I would like to acknowledge the teachers at the Spence School and at New York University, especially Ms. Eisenberg, Ms. Jewett, and Mr. Dinwiddie, who might have never been impressed with my writing but never let me believe that or accept failure. You always gave me just as much attention as the best student in the class and tried your very best to make me think I was as good as them if I believed in myself. Without your hard work and determination I would not have had the skills or the confidence to help write this book. There are a few of my past teachers who would be shocked that I am an author, and deservedly so. I apologize for making your job more difficult and for never appreciating the opportunity I had to learn from you. My only advice to you and to any teacher is to never give up on even the laziest, most rebellious student in your class. They may never show you that they appreciate it but I can say from experience that they will eventually. To the teachers who did this for me, I thank you and will always remember you.
Georgina Bloomberg