What’s up Buttercup?

Hey, do you want to have sex? Breathe for yes,
lick your elbow for no.


No, this is not about a loaf of bread but it is about how we pick you up buttercup.

Is it true men have targets like a bullseye on their foreheads? The target of the guy that has his sights set on you. I know we as men can tell. People spark when they have that chemistry and with women it’s as obvious as the noses on their faces. It’s happened to all of us. That magic little spark with the glance, or we meet, we touch, or if we are really lucky we kiss for the first time.

But how do men create the plume that attracts you to us? It is the man’s job to attract your attention as well isn’t it? But what is it that gets our attraction to you out of first gear and into second gear to try and ‘nail the deal’? That is, if we have four levels of getting to know you starting with eye contact, then meeting followed by one-on-one contact and ending with the wild thing, then how do we take the step from eye contact to saying hello?

I was once told that women didn’t actually know if a man was truthfully interested in them, that all women don’t know the truth or, if they do, are unaware as to what level of attraction the man that seeks her is after. Is the man after you for more than just an hour? What’s the difference between us buying a hooker and us buying you dinner in the hope we get sex out of it? I suppose the real difference is we aren’t guaranteed sex with you if we buy you dinner. I’m turning the options over in my head now. Are you women just turning yourselves on in the hope that someone, in fact anyone, will come along and, the only way to know this is if we somehow reach down into our pants and find the balls to approach you?

There is just one problem here. A lot of men don’t have the wherewithal to approach you directly and certainly not correctly, and we end up giving you the wrong impression.

So what’s up buttercup? If you think it’s easy for guys to approach you then think again. If you want to attract your man then it’s going to take a little more than hoping he will come and say hello, ring you or anything you … except text.

As for me I tend not to have a problem saying hello, but then again, I’ve had some years of practice. But what happens if a bloke is in his late-twenties or in his thirties? This is the danger age as every woman he is looking to date is potentially the future mother of his children. As an adjunct, when we hit our fifties and we are single, the same thing happens. We check out the chassis because that is important for the next 20 years, so every woman becomes a potential life partner. So selectivity comes into play in both corners here and a bloke is going to be wary of any new concubine, the same way you are wary of new suitors.

To catch a man, catch him the way a spider catches a fly. If a bloke is intrigued by the web you weave then eventually he won’t be able to help but fall into it. Again this is all about taking it easy on us. Whilst we are the hunters you are the selectors. Just select carefully when you are ready, but don’t bite our heads off once you’ve finished with us on that first fateful night. You are not black widows and your web needs to be imaginary.

So is it true we all have an aura about us whether perceived or in reality? Scientists have tried to photograph auras without true success claiming it to be a brain disease on behalf of the person seeing the aura. But if true, the ancient Persian religion of Zoroastrianism, which believed we all have auras, may well have the answer to the riddle of instant chemistry. We’ve all seen the religious pictures of Jesus and Mary who also carry these auras or halos around their heads. They even had a television series made with Roger Moore, (former 007 for you kids), as Simon Templar in The Saint, (lots of double ententes here with Templar, Saints etc), and who also had a halo. So your imaginary web may even contain some paranormal or religious activity.

But if it’s true and these auras do exist, then what is it that these auras display when we are being summed up by someone across a room? If the aura is strong then is this about the projection of confidence; that projection some people put out when they walk into a room; that projection when some people seem to be looking not just at you, but through you? What gives people that unbelievably powerful presence? Great leaders the world over seem to be able to capture the minds, bodies and souls of not just one person but many. Do they have a concentration level far superior to normal people that makes us intrigued by how their mind is working and we, just us, the normal people of the world, are drawn to them like rats were drawn to follow the Pied Piper?

So what aura do you exude? Do you walk with confidence and a smile? Are you making yourself attractive enough not just on the outside but also on the inside? Is that internal attraction strong enough to make us hornier than a three-balled tomcat? Will we approach you because you are now not just beautiful on the outside but also mesmerising on the inside? Is the brain the true hidden attraction device we possess and in reality can be seen by so many? Is your brain now switched on knowingly sending out the message that your guard is down and we may now approach? Is that signal being sent out through our auras? Is the aura, our brain, on the outside?

But what about this approach? Help us to come to you. Help us by making it easy for us to approach you. Again just control us in that loving way that only women know how.

Use that subtle touch on the hand or arm, or that kiss on the cheek that says it was lovely to meet. Beguile us into believing you are the one true goddess we are searching to discover, but back it up with truth and an energetic positive aura that draws us to you like a magnet. Back it up with tenderness, love and imaginary sex and you will have us eating out of more than the palm of your hand.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen
or even touched — they must be felt with the heart.

—Helen Keller