Letter from Hilary Mantel to Karl Miller, 1987
Letter from Mary-Kay Wilmers to Hilary Mantel, 1988
Bookcase Shopping in Jeddah, 1989
Postcard from Hilary Mantel to Mary-Kay Wilmers, 1989
Draft of a cover caption by Mary-Kay Wilmers, 1992
On Théroigne de Méricourt, 1992
Postcard from Hilary Mantel to Mary-Kay Wilmers, 1997
Fax from Hilary Mantel to Mary-Kay Wilmers, 1994
Fax from Hilary Mantel to Mary-Kay Wilmers, 1997
The Murder of James Bulger, 1997
Postcard and fax from Hilary Mantel, 1999
Email from Hilary Mantel to Mary-Kay Wilmers, 2001
Email from Hilary Mantel to the editors, 2003
Card and email from Hilary Mantel to the editors, 2003
The Hair Shirt Sisterhood, 2004
‘LRB’ covers, 24 March 2004 and 20 April 2006
The People’s Robespierre, 2006
Email from Hilary Mantel to Mary-Kay Wilmers, 2005
Email from Hilary Mantel to the editors, 2006
Email from Hilary Mantel to Mary-Kay Wilmers, 2012
Emails from Hilary Mantel to Mary-Kay Wilmers, 2013
Fact-checking correspondence, 2016
The Secrets of Margaret Pole, 2017