Resources for Biblical Counseling

Dennis M. Swanson and Wayne A. Mack

Effective counselors must have a core library of materials at their disposal both for personal enrichment and to provide tools to help counselees. In this chapter we present a sampling of materials that are indispensable for biblical counseling. The materials are divided into seven categories: (1) basic resources for biblical counselors, (2) theological resources for biblical counselors, (3) other resources for biblical counselors, (4) resources for counselees, (5) audio and video resources, (6) periodicals, and (7) training opportunities. Some of the more significant titles also have brief annotations.

In a resource chapter of this scope we are indebted to the contributors for their input, particularly David Powlison of the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation and John Street, Chairman of the Department of Biblical Counseling at The Master’s College.


Adams, Jay. Competent to Counsel. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1970.

This book launched nouthetic counseling with a polemic against psychotherapy and a call to view counseling as an aspect of ministry that aims at sanctification and, hence, is dependent on the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Psychiatry has attempted to usurp and limit the pastor’s roll in counseling and define the problems of life in secular terms, providing non-biblical answers to biblical issues.

______. Godliness Through Discipline. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1972.

______. The Christian Counselor’s Manual. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1973.

This sequel and companion volume to Competent to Counsel is an instruction manual providing information not only on the philosophy of counseling but ample instruction on counseling methods. This book is a treasure trove that informs the would-be counselor and deals with criticisms of nouthetic or biblical counseling.

______. The Christian Counselor’s Casebook. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974.

______. Ready to Restore: The Layman’s Guide to Christian Counseling. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1981.

This is an introductory textbook in nouthetic counseling. Accessible and compact, it covers both conceptual and methodological matters. It is designed for both individual study and for a class or Bible study group.

______. Solving Marriage Problems: Biblical Solutions for Christian Counselors. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1983.

______. The Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Self-Love, and Self-Image. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1986.

______. A Call to Discernment: Distinguishing Truth from Error in Today’s Church. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1987.

______. A Thirst for Wholeness. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1988.

______. The Grand Demonstration: A Biblical Study of the So-Called Problem of Evil. Santa Barbara, CA: EastGate Publishers, 1991.

Bobick, Michael W. From Slavery to Sonship: A Biblical Psychology for Pastoral Counseling. Sun Valley, CA: Grace Books International, 1989.

Broger, John C. Self-Confrontation: A Manual for In-Depth Discipleship. Rancho Mirage, CA: Biblical Counseling Foundation, [1978] 1991. These twenty-four weekly lessons are intended to move a person through the change process personally as a foundation for becoming a counselor (Matt. 7:1–5). The book can be used for Sunday school and other classes or personal study, and is an important resource.

______. Instructor’s Guide for the Self-Confrontation Course. Rancho Mirage, CA: Biblical Counseling Foundation, [1978] 1992.

Bulkley, Ed. Why Christians Can’t Trust Psychology. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1994.

This book is written to demonstrate the fallacies of an integrationist approach to counseling. Bulkley addresses some of the major myths of psychology and presents a positive biblical approach to counseling people.

Kruis, John G. Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1988.

Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn. Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure. Grand Rapids: Eeerdmans, 1965.

MacArthur, John. Our Sufficiency in Christ. Dallas: Word, 1991.

This is an excellent presentation of the believer’s sufficiency in Jesus Christ and the resources of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. It demonstrates the seductive, yet insufficient offerings of psychology, pragmatism, and mysticism as a basis for Christian living.

______. The MacArthur Topical Bible. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1999.

More expansive than the work by Kruis, this topical reference has over 20,000 Bible topics and subtopics and over 100,000 references. This is a must have reference tool for pastors, Bible teachers and counselors.

______. The MacArthur Study Bible. Nashville, TN: Word. 1997.

One of the most detailed study Bibles available today. Presents notations on all of the key and difficult passages in the Bible, along with helpful charts, explanations, and outlines.

______, and Richard L. Mayhue. Think Biblically: Recovering a Christian Worldview. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2003.

This work contains chapters contributed by faculty members of The Master’s College and presents a biblically framed Christian worldview covering all of the academic disciplines.

Mack, Wayne A. Homework Manual for Biblical Living, Volume 1: Personal and Interpersonal Problems. Cherry Hill, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1979.

______. Homework Manual for Biblical Living, Volume 2: Family and Marital Problems. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1980.

______. Preparing for Marriage God’s Way, Counselor/Teacher’s Guide. Tulsa, OK: Virgil W. Hensley, 1986; Sun Valley, CA: Grace Book Shack, 1993.

Payne, Franklin E. What Every Christian Should Know About the AIDS Epidemic. Augusta, GA: Covenant Books, 1991.

______. Biblical Healing for Modern Medicine. Augusta, GA: Covenant Books, 1993.

The author is a medical doctor and director of Covenant Enterprises. Specializing in medical ethics from a biblical perspective, these are invaluable works dealing with medical considerations that counselors will face.

Playfair, William L. The Useful Lie. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1991. The author, a medical doctor, demonstrates how the “recovery industry” has created the “disease model” for personal problems. The disease model eliminates personal responsibility for the sins of drug and alcohol abuse and shifts blame elsewhere, trapping people in a unending cycle of therapy groups and counseling. This work documents the origination, background, and goals of the recovery industry and its “useful lie.”

Powlison, David. Seeing with New Eyes: Counseling and the Human Condition Through the Lens of Scripture. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 2003.

Welch, Edward T. Counselor’s Guide to the Brain and its Disorders: Knowing the Difference Between Disease and Sin. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1991.

______. Addictions: A Banquet in the Grave, Finding Hope in the Power of the Gospel. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 2001.


The following list presents some of the works that explain the theological foundations of biblical counseling. Most of the titles cited here are well known and there are many others that could be listed. Some works, while not exclusively related to counseling, touch on important issues the biblical counselor will deal with. These works are invaluable study tools not only for pastors but for all who are involved in biblical counseling.

Biblical counselors must be, first of all, students of the Bible. Correct biblical, systematic, and pastoral theology must flow from the text of Scripture. It is impossible to do proper biblical counseling without a solid theological foundation. The practice of counseling must be based on the application of biblical concepts derived from the thorough exegesis of Scripture.

Adams, Jay E. A Theology of Christian Counseling. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1979.

Berkhof, Louis. Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1959.

Charnock, Stephen. The Existence and Attributes of God. Minneapolis, MN: Klock and Klock, 1977. Written in 1797, this classic work remains immensely valuable today.

Erickson, Millard J. Christian Theology (second edition). Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998.

Feinberg, John S. No One Like Him: The Doctrine of God. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2001.

This is perhaps the best and most thorough work to appear on the doctrine of God in recent years. It contains a thorough and biblical presentation of the person and nature of God.

______. Deceived by God: A Journey Through Suffering. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1997.

______, and Paul S. Feinberg. Ethics for a Brave New World. Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1993.

Grudem, Wayne A. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994.

In many respects one of the best and most readable systematic theologies published in recent years. The Master’s College and Seminary would not ascribe to the author’s position on covenantalism, noncessationism, and historic premillennialism, but the overall value of this work is significant.

Hodge, A. A. Outlines of Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1949.

Hodge, Charles. Systematic Theology 3 vols. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1946.

These three volumes are available in different formats, but the full unabridged volumes are by far the best to have. Hodge has been called “the theologian” of the great Princeton tradition. His presentation of the doctrines of sin, salvation, God, the Scriptures, and sanctification are must reading.

Hoekema, Anthony A. Created in God’s Image. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986.

In this important work, Hoekema presents a clear, biblical explanation of man as created in God’s image. He discusses sin, the fall, total depravity, and common grace. One chapter discusses the issue of sovereignty versus free will and the ability to choose.

MacArthur, John. The Gospel According to Jesus. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994.

This is the seminal book on the “lordship salvation” controversy. MacArthur presents the issues and the biblical teaching regarding repentance, saving faith, and sanctification.

______. Faith Works: The Gospel According to the Apostles. Dallas: Word, 1993.

This volume continues the discussion of The Gospel According to Jesus. In this book MacArthur clearly explains saving faith as understood both biblically and in the tradition of the history of orthodox Christian doctrine.

______. Ashamed of the Gospel: When the Church Becomes Like the World. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 1993.

In this work MacArthur effectively develops a comparison between the modern church in America and the “Downgrade” controversy that Charles H. Spurgeon fought in the late nineteenth century. Although the book does not deal specifically with counseling, it provides valuable insights on integration and compromise in the church today.

______. Found, God’s Will. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1978.

______. Anxiety Attacked. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1993.

______. Whose Money is it Anyway? Nashville, TN: Word, 2000.

One of the leading counseling issues that will be faced is the mismanagement of personal and family finances. This is an excellent tool to put in counselees’ hands. It is a clear and detailed biblical exposition of the subject of money, wealth and possessions.

______. Biblical Parenting. Nashville, TN: Word, 2000.

______. Battle for the Beginning. Nashville, TN: Word, 2001.

A clear exposition of Genesis 1—3 detailing the creation account. Discusses the absolute importance of a Biblical view of creation and how non- and sub-biblical views affect every aspect of society and life.

______. Safe in the Arms of God: Truth from Heaven About the Death of a Child. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 2003.

This is a must have resource for any pastor or counselor dealing with parents facing the death of a child. Presents the clear biblical teaching on the subject.

Mayhue, Richard L. The Healing Promise. Great Britain: Christian Focus, 1997.

______. How to Interpret the Bible for Yourself. Great Britain: Christian Focus, 2001.

______. Practicing Proverbs: Wise Living for Foolish Times. Great Britain: Christian Focus, 2003.

Owen, John. Temptation and Sin. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1958.

Piper, John and Wayne Grudem, eds. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism. Wheaton: Crossway Books, 1990.

This is a comprehensive work on the entire subject of the biblical roles of men and women, in the church, in the family, and in life. The writers present a thorough exegetical discussion of the biblical teaching on men and women including: headship, submission, motherhood, ministry, and men and women in the image of God. As the world seeks to eliminate the male-female distinctions, this book is a vital resource for the counselor.

Smith, F. Lagard. Sodom’s Second Coming: What You Need to Know about the Deadly Homosexual Assault. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1993.

A pointed and well-documented presentation on the homosexual agenda in America. The author is a law professor at Pepperdine University and a graduate of Yale.

Wells, David F. No Place for Truth or Whatever Happened to Evangelical Theology? Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993.

Perhaps one of the most important books to be released in recent times. Wells chronicles not only the de-emphasis of truth in evangelical theology but the intolerance of it in much of modern evangelicalism.


The works listed in this section are designed to give the counselor a guide to the available literature dealing with more specific topics related to counseling. This list is by no means exhaustive and the literature in this field continues to grow.

Adams, Jay. The Big Umbrella and Other Essays and Addresses on Christian Counseling. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1972.

______. Lectures on Counseling. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1975.

______. What About Nouthetic Counseling? Grand Rapids: Baker, 1976.

______. Change Them?. . . Into What?: Counseling in America Today. Laverock, PA: Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, 1977.

______. Matters of Concern to Christian Counselors: A Potpourri of Principles and Practices. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1977.

______. The Power of Error: Demonstrated in an Actual Counseling Case. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1978.

______. Update on Christian Counseling. vol. 1. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1979.

Continues a series that began with Matters of Concern to Christian Counselors.

______. Update on Christian Counseling. vol. 2. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1981.

______. Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1980.

______. The Language of Counseling. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981.

______. Insight and Creativity in Christian Counseling: An Antidote to Rigid and Mechanical Approaches. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982.

______. Handbook of Church Discipline. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986.

______. How to Help People Change: The Four-Step Biblical Process. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986.

______. Sibling Rivalry in the Household of God. Denver, CO: Accent Books, 1988.

______. From Forgiven to Forgiving: Discover the Path to Biblical Forgiveness. Wheaton: Victor Books, 1989.

Ennis, Pat and Lisa Tatlock. Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2003.

______. Designing a Lifestyle That Pleases God. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2004.

Eyrich, Howard A. Three to Get Ready: A Christian Premarital Counselor’s Manual. Phillipsburg, PA: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1978.

Payne, Franklin E. Biblical and Medical Ethics. Milford, MO: Mott Media, 1985.

______. Making Biblical Decisions: Birth Control, Artificial Reproduction and Genetic Engineering. Escondido, CA: Hosanna Book House, 1989.

Scott, Stuart. The Exemplary Husband. Bemidji, MN: Focus Publishing, 2000.


Adams, Jay. Christ and Your Problems. Nutley, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1971 (pamphlet).

______. Christian Living in the Home. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1972.

______. How to Overcome Evil. Nutley, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1977.

______. What Do You Do When Anger Gets the Upper Hand? Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1975 (pamphlet).

______. What Do You Do When Fear Overcomes You? Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1975 (pamphlet).

______. What Do You Do When You Become Depressed? Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1975 (pamphlet).

______. What Do You Do When You Know that You’re Hooked? Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1975 (pamphlet).

______. What Do You Do When You Worry All the Time? Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1975 (pamphlet).

______. What Do You Do When Your Marriage Goes Sour? Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1975 (pamphlet).

______. What to Do about Worry. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1980.

______. How to Handle Trouble: God’s Way. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1982.

______. The War Within: A Biblical Strategy for Spiritual Warfare. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1989.

Blanchard, John. Ultimate Questions. Durham, England: Evangelical Press, 1987.

Perhaps the single best gospel tract available today. It is well-written, colorful, and forthright. This book is ideal for counselors who work with non-Christians. It presents God, the Scriptures, sin, and the plan of salvation.

Bridges, Jerry. Trusting God. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1989.

This book presents the biblical directive for trusting God, even in the troubles and turmoil of life. It is especially profitable for the counselee going through deep hurt and struggle.

Hodge, Charles. The Way of Life: A Guide to Christian Belief and Experience. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1978 (reprinted from the original 1841 edition).

This work opens the Scriptures in a systematic manner and answers the question of how the great doctrines of the Bible must be translated into the everyday life of the believer. This is a book every Christian should read annually.

Kinneer, Jack. How to Grow in Christ. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1981.

Klempel, Richard, and Lois Klempel. Abused? How You Can Find God’s Help. Lima, OH: Fairway Press, 1991 (foreword by Jay Adams).

Mack, Wayne A. The Bible’s Answer to the Question: What is a Christian? Cherry Hill, NJ: Mack Publishing, 1972.

______. Where Are You in Relation to God? Cherry Hill, NJ: Mack Publishing, 1973.

______. Strengthening Your Marriage. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1977.

Eight units cover the basics of marital unity: God’s purpose for marriage, the wife’s responsibilities, the husband’s responsibilities, communication, finances, sex, raising children, and family religion. Each chapter provides outlined teaching followed by Bible study, self-analysis, and personalized response and application.

______. A Homework Manual for Biblical Living. Vol. 1 and 2. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1979; 1980.

______. Your Family God’s Way: Developing and Sustaining Relationships in the Home. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1991.

______. Down But Not Out: How to Get Up When Life Knocks You Down. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 2004.

______. Reaching the Ear of God. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 2004.

______, and Nathan A. Mack. Preparing for Marriage God’s Way. Tulsa, OK: Virgil W. Hensley, 1986.

______, and Nathan A. Mack. The Twin Pillars of the Christian Life. Sand Springs, OK: Grace and Truth Books, 2003.

Matzat, Don. Christ Esteem: Where the Search for Self-Esteem Ends. Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1990.

Mayhue, Richard. Fight the Good Fight. Fearn, Ross-shire: Great Britain: Christian Focus, 1999.

This volume emphasizes Christian character building through the study of Old Testament people. By studying various personal cases, some successful and some failed, Christians can learn what to avoid and what to cultivate in their walk with God.

______. Seeking God. Great Britain: Christian Focus, 2000.

Although not a book on counseling per se, it is, rather, a book on the theology and practice of one’s Christian life. This is an ideal book to put into the hands of new Christians, those who have not received good initial nurturing in the Christian faith, or those who need to be reminded about what God expects of them.

______. Unmasking Satan. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2001.

This volume exposes the many tricks of the temptation trade that Satan employs to snare the unprepared or unwary believer. Biblical countertactics are offered, illustrated, and applied for a practical and successful scriptural battle plan. Dependence on God’s Word and God’s Spirit is emphasized.

Ray, Bruce A. Withhold Not Correction. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1978 (foreword by Jay Adams).

Sande, Ken. The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1990.

Whitney, Donald S. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1991.

Wiersbe, Warren W. Why Us? When Bad Things Happen to God’s People. Old Tappan, NJ: Fleming H. Revell, 1985.

Wiersbe takes on the task of answering the book by Rabbi Harold S. Kushner, When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Kushner took the position that bad things were unfortunate, but that God was not able to prevent them. The problem of evil in the world and the suffering of God’s children are age old. Wiersbe presents the biblical understanding and the compassion of a godly pastor. This book can be a great help to counselees going through any type of severe trial.


A large number of audio and video tapes are available to help biblical counselors. Here are some reliable sources for the materials. Many of these sources now have on-line ordering systems.

1. Strengthening Ministries International (www.mackministries.org)

Box 249
Center Valley, PA 18034

2. Sound Word Cassettes (www.soundword.com)

430 Boyd Circle
P.O. Box 2035, Mail Station Michigan City, IN 46360

3. Grace to You (www.gty.org)

P.O. Box 4000
Panorama City, CA 91412
Telephone 800-55-GRACE

4. Grace Books International (www.gbibooks.com)

13248 Roscoe Boulevard
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Telephone 818-909-5555

Sessions at the annual NANC (National Association of Nouthetic Counselors) Conference are recorded and made available to those who request copies. Normally a single theme is emphasized each year. These recordings are available through Sound Word Cassettes, which also has a large collection of materials for biblical counseling. Grace to You is the primary source for tapes and materials by John MacArthur. (While John MacArthur’s ministry is one of biblical exposition, his material is invaluable for the counselor.) Grace Book Shack stocks a wide variety of books and materials by John MacArthur, Jay Adams, Wayne Mack, and other biblical counselors. Additional titles by various leaders in the biblical counseling movement are available through the sources listed above.


The Journal of Biblical Counseling (formerly The Journal of Pastoral Practice) is the triennial publication of the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation (CCEF). The address for subscription information is 1803 East Willow Grove Avenue, Laverock, PA 19118. Telephone 215-884-7676. Currently subscription rates are eighteen dollars annually.

The Biblical Counselor is the regular newsletter of The National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (NANC). The address for subscription information is 5526 SR 26 East, Lafayette, IN 47905. Telephone 317-448-9100. The newsletter is offered free of charge, although contributions to offset costs are appreciated.


The Master’s College (www.masters.edu)

21726 Placerita Canyon Road
Santa Clarita, CA 91321
Telephone 661-259-3540

Information about counseling studies and other majors is available on request. Under the direction of Dr. John Street, the Biblical Studies Department offers a degree in Biblical Studies with an emphasis in Biblical Counseling. The eight core courses in Biblical Counseling include: (1) Introduction to Biblical Counseling, (2) The Theological Basis for Biblical Counseling, (3) Methods of Biblical Change, (4) Marriage and Family Counseling, (5) Problems and Procedures in Biblical Counseling, and (6) Counseling Practicum.

Biblical Counseling Foundation (www.bcfministries.org)

42–600 Cook Street, Suite 100
Palm Desert, CA 92211–5143
Telephone 760-773-2667

This foundation trains laypeople and pastors in discipleship methods largely influenced by biblical counseling.

Faith Baptist Counseling Ministries

5526 State Road 26 East
Lafayette, IN 47905
Telephone 765-448-1986

This organization offers counseling in the local area and trains interested persons in the principles of biblical counseling. They also offer assistance to local churches in developing and refining a counseling ministry.

National Association of Nouthetic Counselors (www.nanc.org)

3600 W. 96th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46268–2905

NANC offers seminars throughout the United States featuring key leaders in biblical counseling. It also offers training at the headquarters in Indiana and serves as a resource center for local churches.

Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (www.ccef.org)

1803 East Willow Grove Avenue
Glenside, PA 19038
Telephone 215-884-7676

CCEF presents extensive training in biblical counseling in several avenues: (1) instruction leading to a lay certificate in biblical counseling, (2) weekend training modules in local churches, and (3) participation in M.A. programs at Biblical Theological Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary. Mr. John Bettler is the executive director.

The Master’s Seminary (www.tms.edu)

13248 Roscoe Blvd.
Sun Valley, CA 91352
Telephone 818-782-6488

The Master’s Seminary, as part of its regular Master of Divinity program, offers courses in biblical counseling as part of the required and elective course offering. The seminary also has a Master of Theology, a Doctor of Theology, and a Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching program.