to this project; I adore you all. Thanks to my parents, Henry Rankin and Kimberly Rankin, for equipping me with conviction. Thanks to my bestie Erica Easter for sending me tweets when I needed to look away from my laptop and for borrowing her goddaughter so I could work in silence and not share my candy. Speaking of which, thanks to Rips and Wild Cherry Pepsi for keeping me writing that one weekend after I was violently forced to give up my beloved Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, RIP. One time for therapy for pushing me to write hella honest essays. So much love to Ayana Byrd for being an amazing friend and the best cheerleader a book could ever have, #GoBook! The hugest of hugs to Norell Giancana for her expert wrangling. Thanks to Shameeka Emanuel for showing me what happens when you live into what God has for you. And my entire heart to my little, Saa Rankin Naasel, for being both an inspiration and a star.

Both of Us

Thanks to the Colorlines crew and publisher Race Forward, particularly Michell Speight and Jai Dulani. Love to our ace agent, Tanya McKinnon, who believed in this book from the start, landed us in the perfect place, and always made time. Thanks to her tireless associate Carol Taylor for getting us together. And major thanks to Nation Books editorial assistant Kleaver Cruz, and our peerless, never-scared editor, Katy O’Donnell. Katy, we are incredibly lucky to have you.