Thanksgiving Break
Dylan held Lucy’s hand as they hiked to a little beach at the lake. “It’s pretty with all the fall leaves.”
“It’s the best time of year to come out here. My dad…” She paused, and Dylan’s heart ached at the sight of her blinking back tears. “My dad loves to take me out for hikes around Thanksgiving. I wish he was home.”
“I can see why he brings you out here. It’s nice, and not too cold, either.” While she examined some bright orange-red oak leaves, he snuck a quick look at his phone. Still too early. “Let’s go sit.”
He led her down to the beach and settled down on the log, pulling her into his lap. She ran her fingers through his hair. “I like it longer.”
“It’s part of my ‘go with the flow’ makeover plan. No more military haircuts,” he said, closing his eyes to enjoy the feel of her fingers digging into his scalp. “Are you sure you’re okay with me signing with Texas Tech? That’s a long way from here. I won’t be able to come home every weekend.”
Lucy shifted in his lap. “Five hours is a long commute.”
“I know. It was the best school with the best scholarship, but I don’t like that we’ll be long distance.” He hated talking about this, but they had to think about it sometime. Lucy had stood proudly with his parents when he signed with Tech and hadn’t said a word in protest. Still…it bugged him. How would he function with her so far away?
“Here’s the thing.” She ran a finger along his cheekbone, raising goose bumps on his arms. “Did you know Tech has a ranked apparel design program?”
Um, what? “No.”
“They do. I had no idea, but when they started talking to you, I took a look.” She planted a kiss on his cheek and whispered, “I got my acceptance letter before you even signed. Ha!”
He pulled back, mouth open. “You’re going to Lubbock?”
“If you don’t mind having me around.” She reached out to push his jaw closed. “Don’t look so surprised. I get some of my dad’s GI Bill benefits, so I can afford to go there, and my mom is okay with it. So, why not?”
He laughed. “So you’re just going to up and follow me to Lubbock.” He leaned in to kiss her. His heart still leapt in surprise that she was his, even after the last several months. “You know, I think I might love you, Lucy Foster.”
She kissed him back, smiling against his mouth. “I think I might love you, too, Dylan Dennings. How crazy is that?”
“Good crazy.” He was about to kiss her again, and maybe more, when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
Lucy’s eyebrow went up. “Is that a text, or are you just happy I love you?”
“Both.” He checked the message. “I hate to cut this hike short, but I have a surprise for you.”
“That doesn’t sound like a line at all.” She stood and held out a hand. “‘I have a surprise for you.’”
When she found out, she was going to laugh a really long time, but he wasn’t about to ruin the surprise. “It’s totally legit. I promise.”
They hiked back out to his car and drove into town to the little diner her family loved so much. They had homemade pecan and chocolate pies and the best fried chicken in town; plus, they bought more of Serena’s eggs than anybody in town.
Lucy glanced at him. “Why are we at the Wooden Spoon?”
“I thought we might meet friends for dinner?”
“That was the mystery text?” She ran a hand up his arm to his neck as he parked, then leaned over to nip his ear. “Are you sure we shouldn’t just blow them off?”
Dylan’s will was severely tested by that, but he had time to be with her. They had all the time in the world now that she was coming to Lubbock with him. Besides, she wouldn’t want to miss this. “Much as I’d like to say yes, not this time.”
She sighed dramatically. “Okay, but you’re buying me my very own piece of pie. No sharing.”
“Deal. Let’s go in. They’re waiting.”
She followed him to the front door. “Who’s waiting? This is starting to sound like a spy thriller.”
“Take a look.”
Dylan opened the door for her, and a tall man in an Army Class B uniform stood. He had gray hair and Lucy’s eyes. “Hey there, Punkin’.”
Lucy’s knees went weak, and Dylan caught her before she slid to the ground. “Dad?”
He held out his arms. “Happy Thanksgiving.”
Then she was laughing and crying as she ran straight into his arms. Colonel Foster kissed her hair, hugging her tight, while Lucy’s mom held onto Otis, tears running down her face.
As Dylan backed out of the restaurant to give them time to themselves, Colonel Foster looked over his daughter’s head. “Why don’t you join us, son?”
It sounded a little like a command, which made sense. The man was an officer, and Dylan wanted to impress him. “Yes, sir. I’d like that, sir, if I’m not intruding.”
Lucy hiccupped, smiling through her tears. “Oh, I think the two of you are going to get along really well.”
Her dad gave Dylan a long stare, then surprised him by smiling, too. “You know what, Punkin’? I think you’re right.”
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