Select Bibliography


‘Dante … Bruno. Vico … Joyce’, in Our Exagmination round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress (Paris, 1929)

Proust (London, 1931)

More Pricks than Kicks [1934] (London, 1973)

Murphy [1938] (London, 1963)

Molloy (Paris, 1951)

Malone meurt (Paris, 1951)

L’Innommable (Paris, 1951)

Nouvelles et textes pour rien (Paris, 1951)

En attendant Godot: Pièce en deux actes, ed. Colin Duckworth, foreword Harold Hobson [1952] (Walton-on-Thames, 1985)

Wall [1953] (London, 1963)

Trilogy: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable [1959] (Molloy trans. the author in collaboration with Patrick Bowles, Malone Dies and The Unnamable trans. the author; London, 1994)

Comment c’est (Paris, 1961)

How It Is (London, 1964)

Assez (Paris, 1966)

Sans (Paris, 1969)

Mercier et Camier (Paris, 1970)

Têtes-Mortes (Paris, 1972)

Mercier and Camier (London, 1974)

Company (London, 1979)

Ill Seen Ill Said (London, 1981)

Mal vu mal dit (Paris, 1981)

Disjecta: Miscellaneous Writings and a Dramatic Fragment, ed. with a foreword Ruby Cohn (London, 1983)

Worstward Ho (London, 1983)

Collected Poems 1930–1978 (London, 1986)

Stirrings Still, illustrations by Louis Le Brocquy (London, 1988)

The Complete Dramatic Works (London, 1990)

Cap au pire, trans. Edith Fournier (Paris, 1991)

Dream of Fair to Middling Women (Dublin, 1992)

Theatrical Notebooks, general ed. James Knowlson, vol. II, Endgame, ed. with intro. and notes S. E. Gontarski (London, 1992)

Theatrical Notebooks, vol. III, Krapp’s Last Tape, ed. with intro. and notes James Knowlson (London, 1992)

Theatrical Notebooks, vol. I, Waiting for Godot, ed. with intro. and notes Dougald MacMillan and James Knowlson (London, 1993)

The Complete Shorter Prose 1929–1989, ed. with intro. and notes S. E. Gontarski (New York, 1995)

Eleuthéria, trans. Michael Brodsky, with a foreword Martin Garbus and intro. S. E. Gontarski (New York, 1995)

Theatrical Notebooks, vol. IV: The Shorter Plays, ed. with intro. and notes S. E. Gontarski (London and New York, 1999).


Bair, Deirdre, Samuel Beckett: A Biography (London, 1990)

Cronin, Anthony, Samuel Beckett: The Last Modernist (London, 1996)

Gordon, Lois, The World of Samuel Beckett 1906–1946 (New Haven and London, 1996)

Knowlson, James, Damned to Fame: The Life of Samuel Beckett (London, 1996)

—, ‘Samuel Beckett: The Intricate Web of Life and Work’, Journal of Beckett Studies, XVI/1–2 (Fall 2006/Summer 2007), pp. 17–29

Nixon, Mark, ‘Becketts German Diaries der Deutschlandreise 1936–37: Eine Einführung zur Chronik’ and ‘Chronik der Deutschlandsreise Becketts 1936–37’, in Der Unbekannte Beckett: Samuel Beckett und die Deutsche Kultur, ed. Marion Dieckmann-Fries and Therese Seidel (Frankfurt am Main, 2005), pp. 20–62

—, ‘Gospel und Verbot: Beckett und Nazi Deutschland’, in Das Raubauge in der Stadt: Beckett Liest Hamburg, ed. Michaela Giesing, Gaby Hartel and Carola Veit (Göttingen, 2007), pp. 79–88

Quadflieg, Roswitha, Beckett Was Here: Hamburg im Tagebuch Samuel Becketts von 1936 (Hamburg, 2006)


Abbott, H. Porter, The Fiction of Samuel Beckett: Form and Effect (Berkeley, CA, 1973)

—, Beckett Writing Beckett: The Author in the Autograph (Ithaca and London, 1996)

Acheson, James, Samuel Beckett’s Artistic Theory and Practice (London, 1997)

—, and Kateryna Arthur, eds, Beckett’s Later Fiction and Drama, with a foreword by Melvin J. Friedman (London, 1987)

Ackerley, C. J., Demented Particulars: The Annotated ‘Murphy’, Journal of Beckett Studies, VII/1–2 (Autumn 1997, Spring 1998)

Addyman, David, ‘Beckett and Place: The Lie of the Land’, PhD thesis, University of London, 2008

Admussen, Richard, The Samuel Beckett Manuscripts (Boston, MA, 1979)

Astier, Pierre, ‘Beckett’s Ohio Impromptu: A View from the Swans’, Modern Drama, XXV/3 (1982), pp. 331–48

Badiou, Alain, Samuel Beckett: L’Écriture du générique et l’amour (Paris, 1989)

—, Beckett: L’increvable désir (Paris, 1995)

—, On Beckett, trans. and intro. Nina Power and Alberto Toscano, with a preface by Alain Badiou and a postface by Andrew Gibson (Manchester, 2003)

Baker, Phil, Beckett and the Mythology of Psychoanalysis (London, 1997)

Barnard, C. G., Samuel Beckett: A New Approach (London, 1970)

Begam, Richard, Samuel Beckett and the End of Modernity (Stanford, CA, 1996)

Beja, Morris, S. E. Gontarski and Pierre Astier, eds, Samuel Beckett: Humanistic Perspectives (Columbus, OH, 1983)

Bernal, Olga, Langage et fiction dans le roman de Beckett (Paris, 1969)

Bersani, Leo and Ulysse Dutoit, Arts of Impoverishment: Beckett, Rothko, Resnais (Cambridge, MA, and London, 1993)

Brater, Enoch, ed., Beckett at 80: Beckett in Context (Oxford, 1986)

—, Beyond Minimalism: Beckett’s Late Style in the Theatre (Oxford, 1987)

Brienza, Susan D., Samuel Beckett’s New Worlds: Style in Metafiction (Norman and London, 1987)

Bryden, Mary, Women in Samuel Beckett’s Prose and Drama: Her Own Other (London, 1993)

—, Samuel Beckett and the Idea of God (Basingstoke, 1998)

Buning, Marius and Lois Oppenheim, eds, Beckett in the 1990s (Amsterdam and Atlanta, 1993)

—, Matthijs Engelberts, Sjef Houppermans and Danièle de Ruyter-Tognotti, eds, Three Dialogues Revisited, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui, XIII (2003)

Butler, Lance St. John, Samuel Beckett and the Meaning of Being: A Study in Ontological Parable (London, 1985)

Casanova, Pascale, Samuel Beckett: Anatomy of a Literary Revolution, trans. Gregory Elliot, intro. Terry Eagleton (London, 2006)

Caselli, Daniela, Beckett’s Dantes: Intertextuality in the Fiction and Criticism (Manchester, 2006)

Clément, Bruno, L’Œuvre sans qualités: Rhétorique de Samuel Beckett (Paris, 1994)

Coe, Richard, Beckett (Edinburgh and London, 1964)

Cohn, Ruby, Samuel Beckett: The Comic Gamut (New Brunswick, NJ, 1962)

—, Back to Beckett (Princeton, NJ, 1973)

Connor, Steven, Samuel Beckett: Repetition, Theory and Text (Oxford, 1988)

—, ed., ‘Waiting for Godot’ and ‘Endgame’ (London, 1992)

—, ‘Absolute Rubbish: Cultural Economies of Loss in Freud, Bataille and Beckett’, in Theory and Cultural Value (Oxford, 1992), pp. 57–101

—, ‘Slow Going’, Yearbook of English Studies, XXX (2000), pp. 153–65 Critchley, Simon, Very Little … Almost Nothing: Death, Philosophy, Literature (London, 1997)

Dearlove, Judith, Accommodating the Chaos: Samuel Beckett’s Nonrelational Art (Durham, NC, 1982)

Driver, Tom F., ‘Beckett by the Madeleine’ [interview], Columbia University Forum IV (Summer, 1961); repr. Samuel Beckett, ed. Graver and Federman, pp. 217–23

Engelberts, Matthijs, Sjef Houppermans, Yann Mével and Michèle Touret, eds, L’Affect dans l’œuvre Beckettienne, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui, x (2000)

Esslin, Martin, The Theatre of the Absurd (Harmondsworth, 1968)

Federman, Raymond, Journey to Chaos: Samuel Beckett’s Early Fiction (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1970)

Feldman, Matthew, Beckett’s Books: A Cultural History of Samuel Beckett’s ‘Interwar Notes’ (London, 2006)

—, and Mark Nixon, eds, Beckett’s Literary Legacies (Cambridge, 2007)

Finney, Brian, Since ‘How It Is’: A Study of Samuel Beckett’s Later Fiction (London, 1972)

Fournier, Edith, ‘Samuel Beckett, mathématicien et poète’, Critique, XLVI (1990), pp. 660–69

Gibson, Andrew, ‘Les Économies de Murphy, in L’Affect dans l’œuvre Beckettienne, ed. Engelberts et al., pp. 85–96

—, ‘Three Dialogues and Beckett’s Tragic Ethics’, in Three Dialogues Revisited, Samuel Beckett Today/Aujourd’hui, Buning et al., pp. 43–54

—, Beckett and Badiou: The Pathos of Intermittency (Oxford, 2006)

Gontarski, S. E., The Intent of Undoing in Samuel Beckett’s Dramatic Texts (Bloomington, IN, 1985)

Graver, Lawrence, and Raymond Federman, eds, Samuel Beckett: The Critical Heritage (London, Henley and Boston, MA, 1979)

Grossman, Evelyne, ‘Beckett et la passion mélancolique: Une lecture de Comment c’est’, in L’Affect dans l’œuvre Beckettienne, ed. Engelberts et al., pp. 39–52

Hansford, James, ‘The Lost Ones: The One and the Many’, Studies in Short Fiction, XXVI/2 (Spring 1989), pp. 125–33

Harvey, Lawrence E., Samuel Beckett: Poet and Critic (Princeton, NJ, 1970)

Henning, Sylvie Debevec, Beckett’s Critical Complicity: Carnival, Contestation and Tradition (Lexington, KT, 1988)

Hesla, David, The Shape of Chaos: An Interpretation of the Art of Samuel Beckett (Minneapolis, MN, 1971)

Hill, Leslie, Beckett’s Fiction: In Different Words (Cambridge, 1990)

Hunkeler, Thomas, Échos de l’ego dans l’œuvre de Samuel Beckett (Paris, 1997)

Janvier, Ludovic, Samuel Beckett par lui-même (Paris, 1969)

Juliet, Charles, Rencontres avec Samuel Beckett (Montpelier, 1986)

—, Conversations with Samuel Beckett and Bram van Velde, trans. Janey Tucker (Leiden, 1995)

Kalb, Jonathan, Beckett in Performance (Cambridge, 1989)

Katz, Daniel, Saying ‘I’ No More: Subjectivity and Consciousness in the Prose of Samuel Beckett (Evanston, IL, 1999)

Kennedy, Sean, ed., Beckett and Ireland (Cambridge, forthcoming)

—, ed., Samuel Beckett: History, Memory, Archive (London, forthcoming)

Kenner, Hugh, Samuel Beckett: A Critical Study (London, 1968)

, A Reader’s Guide to Samuel Beckett (London, 1973)

Lane, Richard, ed., Beckett and Philosophy (Cambridge, MA, 2002)

Levy, Eric P., Samuel Beckett and The Voice of Species (Towota, NJ, 1980)

Libera, Antoni, ‘The Lost Ones: A Myth of Human History and Destiny’, in Samuel Beckett, ed. Beja et al., pp. 145–56

Locatelli, Carla, Unwording the Word: Samuel Beckett’s Prose Works After the Nobel Prize (Philadelphia, PA, 1990)

Maude, Ulrika, Beckett, Technology and the Body (Cambridge, 2009)

McMillan, Dougald, and Martha Fehsenfeld, Beckett in the Theatre (London, 1988)

McMullan, Anna, Theatre on Trial: Samuel Beckett’s Later Drama (New York and London, 1993)

Mercier, Vivian, Beckett/Beckett (New York, 1979)

Moorjani, Angela, Abysmal Games in the Novels of Samuel Beckett (Chapel Hill, NC, 1982)

Morot-Sir, Edouard, H. Harper and Dougald McMillan, eds, Samuel Beckett: The Art of Rhetoric (Chapel Hill, NC, 1976)

Murphy, P.J., Reconstructing Beckett: Language for Being in Samuel Beckett’s Fiction (Toronto, 1990)

Nixon, Mark, ‘Writing “I”: Samuel Beckett’s German Diaries’, Journal of Beckett Studies, XIII/2 (Spring 2004), pp. 10–23; reprinted in Beckett the European, ed. Dirk van Hulle (Tallahassee, FL, 2005), pp. 10–23

—, ‘The German Diaries 1936–37: Beckett und die Moderne Deutsche Literatur’, in Der Unbekannte Beckett: Samuel Beckett und die Deutsche Kultur, ed. Marion Dieckmann-Fries and Therese Seidel (Frankfurt am Main, 2005), pp. 138–54

—, ‘“Writing”: Die Bedeutung der Deutschlandreise 1936–37 für Becketts Schriftstellerische Entwicklung’, in: Obergeschoss Still Closed – Samuel Beckett in Berlin, ed. Lutz Dittrich, Carola Veit and Ernest Wichner, Texte aus dem Literaturhaus Berlin, Band 16 (Berlin, 2006), pp. 103–22

Oppenheim, Lois, The Painted Word: Samuel Beckett’s Dialogue with Art (Ann Arbor, MI, 2000)

Perloff, Marjorie, ‘“In Love with Hiding”: Samuel Beckett’s War’, Iowa Review, XXXV/2 (2005), pp. 76–103

Pilling, John, and James Knowlson, Frescoes of the Skull: The Later Prose and Drama of Samuel Beckett (London, 1979)

—, and Mary Bryden, eds, The Ideal Core of the Onion: Reading Beckett Archives (Reading, 1992)

—, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Beckett (Cambridge, 1994)

—, Beckett Before Godot (Cambridge, 1997)

Rabaté, Jean-Michel, Beckett avant Beckett (Paris, 1984)

Rabinovitz, Rubin, The Development of Samuel Beckett’s Fiction (Urbana and Chicago, 1984)

—, ‘The Self Contained: Beckett’s Fiction in the 1960s’, in Beckett’s Later Fiction and Drama, ed. Acheson and Arthur, pp. 50–64

Ricks, Christopher, Beckett’s Dying Words (Oxford, 1993)

Robinson, Michael, The Long Sonata of the Dead (London, 1969)

Rosen, Steven, Beckett and the Pessimistic Tradition (New Brunswick, NJ, 1976)

Salisbury, Laura, ‘Beckett’s Laughing Matters: Comedy, Time and Form in

the Prose and Drama’, PhD thesis, University of London, 2003 Scherzer, Dina, Structure de la Trilogie de Beckett: Molloy, Malone meurt,

L’Innommable (The Hague, 1976)

Schwab, Gabriele, ‘The Politics of Small Differences: Beckett’s The Unnamable’, in Engagement and Indifference, ed. Sussman and Devenney, pp. 42–57

Sussman, Henry, and Christopher Devenney, eds, Engagement and Indifference: Beckett and the Political (Albany, NY, 2001)

Tajiri, Yoshiki, Samuel Beckett and the Prosthetic Body (London, 2007)

Trezise, Thomas, Into the Breach: Samuel Beckett and the Ends of Literature (Princeton, NJ, 1990)

Uhlmann, Anthony, Beckett and Poststructuralism (Cambridge, 1999)

Ulin, Julieann, ‘“Buried! Who Would Have Buried Her?”: Famine Ghost-Graves in Samuel Beckett’s Endgame’, in Hungry Words: Images of Famine in the Irish Canon, ed. George Cusack and Sarah Gross (Dublin, 2006), pp. 197–222

Watson, David, Paradox and Desire in Samuel Beckett’s Fiction (London, 1990)

Weller, Shane, A Taste for the Negative: Beckett and Nihilism (London, 2005)

—, Beckett, Literature and the Ethics of Alterity (London, 2006)

Worth, Katharine, ed., Beckett the Shape Changer (London, 1975)

—, Samuel Beckett’s Theatre: Life Journeys (Oxford, 1999)

Zurbrugg, Nicholas, Beckett and Proust (Gerrards Cross, 1988)