i was born in the winter in 1990 in a country not my own

i was born with my father’s eyes maybe i stole them he

doesn’t look like that       anymore                 i was born

in seven countries          i was born carved up by borders

i was born with a graveyard of languages for teeth    i was

born to be a darkness in an american boy’s bed      or      i

was born with many names         to fill the quiet      i forget

which one is mine        i forget              what is silence     &

what    is a language i cannot speak     i was born

crookedhearted            born ticking       born on the

subway platform at 103rd st       fainting            blood sliding

around thin as water in my body           i was born

to the woman who caught me      floating into the train       & to

every pair of hands keeping me from dying           my mother’s

cool fingers snaking my hair into braids       my grandmother’s

thick knuckles collecting my feet in her lap           & my own

cupped for rainwater     raising every day to my own mouth

to drink