Chapter Twenty-Four
Otis’s bottom lip stuck out. When he was little, maybe three or four, Lucy would tug on it and he’d start laughing. Surefire way to end a pout. But this wasn’t exactly a pout. This was an older boy who didn’t think it was cool to cry when his feelings were hurt and was fighting them with rage instead.
“I want you to understand it’s not something serious, and I’m not hanging out with Dylan to hurt you,” Lucy said. “He’s nice, cute, and makes me laugh. Me going out with him doesn’t change the fact that he thinks a lot of you.”
Nothing. Otis only shifted deeper into his seat.
Lucy blew out a breath. “Dylan is a person, not a thing. You can’t claim ownership to a teenaged boy. He has a mind of his own.”
Otis continued to glare at the dashboard.
“Fine. Be mad.”
The rest of the ride to the shop was frosty and silent. As soon as Lucy parked, Otis bolted from the car, leaving all his gear except his phone behind. Lucy took a minute to rest her forehead on the steering wheel, trying to decide if the tangled knot in her chest was anger, guilt, or…what?
You like him.
Yeah, but Otis is having a really hard time right now.
Sure, but does dating Dylan change anything? He’ll still hang with Otis. Maybe even more because he’ll see Otis on a regular basis.
You know Dylan’s leaving, right? If he gets drafted, he’ll leave Suttonville the day after graduation.
So? It’s not like I want to marry the guy. A few months of fun would be worth it. Right?
Or would it? Because what kind of sister ignores her little brother’s pain?
Someone knocked on the driver’s side window. “Lucy?”
She looked up. Mom stood outside the car, frowning sadly. Lucy pulled the keys from the ignition and climbed out of the car. “He told you?”
“No, but I can guess what happened. He noticed something between you and Dylan…is that right?”
“It’s not like we were kissing. We were barely even holding hands, through a fence. Otis lost it. Mom, am I a terrible sister?”
Mom laughed softly and pulled her into a hug. Lucy always felt safe, cradled close to her mother, and it still worked, even now. “You are a very good sister. Otis’s possessive streak isn’t your problem. He needs to learn to share.”
“Tell Otis that.”
“I will.” Mom pushed Lucy away gently and held her at arm’s length. “If you like this boy, your brother will get over it. Stop holding back for his sake, okay? I love that little stinker, but you deserve good things, too.”
“Okay.” Lucy took a deep breath, letting the air clear her head. “I should probably text Dylan. Let him know not to worry. Could you ask Otis not to take it out on him? Dylan has a big tryout this week, and he doesn’t need to deal with the drama.”
“Will do.” Mom brushed the loose hairs from her ponytail out of her face. “I saw the wedding dress when the bride came to pick it up. Gorgeous work, honey. I was wondering…after college would you like to be my partner? You practically are already, and I’d like the shop to continue when I retire.”
Lucy’s heart leapt. This had been her most secret wish. Not building up her own store, but taking over Mom’s. “Are you serious?”
Mom’s warm smile yes. “Of course. That is, if you want to work with me.”
Tears filled Lucy’s eyes. “Oh my God. Yes! I’d love that.”
“Good. I want you to go to college first, but you can work here during the summers and on holidays.” Mom looked ready to cry, too, when she squeezed Lucy’s arm. “Let’s go inside. I’m about to melt out here.”
Lucy followed, feeling punch drunk. What a seesaw twenty-four hours. She liked it, though. What was life without a few whiplash turns?
That night, after she’d gone to Serena’s to help with cooling the hens down again, Lucy lay on her bed. Dylan hadn’t texted all day, but it’s not like they texted on a regular basis. Still, she thought she should check in. Otis had refused to talk to her at dinner, despite several stern and pointed looks from Mom. Not even the surprise of three Rangers’ tickets for Saturday night made him blink.
Dylan probably needed to be warned what he was in for.
Besides…she kind of missed him. If someone had told her a week ago she’d miss a Type-A, super-driven ball player, she would’ve snorted. She’d always wanted chaos and Technicolor. How weird that someone who lived by rules could make her pulse race. Even better—what if she rubbed off on him? How awesome would they be then?
Lucy picked up her phone and texted: Hey. Sorry about Otis.
A few minutes later, Dylan answered: Is he totally pissed?
Okay, that wasn’t Lucy’s idea of helping Otis get over it. Totally. We shouldn’t get horizontal when he’s around. I think he can deal with a little hand-holding, though.
Dylan sent her an emoji with googly-eyes. Wait, does that mean you *want* to get horizontal?
Lucy laughed, feeling her cheeks go hot. Slow down, there, buddy. It’s not off the table, but let’s figure out what this is before we think about horizontal time.
Lucy curled around her phone, biting her lip. If anyone came in, they’d see her grinning a goofy smile. How sappy. She couldn’t help it, though. Seeing a guy who came out and said, “I like you,” without any bullshit or flowery extras was a new experience. Dylan merely said what he meant—how rare.
After they signed off, Lucy dropped back onto her bed, tracing her fingers over her lower lip. No matter what they did, she was definitely planning on some kissing. Who knew—maybe a good luck kiss or twelve would even help Dylan with his tryout.
Someone knocked on her bedroom door. “Come in!”
Otis pushed the door open and stepped into her room. Lucy sat up. “What is it?”
“Mom told me I’m being unreasonable.” He blinked. “That’s her word for it, anyway. So, I guess it’s okay if you date Dylan, but only if you promise not to hog him.”
Lucy swallowed a laugh. Otis’s expression was so serious, like this was a business negotiation. “Define ‘hog him.’”
“Pretending I don’t exist. Being too busy to hang out with me. Or not ever taking me places because you’re with him.” Otis stood up straighter, his narrow shoulders square. “Don’t treat me like an annoying little brother.”
Wait a minute…was he mad because she was going out with Dylan, or was it because she was going out with someone at all? Some of her past boyfriends hadn’t been all that interested in being civil to Otis. She’d even broken up with one for calling him a brat.
Maybe Otis was upset about both things: that neither Dylan, nor his sister, would have time for him anymore.
Lucy wrapped her arms around her stomach, feeling more than a little sick. “Oh, Otis…I’m sorry if that’s what you think will happen. I know things have been busy lately, but it wasn’t because I think you’re annoying. I’ve just been trying to help out more. But, I promise I’ll still have time for you if I have a boyfriend. I’m sure Dylan will, too.”
“Good, because I want to ask him if he’ll give me pitching lessons on the side. Is that okay?”
“Absolutely. I’ll even help you pay him. I have some savings from my projects.” Lucy held a hand up, like she was giving an oath. “Cross my heart.”
Otis gave her a sharp, dignified nod. It was so adorable, Lucy had to hide a smile. “Thanks, but I have my birthday money from Grandma.”
“Are we cool then?” Lucy asked.
“Yeah, I guess.” Otis shrugged, his businesslike demeanor falling off in a blink. “But I still don’t want to see you kiss him. That’s gross.”
“Give it five years—you won’t find it so gross then.”
“Mom keeps saying that. I don’t believe her.” Otis gave her a little wave. “I’m going to bed. And Lucy? Thanks for driving me to camp.”
With that, he closed her door behind him, and Lucy let out a sigh of relief. The last barrier to going out with Dylan was out of the way…and her brother was talking to her again.
Now, if she could just save Serena’s farm, life would be perfect.